Suggestion Straight up rudeness is getting worse


Sr Member
I've been a member here for a while now. And I have to say, I've NEVER seen the straight up rudeness as bad as it is lately.

It's disappointing for us, and it's really bad because some of it is directed at our newer members.

It's sad. Is there anything we can do as a community to work on it? May sound silly, but I've noticed more and more NASTINESS lately.

Any way to discuss this as a community to see what we can do to get some of the members (a few of them who are rude so often that it's a trend) to chill out on the agression?

I know this may sound silly, but I think it needs to be addressed.
I have noticed this also and is stinks because IMO we should all be friends or at least civil.
Are you guys reporting things when you see it?

I can tell you that as of late the staff has been taking a bit more of a lenient attitude toward some issues and allow them to play out a little longer than previously (mostly because members complain about us being too harsh and stepping in too quickly). However, if something is going on that will ultimately hurt the board, we want to know about it.

j/k.. lol

Seriously, though... forums like this aren't a place for arguing. It's one thing if users don't get along, or if opinions differ. There should be an "ignore" function around here somewhere. I see no reason at all to be genuinely rude, insulting, or malicious in any way. It's the internet.. it accomplishes nothing.
EDIT: So I wouldnt get anymore PMs because people dont realize there is more than (1) definition of the word ignorant

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Seriously, though... forums like this aren't a place for arguing.

Are you kidding?
The forum in itself is created and populated by people with an obsession. There is going to be fighting, arguing or name-calling. How the issue is resolved is what matters.

I'm glad the mods have stepped back. Sometimes people need to be knocked down a notch. If the individuals can't come to an agreement to disagree or settle on a half way point, then the mods can step in and make a decision for them.
"Rudeness" is such a subjective thing. What may be rude to one person may not necessarily be so to another. Do we really want a nanny-state clampdown on any comments that are not touchy-feely at their core?

You would be well served by giving examples and clarifying what you mean by "rude". Others may think it's "direct". We also have a variety of cultures coming into contact here. Almost anything an Australian says could be considered "rude," for example.. ;) :lol
"Rudeness" is such a subjective thing.
Quoted for Emphasis!

It is nigh impossible to tell if someone is being rude by the written word. This is why you should leave the sensitivity at the door when you login to this, or ANY internet forum. Some folk simply cannot detect snarkiness from what someone has typed onto a screen. I could make a comment that is pointed and direct, but because it is not sugar coated with a smile, or inflection in my voice, or even a knowing nod, it can EASILY be construed as "rude".

If you see something that is questionable, why not just ask the person doing the typing what they have meant by their statement? Isn't that easier than ranting, or going to the mods? We are all big boys and girls and should be able to communicate ALL things. Hell, you even have the luxury of internet anonymity. This board is chock full of critics. People put their work out for ALL to see. If you did not want a place for people to post critiques, then you have come to the wrong place. Take everything you read here with a grain of salt.
What about people who just go out of their way to say something that offends most of the people on the board?
Mamby Pamby Land is over there! We talk props baby!! :lol

It's always been this way. You have certain people off their meds or something and they are easily rattled. There are other flower loving tree huggers who can't take a difference of opinion and you have the know it all info hoarders who everyone just hates.

It comes with the territory.

If you think this place has rude people now you should have seen it when it had the flame pit! :lol
EDIT: So I wouldnt get anymore PMs because people dont realize there is more than (1) definition of the word ignorant

It pretty much has one defined definition, but most people apply multiple incorrect definitions to it...

It's one of those words that if used correctly isn't necessary derogatory, yet I have found most take immediate offense to it while applying an incorrect derogatory definition of their own making...

"Rudeness" is such a subjective thing.

What he said...
It pretty much has one defined definition, but most people apply multiple incorrect definitions to it...

It's one of those words that if used correctly isn't necessary derogatory, yet I have found most take immediate offense to it while applying an incorrect derogatory definition of their own making...

Indeed. I was referring to definition #3 just for the record lol.

ig·no·rant   /ˈɪgnərənt/ Show Spelled
[ig-ner-uhnt] Show IPA

1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
3. uninformed; unaware.
4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement
People make stupid and insensitive comments, and sometimes, if you can believe it, on purpose... that is part of the human condition.

The staff does what it can to keep things moving in a positive and constructive direction, but it is also up to each member to make their own decisions as to what is not appropriate, and use the ignore feature when necessary.
People make stupid and insensitive comments, and sometimes, if you can believe it, on purpose... that is part of the human condition.

The staff does what it can to keep things moving in a positive and constructive direction, but it is also up to each member to make their own decisions as to what is not appropriate, and use the ignore feature when necessary.

This is what I've been hoping for from the board management for a while now. Stop babysitting people, and let people decide if they want to place people on ignore or not. I know I've started a list of people not worth my time.
Just to clarify, I was really trying to help by bringing this up. I'm not complaining. What I'm trying to say - and not being specific enough is this:

There are some people that go out of their way to be hateful. Some people shock me with how hateful they are. I'm not talking about fun bickering and arguing about props. You all know who the people are on the board that do this. Why do we allow it? I know we are all adults. I know we can just ignore most of it. But WOW, it seems like lately there is some shocking stuff being said.

I had just noticed so much hatred on the board lately.

I was just trying to see if talking about it might improve it. Maybe it's just me then. I just felt like we could all be a heck of a lot nicer to each other.

In the end, I just wanted to have a dialogue about it. I don't know if this helped or not. Thanks for at least talking about it.