The one that almost killed me… Accurate Obi ANH Crystal Reveal with CFLS

Real nice!

How did you modify the grenade body for the crystal chamber to hook into it?
Did you mill out everything but a catch or weld a piece of steel in there for the crystal chamber to hook on to?
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Terrible. You should just send it my way right now :)

that looks awesome man. When I get my lathe going one day I'd like to turn some stuff like this.

How did this almost kill you? What happened?
The video tells the tales of woe, but basically 30 gauge tiny brittle wires, and 8 wires x 4 micro dins... one single little connection breaks and you have to reverse engineer 8+ hours worth of routing and soldering to find it... fix it and re-do it ALL.

Not fun

Lars, I only lathed out the threads on the Russ grenade and drilled and milled a spot for a catch screw. Almost exactly like Brad's.
Mark said: "you made this!? It's better than the ones we used in the movie!"

so Alberto you saber was anointed by THE Jedi master.


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Mark said: "you made this!? It's better than the ones we used in the movie!"

so Alberto you saber was anointed by THE Jedi master.

So Fing cool!!! Obviously better than the ones in the movie, Alberto and Scott, but to have Mark say that...I'm really super happy and excited to hear this. Congrats you two. You should be very proud.
Mark kept his jedi-cool of course, however perhaps part of him really flipped out and he wanted to spurt to Carrie and Ian and show this well executed, fully functioning and operating lightsaber, whilest swooshing it through the air, ... don't you think?

To quote Vader: impressive… most impressive! Dude, words fail for this awesome piece of work, it's better than the replicas of MR or Hasbro. And to have it seal of approval by THE Jedi master himself - hey, that's like being knighted to a Jedi Knight :D I gotta post this to the SW FB Group, you'll hear some loud jawdrops from germany to TX for sure!
ScottJua, if you ever think about making a kit (and I really hope you do), put me on the list. This is amazing work. Watching the video again just fills me with so much awe.