Tetris (feature film)

Expected to see a " Pixels " clone, and get this. Will not subscribe to Apple+, will not subscribe,
will not ...... ; )
I would ask if this is a joke, but after seeing in the theater a trailer about a hero's journey toward designing a sneaker, I should know better.
Looks great...!!!

I'm surprised its actually rated R. You would expect something like this to be probably PG, and maybe PG-13 with stupid bathroom humor that ends up being dull.
Tetris is really a fascinating Cold War story…

Saw that a while back... it's a great mini-documentary about Soviet politics... and even more weird how Nintendo got the initial video game Tetris rights.

But, while it would be unethical and I am not condoning or encouraging theft, given the times I don't understand why the U.S. company involved didn't just "steal" the game. It's not complicated code, and could have been reversed engineered easily into a "different enough" program to merchandise outside of Europe.

It was designed by researcher Alexey Pajitnov and the Soviets weren't selling it the time.