"Thing" - The World's Strangest Cosplay

Since the "motto" of the RPF is "Craft your fandom" I wanted to show you all that I have been an avid "Thing" fan since, well... forever.

Here is, in fact, a photo of me from the early 1980s. Notice the "box" in the bottom right hand corner of the screen... that was my first "Thing" box I'd made from a shoebox, duct tape and brass paper brads.

That's awesome!

Me, I was running around in the 80s with a tinfoil tiara, bracelets, and burlap lasso. I have yet to be gutsy enough to do the "grown up" version of my hero. I love that you're taking the time to do things well, and with the amount of detail. The sense of humor helps, too. =D
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