Thundercats ~HO!!! **FINISHED Paint-Up pg.3**


Well-Known Member
well, I've always been a HUGE fan of the Thundercats and so I thought I'd try my hand at doing a 1:1 scale of I did take some artistic liberties with his look...more so with the the cartoon its a little on the wild side and pretty much just a shape, so I thought maybe I'd give it a sort of wild Beethoven-meets-Heat Miser look...I think it'll really come to life once it's painted....of course I'm still tweaking and changing things here and there, but the look and form is pretty much there...what I've been doing is trying to get a decent pattern flow going with the hair...should be done real soon...maybe I'll do a Mum-Ra ( warrior version) to go with him? ....more pics to come


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Re: Thundercats ~HO!!!

I used to love Thundercats! Really nice sculpt ... Mumra would be an awesome idea!
Re: Thundercats ~HO!!!

Great sculpt reevz666! The asymmetry of his smirk is a nice touch. At first, I wasn't sure if I liked the hair, but the more I look at it the more sense it makes as a realistic interpretation. I especially like how it looks in the profile shot.

One small critical remark:
His cleft chin seems a bit unnatural. Maybe if it were more 'pinched' rather than 'scooped' (if that makes sense). The gap just looks a bit wide.

Any plans on doing more characters? I've always been a fan of Panthro and Tygra myself (after Lion-O of course).
Re: Thundercats ~HO!!!

very cool, that is a great sculpt. Looking forward to the rest of the project. The details in the face are great. I didn't mind the chin cleft...great representation!
Re: Thundercats ~HO!!!

It looks great (I like the hair being more realistic), but the first thing that struck me is that he looked's something about the eyes... but that look might change once it's painted up.
Re: Thundercats ~HO!!!

Bah, looks like Tigra...


Looks awesome man! I haven't seen any life sized stuff of the Thundercats, except some costumes a while back and a sword.

I really dig the face. It looks realistic, and a great compromise between cartoon and manga designs.

Can't wait to see Panthro or Mumm-Ra!
Re: Thundercats ~HO!!!

thanks guys! I'm real excited to get him finished and painted...not sure who I'll do next though :confused ....been a lot of requests for Cheetara..but I might have to go with Panthro because he's just too bad-ass!:thumbsup
Re: Thundercats ~HO!!!

One small critical remark:
His cleft chin seems a bit unnatural. Maybe if it were more 'pinched' rather than 'scooped' (if that makes sense). The gap just looks a bit wide.

You ever see Kirk Douglas? LOL. Great sculpt man:thumbsup Now how about a Panthro?
Re: Thundercats ~HO!!!

It does look a bit like Kirk Douglas.

I'm by no means an authority on the Thundercats, but
I remember his nose being more cat-like, wider... flatter.

I see that evil quality also. It reminds me of a life-size
sculpt of THE GREEN GOBLIN by Mike Hill seen in issue 25
of Amazing Figure Modeler, with 60's Catwoman Julie
Newmar, on the cover.
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Re: Thundercats ~HO!!!

I hear what you are saying about the nose, but when Iwent back and looked at some screen caps of the cartoon, it was actually pretty human looking.....I actually based a little bit of his look on the comic book artist J.Scott Campbell's version of Lion-O ....I thought he had the best modern interpretation of the's a pic

and as for the eyes..I tried to mimic this shot as best as I could while putting a realistic spin on it
Re: Thundercats ~HO!!!

Very nice! That totally looks like your sculpt!
(and curiously, Kirk Douglas as well)
I was gonna ask about your reference pix but I edited it out at the last minute because it was worded in a way I thought might be percived as snarky or sarcastic, and I didn't want to go there.
Re: Thundercats ~HO!!!

Cartoon Lion-O looked kinda mopey and sad very often, I really like the more masculine / dominant look from the comic art you chose, and your sculpt is awesome. Great work and thanks for sharing! :)
Re: Thundercats ~HO!!!

been working on the hair today..I'll be doing it on and off all day and tomorrow..hope to have the hair complete by tomorrow night...



