Three of my most prized prop possessions. (Pic heavy!)

The Death Curse

Well-Known Member
Hello, all!

It's been friggin' YEARS since I've made a post here, so I figured I'd begin by showing off three of my "holy grail" items I've managed to acquire in the meantime.

First up is this supposed production-made (but unused) Robert Patrick "T-1000" foam-filled lifecast for Terminator 2. This piece is 1:1 size, and looks very SHARP and awesome in person...I have very little info on it, as the seller stopped communication with me and left me hangin'. I've contemplated reselling it, but realized just how much I'd really want to murder myself for letting it go. :lol The white on the surface looks/feels like some kind of mold residue or release agent, as it comes off if rubbed hard enough...The piece is visibly old, but very supple and elastic. I had to dust it heavily when it arrived. From what I can make out, that faded writing along the bottom states "______ W/RESCULPTED OPEN EYES"...









Thanks for looking and cheers,

Next up is a piece that is OBVIOUSLY original, and has a COA from Propstore to confirm it...This is one of seven production-used (and probably screen-used as well) "T-1000" police shirts sold off by Propstore a few months ago, also from Terminator 2. It's sewn up the front and fitted with a zipper and velcro enclosure on the back, and made sleeveless for scenes involving the infamous claw arms, which were a separate costume attachment. This shirt has a couple instances of production wear, including a damaged chest button and a missing silver shoulder button. It also has little specks of chrome scattered throughout the material on the front of the shirt, which is one of the COOLEST THINGS EVER IN HISTORY. :D I tried to capture it in the last two pictures, but it's hard to photograph...If you look really hard, you can see a couple of the specks toward the center of the images, down below the pocket flap.






Finally, here's one for all my fellow TMNT fans...This is probably my most prized piece of the three listed in this thread, and maybe even my whole collection. It holds a very close place to my heart. This is a screen-used - and screen-matched - "Shredder" armored shoulder guard from TMNT II: The Secret of the Ooze. The COA from Propstore states it was also used as a stunt armor piece in the original TMNT as part of James Saito's red costume, but I've been unable to find it on film. I've been searching for YEARS just to find *one* piece of Shredder's original costume(s), and I finally managed to snag something important by complete and utter luck, coupled with a faily high volume of OCD.

Francois Chau, from what I can tell, wears this huge mother in every single discernible scene in which he appears on film. I've added some screen cap comparisons below to illustrate this. Even that back blade is broken in the correct place, and all the guard's individual construction specs match that of the screen shots...There is also "helmet wear" visible on the silver paint near the rear of the back middle blade :)eek), which I've also screen-matched. The pattern on the cup's surface is the same elusive and misunderstood pattern found on the movie helmet that people have been trying to replicate...Perhaps my photos here will help some people out in that department. :)









I hope everyone enjoys the pictures, and thanks again for looking. :)


Very awesome, here is mine, screen used, screen matched, Ares God of War costume top from Zena Warrior Princess

Hello, all!
The white on the surface looks/feels like some kind of mold residue or release agent, as it comes off if rubbed hard enough...

I'll bet that stuff is the powder they cover objects with before they laser scan them. That's most likely the model they made to scan in to build the silver T-1000 triangle mesh. Very cool.
so in your opinion, what is that pattern on the shredder piece, is it just something hand drawn with possibly puff paint, or does it look like some sort of mesh glued over a base piece?
Great pictures, it is always nice to see some original pieces. Are you ever going to offer cast of the Robert Patrick bust? I would be up for one:love

Very nice! I have the T1000 split head bust, made of rubber. It also had this white residue (maybe a protective coat) which I managed to remove just using water.

...supposed production-made (but unused) Robert Patrick "T-1000" foam-filled lifecast for Terminator 2. [...]
The white on the surface looks/feels like some kind of mold residue or release agent, as it comes off if rubbed hard enough...

Very nice! I have the T1000 split head bust, made of rubber. It also had this white residue (maybe a protective coat) which I managed to remove just using water.

