
Well-Known Member
hey guys,
been piecing together a superman returns style costume and have a bronze armory suit with a costumebase symbol and belt, and made my own cape and am planning on a pair of boots from, and while searching google i came across this website, seems to be run by a guy who i saw on youtube claiming to make superman returns costumes, and he looks to be reselling bronze armory suits and superheroboots boots. he even has the same photos up that superheroboots sent me to show what they offer in greater detail. he is jacking up the price of the stuff too, has anyone ever dealt with him? or is he on this forum?
yeah i just got a replacement belt from this seller, for one that i ordered from him that snapped clean in two across the shield. the replacement is from a better mold, but the pull is really shoddy, with a good few airbubbles in it. and i've looked on his site, he's DEFINITELY reselling boots at a higher price (actually at nearly twice the price)
i forwarded his website to Keith from superheroboots to let him know what was going on, so im sure Keith will deal with him, not really fair he should be making a profit from Keiths hard work