The Declaration of Independence


Master Member
Since it's still the 4th of July (barely :p), I thought it fitting to show the work I've done in replicating the Declaration of Independence.

When I started my National Treasure kick, the first thing I looked for is a decent replica of the Declaration. Unfortunately, the ones I found at the online stores like the Archives etc, although they were printed on parchment, looked like they just came fresh of the presses. The real Declaration has a very faded look:

As you can see, the writing is barely legible.

The prop we see in National Treasure though, has a more distressed look, but the writing is, although faded, still quite legible.




I like the way the original looks but at the same time I also liked the heavily distressed look of the movie prop. So I decided to replicate both.

I downloaded the hi-res image of the stone engraving of the Declaration, cleaned it up and tweaked it to look extremely faded and got it printed on regular A1 size paper (which was then cut to the size of the actual Declaration). I had originally wanted it printed out in color to show the sephia ink tone but the local print shops here could only laser print in black and white. Inkjet is available but it doesn't bode well for my weathering methods (i.e. coffee and tea :) ).

Here's my attempt at replicating the original Declaration:



The back is plain (no secret ciphers :( ) save for the hand written label which identifies the document when rolled up.


And here's my replica of the movie prop:




The back:

Comparison between the replicas:


Happy 4th of July! :)
Looks cool...

I decide to go with the readable replica, because everyone would ask me what this old paper in the frame is... :) So, now they can read it by themselves.

Its not just a Nt prop for me, I'm interested in American History and love everything what has do with the USA...

Your declaration looks awesome, man... Now just someone need to figure out how we can get the symbol on the back, what we can read with the glasses... :lol
Thanks for the suggestion, Pasquale. The text is actually faded in some areas as seen here:

I'll see if I can fade it a bit more. :)
Thanks, guys! This is still very much a work in progress, I'm still tweaking the files. Hope to show some updated versions soon.
Great prop, and awesome document... :thumbsup

It always amazes me the gorgeous penmanship people had back then, and how
perfectly straight they could write on paper that had no lines...!
Sarednab, if there's sufficient interest, why not? :)

MurdocXXL, thanks mate! :)

jme3, I know right? That's why I will never attempt to handwrite this prop. If I did, it'd be less Declaration of Independence and more ramblings of Freddy Krueger! :lol
Unfortunately, the only option available to me here is regular white paper. But after I'm done adding the layers of weathering, adding a few crinkles here and there and lastly ironing it, it has some semblance to aged vellum. :)

I tweaked the file for the movie prop again and added faded text here and there and got it printed out today:

Hopefully, tonight I'll get to weather it and post pics.
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