Syrus54 - Iron Man Mark 39 - Gemini

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Re: Syrus54 - Iron Man Mark 39 - Deep Space Armor - Complete

So who do I need to bombard with comments?
Re: Syrus54 - Iron Man Mark 39 - Deep Space Armor - Complete

Hey Syrus54! I am with Angry Man. I believe it is possible to loose perspective a midst the distractions. Consider WHY you were willing to share your work, and for what purpose. Consider the value of your work- to those you mean to bless with your creativity, your work is priceless. There are villains in this world who are willing to steal anything of value from a diamond, to a pack of cigarettes to a snickers... Turn the other cheeck, and smile at them, as you look down upon them. You posses something they will never have, and they don't even know it. Protect your work, because you must, but please continue to share it if that is something that brings you joy. You deserve the credit and admiration you have earned here. You are among friends. :)
Re: Syrus54 - Iron Man Mark 39 - Deep Space Armor - Complete

I agree, Cadeus. And to make sure my earlier post is understood, I give out the password to my locked files (like the cannon) to people who PM me for it. Then, when someone requests the password, I send it to them with a disclaimer explaining how they may use it, and I also record their member name so I know who I have given the file to and when. The password is free, and a PM takes two minutes to send. This weeds out the majority of people who just pop in, download a free file from a post, and do whatever the hell they feel like doing with it without having to read anything or take any responsibility. Yes, of course someone could still request the password, read the disclaimer, download the file, and still go try and sell it, steal the credit, or post it up somewhere else to be downloaded, but adding a password request and disclaimer has cut back on my file theft a heck of a lot. And honestly, if someone wants to use a file of mine but won't take a minute to PM me for a password, that says a lot. Just my two cents.
Re: Syrus54 - Iron Man Mark 39 - Deep Space Armor - Complete

Dude this suit is awesome. Please don't quit the game. :(
If you love what you do then you shouldn't let ar*e holes mess it up for you! You have to adapt to beat them otherwise they win!

Don't give up man, You Rock! :cool
these parts of the costume are not present in the archive , wanted to know is planned to make these parts of the costume? sorry my English is not so good.
I believe the parts are made but it says in the first post that not all of the parts have been resized and they may not be in all the .zip folders. Check the default folder first and go from there. If the part you need isn't there in the scale you need then you'll need to ask Syrus or someone else with the password very nicely to resize it for you as you can't rescale in Pep' viewer :) Hope that helps.
WOAH!!! these files look amazing! i was gonna make the Silver Centurion, but this may have changed my mind! Great work as always Syrius54!

I'm gonna feel pretty stupid if the answer's been staring me in the face, but does it say anywhere what height default scale is?
and... im built the chest, neck, arms. ran out of foam when i was approaching the abs. so im still adding on the details for the rest currently. Thanks Syrus! i used the chest template while i used IM2M files for the rest. Shout out to the both of ya.
Do post your progress please.
Master Syrus made a very, very good and detailed model.
I am honored, even by just helping him do the unfold for his work.
Hi guys. I am a noob for all intensive purposes in the costuming/ cosplay/ pep world. I was introduced to this world perchance by friends and ive been hooked since.

Syrus54 allow me firstly to say that from what ive seen in my limited understanding of these things that you’ve done an amazing job. Truly inspiring as I now wish to learn to do what you do. To have you stop or give up something your this masterful at would be a great loss to us all as well as yourself.

As to the thieves they say that Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. That being said not having the ability to do what u do is no excuse to take what you’ve done and pass it off as their own, However we all on therpf know this is your work and should u choose to keep it up and produce more amazing works like this sooner or later everyone in the world of pep and costuming will know that it’s yours and step in to protect your work from these frauds.

Da Vinci’s work is known and no one can ever truly match his genius, at a glance everyone can see it is or isn’t his work.

We the community support you and I think we should uplift those who are awesome at what they do. It will be a sad day to lose such talent.
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