Terminator T2 Arnold Chest Cavity Prosthetic Sculpt


Well-Known Member
After a recent visit to Planet Hollywood London and after perusing my PH shots from around the US (thanks Rob!). I decided to make a chest
cavity for my Arnold mannequin.

As there didn't seem to be any readily available to purchase and because I quite fancied honing my sculpting
skills, I decided to proceed.

My intention with this, strangely, was to emulate the prosthetic used on the set (and the PH statues), rather than try to emulate the full endo
chest cavity (with deep detailing etc..). Not because that would have been more difficult (although I'm sure it would have been), but because I have a think about props and prosthetics that were used on the set and I wanted to duplicate the prosthetic appliance as best I could.

I started with a dummy chest from Ebay, then referred to a great 'straight on' shot of a PH statue from Rob, showing the shape of the damage and the chest detailing, then took it into Adobe Illustrator and redrew the basic proportions of the chest. Once done, I found more detailed shots of the endo chest on it's own, and altered it accordingly.

Then I cut out the shapes in paper and card and used them as reference as I sculpted the chest in Chavant clay. I got the basic shape that I
wanted. Then I made a thin rubber pull of the clay sculpt, which gave me a hard resin master to tighten and correct.

This is still a work in progress and I am that there are a few angles that are incorrect at this time :) I just wanted to get some pix up to show at
this stage. I'm pretty pleased with it so far.

On with the pics.....

Steve :thumbsup








I can see why you would want to make it like the prosthetic, but since the head you are using is made as the real prop would look under the real skin and not how the prosthetic piece on Arnold's face looked in the movie... then the chest being like the prosthetic kinda counteracts the level of detail in the face, imo - if that is the face you are going to use.

Also, the way the Endoskeleton is designed, it seems you've made it far too large and long in the open chest wound. I know it's probably how the chest prosthetic looked, but if you again look at the real Endo, then the curved part should end at the edge of his ribcage and that ab-plate should extend from that. The two curved cuts in the ab-plate at the top where it connects to the chest, shouldn't be as long as you've made them - they should curve out to the edge much sooner and the details and shapes of the plate itself could be pulled up somewhat.

However, these are just thoughts of what I would do and what I see... and this is your sculpt, so if you are happy with the results then that's great too. Definitely looking forward to further progress. :thumbsup

EDIT: After just having looked at your last picture again... I think you can scratch much of what I've said... shapes seems to be correct. Though, imo, I would move the sculpted piece up to where his collar bones are, as that would look more right. Though still; your choice.
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Thanks guys, appreciate the comments. As I mentioned though, it's the prosthetic I wanted to emulate, not the proper endo and this is simply personal preference for me.

With reference to the size incorrectness you mention, do you mean it's position in the last shot (where it's on the mannequin)?. If so, it was simply laid against him with a roll of masking tape propping him up to get an idea of what it will look like - hence it won't be it's final positioning.

When it's properly attached, it will be at the right height.

Cheers for looking though :thumbsup
Cool. Thanks. Please see attached shots. First is a shot taken by Rob (thanks!) of the PH statue and is the one I was trying to emulate originally.

It has more endo detailing on the right of it and lower down.

Second one is the Hollywood Hardware one underneath it. This has hardly any lower detailing and more endo on the left. They are quite different from each other.

Question is now, do I continue with a PH sculpt as originally intended, or do I heavily alter it to look like the HH chest?

Aaargh. HHhmmmmmmm.

Steve :):thumbsup


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your work is great and its a hard decision.

I like the HH look but thi is me. the PH one have to much Blood for the cool Cyborg look if you ask me.

so what do the other think?
In hindsight, I think I would have gone with the HH chest. However, because I am so deep into the sculpt now, I fear it would take me too long to alter.

I'm happy with the PH approach so I think I'll go with that. Will post more progress soon - and thank you all for looking :)

Yep. I may do a small run of these to recoup rubber costs. Either that or I'll get a friend to sell some for me :thumbsup

The HH (lol) chest is an actual screen used prosthetic. The PH Arnie's were kind of mass produced and might lack some detail therefore.

Just a teeny update. I know some bits are still not right but wanted to upload a few more shots.

I think it's looking OK for a first pop at it.

Cheers, Steve



The one comment I'd offer - if I may - is that the edges are a bit "clean". Almost as if roughly gone at with a knife, as opposed to violently riped away by a steel girder.

Maybe roughen up the clear "canyon rim" like edge, add in some protuding flesh, or flesh still stuck on the exposed endo, and some tears in the flesh back in from the edge.
Thanks guys! It's funny you mention the flesh areas as my wife said the same thing earlier today. She said the tears looked too 'tooled' and not random enough.

Yeah, I think I will try to ease off on the 'canyon rim' and add a little on the endo too. Thanks again, guidance much appreciated.

Steve :)
Wives are a good source for feedback - they tend to see these in a more objective light without superimposing any preconceived notions or concepts.

And yours is still a WIP, right? You do have the opportunity to tweak it, correct?
Oh yeah man. This is still a WIP project. I can alter it no problem. Sometimes you get a little blind while you are working on stuff :p

Thanks for the feedback!