TFA Graflex Research (That's a Graflex, right? Force Awakens teaser trailer #2)

I can see threads!
Also I don't think I've ever seen a washer that would have an inside diameter that large and an outside diameter so small in comparison. They would have had to modify a washer to fit under there or make their own custom one, neither makes any sense for this prop at all.

I also have to say that if a prop department could make a Graflex replica from scratch with such accuracy as to best the efforts of those who make them here (think about the time and effort they put into them, even the guy making the stainless steel one) they would be the best prop department ever! They would never take the hours and hours to make one when they could pop online and buy any number of very accurate replicas by the dozens.

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I don't understand maybe I missed it but what T-track did they use for the Graflex lightsaber prop in TFA?