Sulaco - in Legos!

Mike J.

Master Member
I like the Sulaco :)

Little baby Sulaco.

I had seen some nice Sulacos made out of Legos online:

At Brickshelf.

Lego recently released it's own version of CAD, a sort of 3D virtual building program. Naturally, I tried my hand at a Sulaco or two. One of the greatest advantages of Lego's program is that you can upload to the Lego website whatever you've built, and then buy it from them, in kit form, with a snazzy customized box. One of the greatest drawbacks is that not all the pieces you can build with can be bought as part of your 'kit.'

I followed the instructions (by BrickCommander) on Brickshelf about as best I could within the program.

BC's Sulaco instructions.

Then I had to go and make my Sulaco "buy-able" by removing and / or subbing parts ...
Here's my first attempt, almost exactly like BrickCommander's instructions:


My second revision, to make her 'buy-able':


My all original, super-micro-nano-scale version (all black, too). Trying to get better proportions. Not sure if I succeeded.



My terrible, secret plans for more Sulacos!

so basically this program is to build anything you want as if you had all the pieces? In other words, you still need to "piece" together your idea, but you have unlimited pieces to work with?
I think your version looks great. I prefer the all black.

Have you uploaded your "super-micro-nano-scale version" to the factory so others may buy it?
Stevo, that's correct.

JMtwo, thanks. I just tried to upload it, but I got an error message. Anyway, the micro Sulaco prices at $19.77. I'm not entirely happy with it, but if you like it, I can just e-mail the file to you.

This brings up another point: legality and intellectual property. I'm pretty sure Lego has some kind of legal obligation not to sell any 'bootleg' models. Though I built this model, I did not 'create' the Sulaco. I don't think Lego would let my mini Sulaco show up in their public Lego Factory gallery for purchase by anyone online, but I think I can upload it to my private gallery at Lego and then purchase it myself. If I email the model to another person, maybe they can do the same. The other alternative would be for me to generate a parts list and instructions, and have you guys get the parts yourselves, either from what you already have or by buying individual parts from Lego via "Pick a Brick":

You're probably correct on both accounts. They wouldn't let you offer the Sulaco as a kit, but they will not stop people from ordering all the parts from a Designer file. They have no idea what the parts are actually going to be used for.

Comparing your Micro to the schematics, I think it looks great!