The Shining Photo

Thanks for making that clearer. Here's another odd thing I just noticed, despite having seen this picture probably a thousand times- look at the man directly above and slightly to the left of the circled hand in the larger photo. I would swear it's a young Joe Turkel, the actor that played Lloyd the Bartender in the film.


Edit: I think I just attached a graphic that points out the resemblance between the two, but I'm not altogether sure.
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Thanks for posting those. I'll comp them together as soon as I find a break. Will probably make a 400 DPI version or higher. You really don't need more than 300 for photo quality, but extra res never hurts especially if you want to print it bigger.
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I've seen the screenused in person at the Kubrick show. I forgot I had these pics :angel

I held the magazine next to it, so when I'm home I will make a measurement of the magazine. (But as far as I remember, it's a regular A4 (29,7 x 21 cm))


According to Photoshop, the picture width including the white border is 21 cm (8,2") wide and 17 cm (6,6") high, which would fit the 8x10 proportion comment.

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I never really thought about it, but why is he in the picture at the end?

I know I've read something about the "Jack" in the photo and "Jack" in the film being the same person

I think it also has to do with the bathroom scene where Grady tells Jack that he has always been the caretaker

so perhaps he's a reincarnation of the original caretaker

can't say for sure, haven't seen the film in a long time & I'm drawing from memory here
If my good computer was up and running I'd give it a try but if anyone has some free time...
You can actually download a demo of two programs that might help in this case. On One has a fractal enlarging program that should give great results... and NicDefine is a good noise reduction program. Just a thought.

As far as the Shining, I'm going to have to watch this movie again... don't think I've ever seen it all the way through! And as for a funny story... I work in a hotel right now and have been working for 13 days straight!

All work and no play make jack a dull boy indeed!

or if you're of the simpsons school... All work and no play make Homer something something...:lol
Ok, I have one of these printed out and the actual picture without the border is 8" x 10" the white border like say 1/4"?

Also, does anyone here have a lead on an accurate picture frame?

Thanks again to defstartrooper for posting the 720p caps.:thumbsup

Here's the newest version at 400 DPI.

While it's not a night and day difference from the old version - especially with the background people - it is quite a bit better in the foreground. More detail in the shadows and clearer overall.

I know nothing about taking HD screencaps, but I thought the designations 720p and 1080p referred only to a display. So if the film is out in Blue Ray and HD-DVD, what's involved in getting true 1080p caps from this? Does it have something to do with the player or the computer monitor? Just curious. I'd be willing to go through this yet again for an even better result.
jheilman thanks dude :thumbsup the 720/1080 is the image/frame height in pixels if i can get a hold of a 1080p or i version i'll be sure to update this thread.
Yeah, I got that, just wondering if it's due to the monitor it was capped on that it wasn't 1080? Don't know enough about these things.
So you're saying that's all that's on the disk? Are there different formats of HD disks? I assumed they were all the same res.
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