Textured Rubber Matting Search, not Count Dooku Saber Grips


Master Member
Has anyone identified a source for that diamond knurl pattern stuff used as grips for Dookies saber? i presume it's some sort of industrial matting or something.

Also, does anyone have any good, close up pics of the screen used saber? NOT the MR one??

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Re: Count Dooku Saber Grips

Has anyone identified a source for that diamond knurl pattern stuff used as grips for Dookies saber? i presume it's some sort of industrial matting or something.

Also, does anyone have any good, close up pics of the screen used saber? NOT the MR one??


There are some bike grips that have a similar material. They used to sell them at walmart
Re: Count Dooku Saber Grips

I'm hoping to find the original material that was used for the saber. Anyone else?
Re: Count Dooku Saber Grips

I have a resin cast stunt sabre from fox studios. you could cast the texture from that and pour yourself some rubber grips.
Re: Count Dooku Saber Grips

I have a resin cast stunt sabre from fox studios. you could cast the texture from that and pour yourself some rubber grips.

I appreciate the offer, BUT I'm actually looking for the original material in large quantities for another project :) Non saber related.

Any chance you could post a good close up picture of the grip from your casting? I may actually be barking up the wrong tree, and a good pic with a ruler next to the grip would be really amazingly helpful.

Can you hook a brother up please?
Re: Count Dooku Saber Grips

If I find it, I will for sure share it. I am hoping for two things. 1, that the dooku grip stuff is the stuff I am looking for. 2, that someone knows where it came from.

we shall see.
Re: Count Dooku Saber Grips

ok here's the stunt. You may also want to look at grip suppliers in australia as 2 and 3 were made here. Hope this helps,
Re: Count Dooku Saber Grips

I'm sure it's probably just an industrial adhesive-backed grip-tape type material.

I noticed a similar stuff of the top of the camera mount from a tripod I got from my parents from their 1970s 8mm camera.


No idea on where to get it, but I don't think it was custom made.
Re: Count Dooku Saber Grips

Jedimaster, thanks for that pic, though sadly it ruins my theory. Though the stuff on the grips is VERY close, it's not quite right. The stuff on the camera mount actually looks closer. The pyramids on the dookie grips are square, whereas they are diamond on the tripod.

And while I agree that you'd THINK this stuff would be easy to find, it's actually REALLY difficult. I haven't even come close in about a year of casual searching. If anyone has any leads, or knows the special combination of terms to google on, please let me know what you think.
Re: Count Dooku Saber Grips

Kittle, good catch, though I have already gotten samples from them, and it's not right :) Totallly appreciate the help though. Got anything else??

I wish I had kept a list of all the different vendors I had contacted and gotten samples from. I did not. :(
Re: Count Dooku Saber Grips

This is EXACTLY the stuff I am looking for. If anyone has any leads, please advise.

Re: Count Dooku Saber Grips

Looks like woven nylon. its commonly used in marine carpets for boats.

Interesting. Do you mean that this is the back side of marine carpet? That would sorta make sense. I did some googling using those keywords, but didn't come up with anything interesting.

Do you happen to know of a supplier?

really great lead though, and I appreciate your input. I never would have guessed that. I once saw a floor rug kinda thing that had a SIMILAR pattern on the back side, but didn't pursue it much further. This is very interesting though.
I have re-titled the thread, to perhaps get some new eyes on this. Thanks to everyone so far who has contributed.
It's a longshot but that camera tripod is made by a company called Vivitar. If they're still in business, or got bought by another company, you might contact them and forward that picture and ask if they can give you any info on the material or supplier.
This might be a close match:


You can check McMAster-Carr for a lot of similar cross-hatched rubber materials. Chances are they have something that will work.
Matt, I may be getting my sabers confused but when we did all the EP3 promo gigs some of the original sabers were on hand. I seem to recall Dookies saber grip material lifting up. It was a thin rubber type material but could have easily been dense neoprene.

You could always cad design something and have a plate made, then mold it.