Studio Scale "E.T." ship?

I'd be interested in building one... I'm current showing in a seperate thread a Dalek saucer ship I'm on building and its great fun so I might like to tackle this iconic spaceship aswell.

I swear I thought I saw one once, maybe it was in kit form or something... Can't believe no one's ever done this ship...
I remember the old ILM book and its coverage of this model... HOLY CRAP what alot of lighting was involved in this model. I'd love to see it taken up.
The ship, or a ship is currently on display in the Science Fiction museum in Seattle Washington, next to ET himself. I snapped a picture of it, hope this helps a little. It looked to me that all the side lights that are all around the ship pointing down, are small desk lamps.

Thanks for posting that. I took several pics of the E.T. ship myelf, but I had the hardest time trying to get my digital camera to focus on the ship and NOT the plexiglass window between the ship and me. Do you have any other shots of it?

I'm hoping to commission a build of this ship someday. To my knowledge no one's ever done one.

I always think about building the ship around this time of year because the stores are selling plastic easter eggs. Though on closer study of the actual photos of the studio model it doesnt really have that egg shape. It appears to be more of an ovalish shape. Any opinions? Would be real nice if more detailed photos of the actual model in seattle could be taken. Especially the lower half. Long way from colorado to take my own pics. By the way, great picture of the ship, seven!

That's a good question. I don't know. Although there was no mention of it being any kind of temporary display. Here's a photo I took of the ship. Not great. But at least you get a better idea of what that antenna looks like.
I still don't understand why the ship was replaced in the special edition. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the original effects shots.
Hey, arc60, even though you had focus problems, I'd be interested to see the pictures you did manage to take. OAlso, do you plan on going back to attempt to take better pics someday?

Well, here's three more that aren't horrible... the third has a nasty flash flare, but has the sharpest focus.

The interesting thing in a finished replica of this ship would be the decision to recreate the aluminum metal shell as it exists... or try to create that cool dark mirror look the ship has in the movie...

And, yes, I do plan to go back to Seattle some day and get better photos. I sure wish someone would offer a studio scale version of this ship! Having a studio scale replica of this ship is a big dream of mine. Someday, definitely!

Thanks for the pics, arc60. I too, would like to have a studio scale, or smaller, replica of this ship. I've seriously have thought about attempting to scratchbuilt the ship for many years now but there's just not enough references to build a descent version of it. Best reference I have is the DVD of the movie. Got the 20th anniversary DVD box set as a birthday present which comes with a book that has a few pics of the studio scale model. But still not enough to get a good idea of its overall design and dimensions.
