
Sr Member
I thought I would begin a new thread since the other is so long... I finished plating the majority of the hull, all that's left now is to add all the little pop up panels and also add the sides to the rear rectangle portion jutting out from the back of the cockpit ball. This would have been done faster had I not had to take so much time puttying and waiting for the putty to dry before endless sanding to get the surface as good as I could prior to the paint job to come in some of the rough areas around the new surface plates I added.

So this is Chris Kelley's studio scale TIE Advanced accurized with a new cockpit frame and the entire body plated with raised panels. Once I add all the greeblies to the surface it will be ready for painting. It also features 4 LED engine lights and the cockpit is lit in the same way I did the Neissen TIE with lightsheet panels. The wings were finished last month, and are pictured at the bottom.


It started life like this:


But I was worried the lightly scribed panel lines would get lost when spray painted so I decided to add a new surface skin.

Original surface with rough panel lines that I traced and then used as a guide for the new panels...


Panel process...


Finished plate...


Times 16.










<div class='quotetop'>(Hand Solo @ Jul 29 2006, 08:36 PM) [snapback]1290354[/snapback]</div>
Slicker than Owl Poop. Nice..

I... um..... don't think I want to know how you might know how slick owl poop is...

But thanks.

^ Alrighty then. Slicker than Bantha poop on a humid Dagobah morning.

Figures of speech. Same all over the Galaxy.
Looking great..
How big is this kit compared to your Code3 TIE fighter???
Can you post a quick comp shot to show size please?

With the sudden price drop of the Code3 Vader TIE's I may just get the Code3 instead of one of these.
<div class='quotetop'>(Lynn TXP 0369 @ Aug 8 2006, 11:42 PM) [snapback]1296575[/snapback]</div>
Looking great..
How big is this kit compared to your Code3 TIE fighter???
Can you post a quick comp shot to show size please?

With the sudden price drop of the Code3 Vader TIE's I may just get the Code3 instead of one of these.

The thread you seek is here:

<div class='quotetop'>(jvasilatos @ Aug 9 2006, 01:37 AM) [snapback]1296802[/snapback]</div>

I saw that thread and the comp pic, but I was hoping you could get me or had an actuall side by side size comparison pic of the Code3 Vader and Chris's Vader kit so I can get an idea of size for the Code3.
That woud be great if you could.
You did a great job on the TIE..
<div class='quotetop'>(Lynn TXP 0369 @ Aug 9 2006, 10:50 AM) [snapback]1296874[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>(jvasilatos @ Aug 9 2006, 01:37 AM) [snapback]1296802[/snapback]

I saw that thread and the comp pic, but I was hoping you could get me or had an actuall side by side size comparison pic of the Code3 Vader and Chris's Vader kit so I can get an idea of size for the Code3.
That woud be great if you could.
You did a great job on the TIE..

My Code 3 is boxed up. They are essentially the same size though. And here is a picture of both head on:


And some of the Code 3 next to my Neissen TIE when I was building it (which is to scale with the Kelley X-1):



This comparison really surprises me.

I viewed Code 3's signature edition at Disneyland's "Star Trader" the last part of June this year. It had a damaged wing and James Earl Jone's signature. AWESOME PIECE.. I was actually surprised to see that it was almost Studio Scale (what scale is the Code 3 actually done in?). I was 'holding out' to see what came around,.. but may end up getting one just to have as collectible. Being that it is still up for sale,.. I wonder how many think it is a worthy reproduction? It looks great to me...

As does the Kelley modified kit.

Jerry,.. you did a GREAT job with Chris's X-1 kit..... something to be proud of indeed.


The Code3 X-1's are sold out. Both regular and signature editions. Plus in reveiewing it I found the dimensions to not be Studio Scale at it's stated 9.5" X 2.3" X 11".
THose are pics I wanted. That is pretty good sized.

Not to hyjack your thread, but you mentioned the rear end of the Code3 was toy like, any recomendations on mods to it to make it less toy like?

If I got one, I would automatically repaint it primer grey, deglass the front window so it is just the window frame, and add the triangle in the window.
Any other mods come to mind???
Collectabilty is not an issue for me on this piece.
<div class='quotetop'>(Lynn TXP 0369 @ Aug 9 2006, 10:32 PM) [snapback]1297334[/snapback]</div>
THose are pics I wanted. That is pretty good sized.

Not to hyjack your thread, but you mentioned the rear end of the Code3 was toy like, any recomendations on mods to it to make it less toy like?

If I got one, I would automatically repaint it primer grey, deglass the front window so it is just the window frame, and add the triangle in the window.
Any other mods come to mind???
Collectabilty is not an issue for me on this piece.


The Code 3 really looks great in person, from the paint color to the front detail. It's cast in metal though, you would have a hell of a time modifying the back section since it's all metal if you wanted to add stuff, but you'd have to file down the upraised sections if you wanted to replate it and modifying the cockpit canopy would possibly damage it since it is not a piece that pops off but was molded in when the hull pieces were mated together. When I got it, before Chris made his kit available, I was wondering if it could be broken down and modified for accurizing and reproducing as a more accurate kit since the scale was close to the standard studio scale TIE but the way it was produced would make that option disassembling it a nightmare.

If you want a studio scale style display piece, now that I have worked through the process with my Vader TIE, I could do a buildup for you with whatever mods you wanted (arm length to wings, engine lights, replating, etc.) or a straight out of the box build with some cleanup and minimum accurizing in the right colors... the only thing I can't really modify is the sphere but as we have discussed ad nauseum in the other thread, there are cheats around this and quite frankly, when I look at my XI buildup in person it really looks right, it's in photos that some of the details we discussed become more apparent. That's why I am not really worried about screwing around with it anymore, because when it's displayed next to my Niessen TIE they look awesome together (and all that seems missing is another standard TIE as an extra wingman.) I'd love to do that but the wait time for another would probably make me nuts.
