Stormtrooper Voice Amp Questions

Goosebot 5000

Well-Known Member
ahoy! i posted this over on proptopia also, so if you read it there you already know the deal.

ive got our ODST project that we are working on for dcon. we were originally going to have just the stormtrooper voice amps going, but after talking about it we started toying with the idea of having walkies wired up with the mic in the helmet also. after a few replies on proptopia and a teeny bit of research its looking like we are going to have to split the connection from the mic between the amp and the walkie.

my questions are:

1) has anyone done this before? or have any info that they want to chime in with? anything you have would be helpful, rigging up electronics isnt my most knowledgeable subject.

2) can you even separate the mic from the speakerbox?

3) if you can separate them, can anyone post the jack size? we will have to have 5 or 6, so i need info from items that are still available and in that quantity. i cant use any home rigged items, but i can still use the info from the people that made them!

It's easier to get a Motorola with VOX and wear a headset underneath. I do that when going Sandy and it really isn't that noticeable. I've seen others attach the handset behind the chestplate. If you use the voice activation be ready for others for getting on your case for chattering. It takes a little practice but you CAn wear a headset under your bucket comfortably. I've heard of some wanting to rewire theirs and putting the switch on the grey ear button(the square piece on the ear) Plenty of space in the bucket if you tear a walkie talkie apart. Wish I had the photos of some of the mods I've seen over the years. Maybe someone here will chime in with helmet mod interiors.

Here is the pin setup I have seen for the Motorolas I have.


This is the most common headset I have seen troopers wear and what I use.


Mine is an older model but here are the types out there. Not TOO large but the cool part is there are multiple channels. Most cons use 5 .01 as a standard but you can pick any others if there is too much chatter or as a secondary channel. Hope this helps.


I haven't TRIED it but I bet you could use a splitter to send the Mike input to the two devices.
Like this. Let me know if you have any luck doing this.

Like this but with double male ends instead of dual females.

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