Steam Punk Beam Weapons From GGS

UPDATE! See page 2 for FINISHED pics!

Yes, that's right. The Gentlemen's Gadgeteer Society has put together another example of focused Aether ray defensive systems.

Starting with a shot "under construction" and then moving to some detail shots for your perusal.

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I started with a pair of Denix dueling pistols. I ordered them because the description said they were wood handled. They are not. The handles are actually injection molded ABS with a fairly impressive paint job. I told the seller they needed to update their product description.

I yanked off the brass-colored barrels (literally YANKED them off... the whole thing was friction-fit together!) and removed the hammer and the cap holder. They were listed as "flintlocks" when in fact they were modeled on cap-lock pistols.
Anyway, I replaced the hammer with a custom machined brass knob because the trigger mechanism requires that you cock it in order for the action to work. I would have kept the hammer except that when the trigger was pulled, the hammer knocked into the tank that I was putting on.

The one thing I hate doing on ray guns is making the handle. So this time out I decided that the tinkerer who would have made these would have started with something familiar and modified it to fit his "invention".

I made these two as a matching pair, but I doubt I'll ever be able to replicate them beyond that. I used a lot of one-sy two-sey Thrift Store finds for the brass parts and the cage around the crystal chamber. Don't know if I'll find matching parts ever again!

What's still missing is a set of four Aether-power cartridges for each gun. I have them started, but i'm waiting to find the right finials for the ends. There's a port at the top back of each gun where they'll fit. They'll be held in place by a rare-earth magnet inside the port. The cartridges will fit into the hole and the finial will hang out the end, just above the back spike detail, for easy removal.
The other three cartridges will be supplied in a leather pouch affair like a mini bandolier.

I have plans for a rifle version of this as well. I need to get the rifle stock as a base. I'm probably going to use a blunderbuss as a stock. Just gotta find one that's the proper size.

Fun project overall... not a huge amount of expectation, not a huge amount of planning on the front end. I should have planned and drawn them better to start with. I could have saved a buttload of time in solving problems as I went. There was many a day that i would stare at a particular part or piece trying to figure out how t get it attached to another part or piece or thinking hard about what I'd use to bridge this to that.
A journey of discovery is what I've chosen to call it. If I don't I'll fall down weeping! LOL!!!

Nice! I'm working on a Steam Pistol right now, and I'm tinkering with the idea of it being at least partly clockwork! Great minds and all that!
There are so many little indicators that make the mind flash on that whole Victorian steam punk-y theme. I had those keys from a jar of bits I bought at a garage sale years ago. I've been waiting to have something to use them on where they would be used to the ultimate of their potential visually. This project seems to be it.

I'm really excited to get the cartridges done. But finding a set of 8 matching finials is a bugger! I'm looking at brass chess sets... I could tap the pawns for the end pieces.

I really enjoy threads like this. It made me start combing the junkyard ( or transfer station for the PC crowd )in my town for some metal bits..
Thrift stores are my friend! I am blessed with several in my immediate vacinity. I'm pulling apart lamps and brass candle holders and all manner of groovy things that I never even looked at before.

The tough part is that none of the stuff I'm using has any sort of standard thread system... especially the lamps. Its a rare occassion that I can find something that's threaded with 1/4-20 threads (which is what I like to work with). So I'm getting pretty good at checking thread sizes and adapting them to 1/4-20 or 6-32 or 10-32 threads. But lamps are a pain... they all are threaded onto larger pipe (for the cord to run through) and there are several different thread sizes they work with... all of which are a pain in the behind. Lamp finials are easy to re-tap to 1/4-20 because they're a smaller tap to begin with. Making 1/4" centered cores for the larger pieces so a 1/4" rod will hold them together without pieces shifting gets to be a bit tedious after a while.

But having a mill and a lathe at my disposal is extremely useful.

I'm currently engaged in making a new steam-punk laboratory device. It's a bench-top machine used to determine phantomic interaction on real-world objects (reads whether or not something has been touched by phantoms or creatures from nether realms) and possibly other functions as well. Depends on how imaginative I get while I'm building!

I have plans for other steam punk gadgets as well, but this one is pretty much "speaking to me" so it got bumped to the front of the line.

ya know, I love everything but the grips. They just look too "stuck on" to me. I like the grips, and I like the rest of the assembly you have on there too, but together, they just seem a bit off to me somehow.

Maybe I just need to see more pictures of them!

You've hit on exactly what I had intended. I was thinking about how a crazy inventor type would approach the subject. Instead of scratch-designing something, he'd gravitate towards the familiar. In this case, with the invention of other, more efficient handguns, old cap-lock pistols would become so much cast-off fodder for scavenged parts.

The handles are just a support system for the trigger... the real "meat" of the project is in the works... the device that creates the energy beam. And even that looks like it's been cobbled together from bits and pieces. I purposely tried to avoid too many matching material types and colors (yet within the period palette) so it looked like the "Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang" of ray pistols.

Perhaps what it's missing is big straps of some sort... to make it look even more specifically like the device has been "strapped on" to an existing handle?

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