Stormtrooper FX Lenses


Well-Known Member
I have an ANH FX helmet but the lenses were not glued in. They are the amber 'buble lenses'. I did try but was all fingers and thumbs. It did not look right so I took them back out and have them in place with tape at the moment. Is there anyone who can sugest a way of doing it 'easily'.

I have tried 'no more nails' sticking pads but they don't hold. I'm sure you have all done it, please tell me how..........
for my FX i dabbed some hot glue in each corner of the lense (it is almost a triangle) then held them in place for a few seconds, the good thing about this method is you can easily pull them out if the position is wrong.

After i got them where i wanted them i went back in and added a bit more glue. the only trouble with hot glue is that it can get a bit messy.

this is only one option and i'm not that experienced so wait to see what others think
for my FX i dabbed some hot glue in each corner of the lense (it is almost a triangle) then held them in place for a few seconds, the good thing about this method is you can easily pull them out if the position is wrong.

After i got them where i wanted them i went back in and added a bit more glue. the only trouble with hot glue is that it can get a bit messy.

this is only one option and i'm not that experienced so wait to see what others think

Thanks and 'Bump' for any other thoughts.
Personally I stick to glue guns when placing things inside my bucket. Granted, yes, I do use tubing and other pieces to keep it clean and hold my electronics, etc. in there well and protect it...but when glueing to my actual bucket I only use glue guns. Why? I figure this allows me to always make any changes I want to. If you use enough it will hold very well. Just make sure you keep plenty of sticks and a glue gun in your emergency kit--no trooper is complete without one!