Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

*sarcasm alert*

But they put Michael Bay in charge of the project. And it's going to make a lot of money.

Doesn't this PROVE that it's been handled correctly?
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As fans, we have a right to hate what we don't like. the fact that this world seems to hate hearing opinions of folks that are negative these days, makes me even more determined to psot my real thoughts on things ;o).

Even people who LIKE Rap/HipHop (I don't) thinkthat song is crap. Never thought I'd say this, but bring back Vanilla Ice. at least his crap is catchy ;o)....

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The movie just seems really generic. Maybe it'll have good humor.

I think that's the whole point. This movie is designed to appeal to the generic audience who are NOT TMNT fans. I was absolutely SHOCKED when two people in my office...who've never shown an interest in this stuff before, say they are actually looking forward to this tripe.

And to me, that's really sad. My gut tells me that new fans won't be seeking out the old stuff to watch what real turtles are about. They'll just be waiting for the next batch of michael bay crap to come out.

oh, and new trailer confirms that the shredder armor is a ROBOT. ugh.So now shredder doesn't have to fight at all, or have any meaningful skill?
oh, and new trailer confirms that the shredder armor is a ROBOT. ugh.So now shredder doesn't have to fight at all, or have any meaningful skill?

Could you please point me to the trailer that shows this? I must have missed that one, which is weird because I thought I had seen them all.

I want to say it was on the Nickelodian Facebook Page, with the Scavenger hunt video, but there are so MANY of those damn videos, I can't keep track of them all.
One of the characters said something about fighting a 'robot Ninja'. My guess is that the shredder armor is going to be controlled via remote(the Armor upgrade spoken of in another trailer?) so he basically IS a transformer now.
Ummm... uhhh... did Megan Fox... in an interview... just actually make me want to go see this now?

Why wait? Just see all that and more i nthe 2K3 series. We've seen april stop Baxter Stockman and his mousers. We've seen her throw Shredder and Hun for a loop by hacking into their hi tech system. We've seen her ninja training and kicking foot clan ass, at her wedding no less. We've also seen her kill an alternate future version of Karai by taking her out with a rocket launcher.

There's NOTHING that thasn't been done already with april in the 2K3 series. hence my problem with reboots rehashing stuff like it's been done for the first time ;o).

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all hope for this movie has officially faded. Apparently in the footage we don't see, Mikey is the one who is going to make dick jokes and sexual humor against april.
I love that the crowd seems less than enthusiastic. And at the ANIMATED panel, everyone there even BOO-ED when Michael Bay's name was mentioned. LOL.

ugh. the only one who comes off as likeable, and doesn't seem high on something, is will arnet. never saw him before that I can recall...but here he seems likeable.
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Y'know what really is sad these days is the mentality of most all studios is not to just make a great film, but figuring out how they can broaden the audience appeal by doing unnecessary things for the film or diluting the integrity of an original idea for the sake of being able to make more money on it.

If this was some sort of new thing no one has heard of that is one thing because none of us would be the wiser to know what the script was before it turned into the end product, but I think when a studio is working with a well-known property that will sell tickets right off the bat by its name, they need to put that property into the right hands that will make it the best film it can be with maintaining its integrity in story and characters and the film will do the rest and people will catch on and go see it.

I think Disney is doing a really great job at delivering the goods to the fans with the Marvel films because they have the property in capable hands who want to tell great stories and faithfully represent their characters everyone loves. Though I do not know EVERY character comparison from comics to screen translation differences of the Avengers, they really did a great job giving the characters their unique personalities and rich story backgrounds. The films are selling themselves and people watch them over and over.

The focus should always be on making a great film and not making a film that will make a lot of money at the box office initially and then be long forgotten and shamed after its theatrical run. You should aim for long-term success and make a film that stands the test of time that hopefully won't get rebooted/retold.

TMNT has had a good run of material over the years spanning from comics to TV and film. This latest bastardization is just really shameful. I know I know... I haven't even seen the film yet. Sometimes you just know, though. I have gotten ZERO good vibes about this film and that's a bad sign in my book. I have always been excited through trailers and to me this new TMNT looks hollow and force-fed with VFX up the wazoo to make up for it.

I don't care what anyone says. This movie looks LOUSY.

On a side note... I would NEVER have envisioned April O'Neil being played by Megan Fox. There's at least 20 other actresses I'd be able to see right off the bat being a better choice. She's not even close on the radar of being an April O'Neil.
Oh my god. That last line had screaming in terror.

DON'T....GIVE...HIM.....IDEAS! But my god that had me laughing and crying for more than one reason..

The thing is, the people in those panels, other than Will Arnet, gave me no indication that they had any idea WTF they where talking about. My guess still is that they know only the basics of the turtles, and either Kevin Eastman had to fill them in on the rest, or they had to look it up themselves. My guess is, this is a franchise Paramount could care less about, just like Transformers....

there are so many COOL things we could have seen in this movie, that the fact that we get THIS really makes me want to cry (theoretically, at least ;o) ). Personally, my movie would have started in Japan. Saki getting promoted to head of USA foot.... working his way to the top of the legitimate business chain in NYC. Accidentally creates the turtles and splinter when he finds a canister marked TCRI. Trains them for fifteen years..but the turtles own sense of moral animal code knows what he does is wrong, and they turn on him. Saki vows revenge. and end of movie one with giant battle.... We could have had AWESOME fight scenes with blades and throwing stars. Great NYC skyline shots. An updated version of the 90s costume, yet not TOO updated. Elite Foot Ninja...ugh...
This is for sure not a kid friendly ninja turtles movie. Remind me again why this dbag keeps getting work...oh right aiming for the lowest common denominator in movie goers.
:lolWhats even funnier is people actually thinking this is real. Although it Was pretty well put together.Made my day anyway. :)
So you're saying the video posted earlier is a ruse? :wacko

Edit: Just saw where that was posted. Of course it is. -.-
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