The Death Curse, I think you're right -- I'm pretty sure that white residue is some sort of mold release (talcum, possibly) intended to keep rubber and soft plastic material from sticking to the mold and becoming damaged on removal. Robert Patrick would probably have to have had his skin coated when the lifecast was made, for the same reason.
Thanks for all the comments, everyone!! :D It's cool to see that you guys seem to like the stuff. I'm glad I finally posted it here.

I'll bet that stuff is the powder they cover objects with before they laser scan them. That's most likely the model they made to scan in to build the silver T-1000 triangle mesh. Very cool.

Niiiiiice! That would certainly be a cool backstory to this prop, if it was true. It is definitely more like a paint than a powder...A lot of it has come off, and I accidentally took some more off when cleaning it back when I bought it. Just in case you could be right, I'll be very careful to keep the rest of it intact.

so in your opinion, what is that pattern on the shredder piece, is it just something hand drawn with possibly puff paint, or does it look like some sort of mesh glued over a base piece?

The pattern on the bowl portion is sculpted and molded into the finished casting. It's really a whole lot simpler than it looks...I'd say the multi-color paint on the surface is just confusing your perception of the sculpture. It was most likely added VERY quickly by doing nothing more than laying many matching rows of thin clay loops on top of a smoother clay surface before any molding took place. It almost looks as if the clay loops were "piped" on, like cake icing through a tube.

Great pictures, it is always nice to see some original pieces. Are you ever going to offer cast of the Robert Patrick bust? I would be up for one:love


Believe me, I've thought about it...Ultimately, I don't think it will happen. Perhaps someday, if I ever sell it off, I'll make sure its design and legacy can be preserved by either molding it myself, or selling it to a fan who CAN mold it. Though I doubt either situation will happen anytime soon, it will always be in the back of my mind. :)

Very nice! I have the T1000 split head bust, made of rubber. It also had this white residue (maybe a protective coat) which I managed to remove just using water.


Thomas!! Hey, dude! I haven't spoken to you in years. 'Hope you're doing well these days. It's great to see you've still got some of the most enviable T2 pieces on the market. ;) You shall have a PM in your inbox soon enough.

How interesting that your Saucehead bust has the same type of coating over it...Perhaps it is just a mold release. Talcum powder is commonly used for casting latex masks, as mudshark has already noted. Perhaps they just used a whooooole lot of it. :p

Thanks again for looking and cheers,


(That's my name too!) :)

I can't tell you enough how much I share the love of TMNT like you. It truly is a sheer stroke of luck to come across anything from the Ninja Turtles series. I still remember back before the internet existed (as a mass society community of sharing information) that when my friend and I first laid eyes on the Secret of the Ooze poster we were talking about who the two shadowy villains were in the background HOPING it was Bebop and Rocksteady (We loved the 80's toon series version). We weren't too disappointed to see Tokka and Rahzar and TMNT 2 was our favorite of the 3, even though #1 was totally bad***.

Going back to your post though I can;t tell you how awesome it is that you have a piece of the man himself, the Shred Dude! You've probably seen my Foot Soldier screen-used mask I posted on the forums which remains one of my absolute favorite pieces ever. I can't screen match it because it's impossible trying to spot one mask from another in differences. They all appear to be the same. Some oddly though look like they have wire mesh while others a bit thicker in eye materials. But could also we the way the camera shot that. Stuff on camera looks different in person when you see the imperfections, but that's what makes these pieces so cool.

I obtained my Foot Soldier mask through and though it was very expensive it was a no brainer that I had to have it. It trumps any vintage TMNT toy I own by far.

SUPER congrats on that shoulder blade. THAT is some rare stuff!

(That's my name too!) :)

I can't tell you enough how much I share the love of TMNT like you. It truly is a sheer stroke of luck to come across anything from the Ninja Turtles series. I still remember back before the internet existed (as a mass society community of sharing information) that when my friend and I first laid eyes on the Secret of the Ooze poster we were talking about who the two shadowy villains were in the background HOPING it was Bebop and Rocksteady (We loved the 80's toon series version). We weren't too disappointed to see Tokka and Rahzar and TMNT 2 was our favorite of the 3, even though #1 was totally bad***.

