Static Sterling L2A3 progress.


Sr Member
Hey guy's. Thought I would share the progress I have made on my static Sterling SMG. It is from a de-milled kit. Non-functioning of course but darn real looking. Still need to install the fake barrel and track down a few of the option parts. (Sling, bayonet and inert ammo) Plan to display it with my DL-44, E-11, MG-34 and WWII Mac Glashan training BB gun. It has been a fun project so far. Will post final display pictures when I am done.

BTW. I was originally going to make this into another E-11 but after researching alot of Sterling’s decided to keep it original.

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Should be a nice prop when your done with it. From what I understand there are actually quite a few Sterlings around these days. There is an Indian company (as in the country) that still makes them. I have a good friend of mine who was stationed in Iraq and being the Sandtrooper he is, he about went nuts when they confiscated a cache (I belive it was around 12 sterlings) during a raid they did over there. Hell I even saw a reporter on CNN pick on up after a raid the US did on an Insurgent hideout. Talk about small world.

I've been interested myself in actually picking up one of those de-mil'd kits. I'd like to find one and make some decent copies of it.
Thanks guy's.

There were tens of thousands of L2A3's sold all over the world. Prior to the AK it was the SMG to buy. Iraq was actually one of the first and they got quite a few. I have seen quite a few photo's from Iraq with old "new" L2A3's. Too bad they will not come home in one piece. The Indian version is a little different from the British unit and the Canadian one is WAY different. I made mine a export version as it was easier to finish it that way.

I did not take any progress shots so no real tutorial. What i did do is get ahold of "The Guns of Dagenham" and read it from cover to cover. A awesome book.

My tutorial in a paragraph......

Get ahold of a reciever print. Used it and the parts from the de-milled kit to make a more accurate template. Glued the template to a piece of aluminum tubing a milled it all out. Once that was done i cleaned up all the original parts (after removing them from the old cut up reciever tube) and JB welded them to the tube. Alot more to that then just glueing as you have to do alot of test fitting to make sure everything unfolds properly. Then painted it and put it together.

PM me if you want more details.

Can you do a tutorial or at least tell us how you did it? I have a kit that I want to start on.:cool

I'll be making up a detailed tutorial with photos. I have the same kit, as I bought it from mjhenks. I'm waiting for an order of hard silver solder paste to arrive in the mail, and I'll be starting the re-brazing of the pieces onto the fake dummy receiver.
Hey guy's. Thought I would share the progress I have made on my static Sterling SMG. It is from a de-milled kit. Non-functioning of course but darn real looking. Still need to install the fake barrel and track down a few of the option parts. (Sling, bayonet and inert ammo) Plan to display it with my DL-44, E-11, MG-34 and WWII Mac Glashan training BB gun. It has been a fun project so far. Will post final display pictures when I am done.

BTW. I was originally going to make this into another E-11 but after researching alot of Sterling’s decided to keep it original.


if you go to and type in sterling receiver, they sell a template for making a new one out of a plastic or aluminum or steel tube. Tim
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