Going back to your post though I can;t tell you how awesome it is that you have a piece of the man himself, the Shred Dude! You've probably seen my Foot Soldier screen-used mask I posted on the forums which remains one of my absolute favorite pieces ever. I can't screen match it because it's impossible trying to spot one mask from another in differences. They all appear to be the same. Some oddly though look like they have wire mesh while others a bit thicker in eye materials. But could also we the way the camera shot that. Stuff on camera looks different in person when you see the imperfections, but that's what makes these pieces so cool.

I obtained my Foot Soldier mask through and though it was very expensive it was a no brainer that I had to have it. It trumps any vintage TMNT toy I own by far.

SUPER congrats on that shoulder blade. THAT is some rare stuff!

Hey, Ryan!

What a coincidence on the same name! FREAKY!

So YOU'RE the guy who bought that Foot Soldier mask and bandana!!! Congratulations, dude! It's a shame that you can't screen-match it, but that doesn't make the piece any less amazing. I've been hoping forever that I could find the buyer, but never once thought to look through a search here on the RPF. I almost purchased that item, too, but I decided I would wait around in case anymore Shredder pieces were to pop up. Turns out, there weren't any. haha!

Glad to hear you share the love for TMNT's live-action films. I feel they're really under-appreciated, but that could be because I was 4 years old when the first movie came out and was at the perfect age to become frightfully obsessed with it - obsessed enough to watch it daily and dress myself up in tin foil "armor", swinging a stick around and acting like Shredder... :lol With that in mind, this lame little piece of rubber and resin is nothing short of a holy grail piece. If you'd have told me at age 5 that one day, I'd own *any* screen-worn piece of Shredder armor, I might have fallen over and died right then! You probably feel the same way about your Foot Soldier mask, so it's very fortunate that you ended up becoming its new owner.

By the way, I did a search for your mask thread and found it, but it appears that the images have all been removed. I'd love to see how it looks these days! Add me on AIM, and we can talk more...I'll PM you my screen name. :)

Thanks for all the comments, everyone! If anyone has questions about the props/shirt, feel free to ask! I love sharing my stuff with people who actually appreciate it to some degree.


RATS! i forgot what forum i was in... i was thinking this was JUNKYARD and got super excited with i saw DC's shredder shoulder armor.

i'm feeling the TMNT love here! DC... great collection!

Sorry for the horrible delay on my part. I finally managed to scrounge up some pictures I had taken.

When it arrived it was in pretty sad shape. This was right out of the box (expected as seeing that's how it looked in the photo online):


As you can see it had some rough spots. The bug eye on the left was coming out of the inside fabric and some seams were coming out pretty bad.



I carefully went through and removed the fuzzies from the velcro as well as color-matched the thread (purple out of all colors chosen, ha!) and slowly went over the spots with my sewing machine and matching the stitch length. It was important that I didn't want to completely touch up paint wear or other imperfections as it gives the piece some character. I felt the seam fixing was enough as well as tucking the bug eye part back in and getting it to where it should be.

I also thought the original foam head it was on was terrible because it didn't fill out the mask at all and gave a poor droopy effect, so I bought a fairly inexpensive turnable mannequin head on a stand and it shaped the head out much nicer. The headband was also really messed up, so I refolded it nicely and carefully re-tied it where it was originally tied from the folds in the fabric.


As a nice accent I bought some fuzzy-ish patterned fabric that looked like it would go well with the foot clan uniforms to finish it off. I got as many photos as I could of the foot soldiers and from where I looked around this seemed the most fitting. I custom sewed a partial top and pinned it around the back in place, but not on the mask itself.



One of the oddest things looking at the piece was that the fabric appears to be a spandex-like material, but it's like a silver gray! After they were sewn it looks like they sprayed a black dye on it. Interesting route rather than using straight black from the beginning, but maybe that's what give it a little bit of texture to it. The bug eyes are a semi-flexible plastic and painted over. The mouth looks to be silver grommets painted black. though a lot of the black has worn off over the years.

1. No, I NEVER tried the mask on. Too scared :)
2. No, that is not the screen-used Allspark Cube. That's a replica I painted from a raw cast....
Believe it or not, I found out that the original Shredder costume from the first film was purchased some years back by a farmer in Iowa... I guess farmers like TMNT too...

If I'm not mistaken, it was valued at over $10,000 and this was probably over 10 years ago.