Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

i sure hope your right

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i know where your coming from.. what scares me the most is JJ has no remorse for killing characters... though he is no directing the next film(s) i think he is still heavily influential

Oh, I don't think from a story standpoint JJ is having very much input at all, especially by the time we get to Ep. 9.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

If Luke dies I'm done with new SW. Everyone thinks they have to write their stories like Game of Thrones of The Walking Dead where you have to kill off characters constantly. Technically only one person died of unnatural causes in the OT, which would be Obi Wan. Yoda died of old age. If they think they have some quota, I think it's been filled.

Well, I don't really see the point in distinguishing between "natural" and "unnatural" deaths and omitting the PT deaths. Even ignoring villain deaths, a number of people have died in SW and so far the pattern seems to be at least one major death in the first and last movie of each trilogy.

Qui-gon Jinn and Mace Windu
Obi-wan Kenobi and Yoda
Han Solo and... Luke Skywalker?

EDIT: Come to think of it, we also lost Owen and Beru Lars in the ANH, Shmi Skywalker in AOTC and Padme in ROTS too. Of course, I'll grant Luke is a far more major character than those four.
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Never mind deaths.....who's lined up to have an arm or hand lopped off?


Pattern would dictate that its going to be Rey. But I think Kylo will loose the first limb. Further embracing his desire to emulate Vader.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Yeah, that seems plausible. I wonder what his helmet will look like. He left his old one on the Starkiller so I wonder if the new one will just look identical to the old one or if it'll be different.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Yeah, that seems plausible. I wonder what his helmet will look like. He left his old one on the Starkiller so I wonder if the new one will just look identical to the old one or if it'll be different.
For the sake of avoiding confusion among casuals, and for the sake of keeping the spirit of Vader, it should be (nearly) identical.
From a toy marketing pov, he might look different. I hope not. I liked his look in TFA.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

We dont know his mindset so will he hide his facial scar or showcase it? He worships Vader so one can "assume" he'll want a new mask. Perhaps a hybrid between the Kylo and Vader versions?
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Eh, I love his helmet, and it seems like they're using it as an iconic piece for the ST. It'll hopefully just be a brand new version of the same one (at least at the start). Then again, this is SW and Disney, so merch sales could be a factor in the decision.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

My problem with it is that if they kill Luke they're cementing his status as a Jedi as a complete failure. He couldn't even fulfill his supposed destiny of continuing the Jedi. Then you kill him, and unless they are going to kill him with an orbital strike or surround him with a 100 Stormtroopers, then it won't make any sense. I don't care how many Rey's they have, they can't adequately continue the Jedi Knights in any real way.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

My problem with it is that if they kill Luke they're cementing his status as a Jedi as a complete failure. He couldn't even fulfill his supposed destiny of continuing the Jedi. Then you kill him, and unless they are going to kill him with an orbital strike or surround him with a 100 Stormtroopers, then it won't make any sense. I don't care how many Rey's they have, they can't adequately continue the Jedi Knights in any real way.

no one really said it was his duty to pass it on did they? I'm trying to think if yoda said it was his destiny? all i can remember is "pass on what you have learned" or something like that. maybe its not his destiny to rebuild the jedi. maybe his destiny has already been fulfilled, and thats destroying the sith? he didnt destroy pap's himself but if he wasn't around vader would still be paps slave.

maybe lukes destiny is to be the last jedi, and when he's gone there will be balance in the force with no good or evil? I'm just reaching here lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

My problem with it is that if they kill Luke they're cementing his status as a Jedi as a complete failure. He couldn't even fulfill his supposed destiny of continuing the Jedi. Then you kill him, and unless they are going to kill him with an orbital strike or surround him with a 100 Stormtroopers, then it won't make any sense. I don't care how many Rey's they have, they can't adequately continue the Jedi Knights in any real way.

Luke's destiny was never to rebuild the Jedi Order, his destiny was to be the means through which Anakin was able to fulfill the prophecy of bringing balance to the Force by destroying the Emporer. Luke's destiny was to save his father. Yoda simply asked Luke to "pass on what you have learned". From what we know from TFA he did teach others the ways of the Jedi but that eventually failed. The OT and PT was Anakin's story (in retrospect per GL) not Luke's. And this sequel trilogy is about Rey.

The New Jedi Order of the EU never happened.
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

maybe lukes destiny is to be the last jedi, and when he's gone there will be balance in the force with no good or evil? I'm just reaching here lol

Hey H,

That's actually a very interesting angle. If Luke destroys the Sith by sacrificing himself will there be a sudden balance in the Force? It would be a wonderful way to end the series but we all know that will never happen. The SW universe is too big with too many stories to tell for Disney to simply end it there. :)
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Hey H,

That's actually a very interesting angle. If Luke destroys the Sith by sacrificing himself will there be a sudden balance in the Force? It would be a wonderful way to end the series but we all know that will never happen. The SW universe is too big with too many stories to tell for Disney to simply end it there. :)

That would require a retcon of what GL has said balance of the Force means. In his view balance means no dark side only light.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

I think we need to also consider this quote from Colin Trevorrow in an ET Weekly interview back earlier this year:

"Though he says he has yet to speak with original Star Wars stars Hamill and Carrie Fisher, Trevorrow wants their presence to be even greater in his film, revealing he can’t wait “to find new places that we can take those characters.”“They are icons, but they’re also people that have suffered tremendous loss and challenge over the course of all these films,” he told us.
“[Episode IX] is something that needs to honor a story that’s been told over a period of 40 years,” he reiterated. “I don’t want to ignore any of it, and I respect all of it. It’s something I think the fan base is going to embrace.”

So Luke makes it at least to his film.
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

No one says you have to get rid of the old cast to continue with the new cast. Leia doesn't really need to be in going forward, chewie can go off on his own or stick with rey, R2/C3PO don't need to stick around. Luke could be a lesser role of an ongoing advisor, head of the jedi that rarely gets screen time, or even gets a fair amount. None of that requires anyone dying nor does it hamper the new cast going forward.

Not to mention, these days, it's rare for actors to want to stick around 6 or 9 flicks for fear of typecasting. So, 10-12 may jump into the future or past. Who knows...but no more deaths are required for anything that shock value.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

I think we need to also consider this quote from Colin Trevorrow in an ET Weekly interview back earlier this year:

"Though he says he has yet to speak with original Star Wars stars Hamill and Carrie Fisher, Trevorrow wants their presence to be even greater in his film, revealing he can’t wait “to find new places that we can take those characters.”“They are icons, but they’re also people that have suffered tremendous loss and challenge over the course of all these films,” he told us.
“[Episode IX] is something that needs to honor a story that’s been told over a period of 40 years,” he reiterated. “I don’t want to ignore any of it, and I respect all of it. It’s something I think the fan base is going to embrace.”

So Luke makes it at least to his film.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

If Luke is to die, I would certainly think it'd be in IX. I never thought he'd die in VIII.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

If Luke is to die, I would certainly think it'd be in IX. I never thought he'd die in VIII.

Based on Trevorrow's comment above and considering the happy ending of ROTJ has been somewhat diminished to make room for the sequel trilogy I think we get an all around happy ending. :)
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

I don't care how many Rey's they have, they can't adequately continue the Jedi Knights in any real way.

And what pray tell is the real way? No emotional attachments? Letting go of things you fear to lose? That certainly didn't come off with Luke at the end of Return of the Jedi. You really think that he's going to lecture Rey about how she should detach herself from those she cares about so that she won't be tempted by the dark side? That would be such a character assassination moment for him since the very nature of being attached to those you care about is what saved him and Vader in the end.

The Jedi Order as it was during the Old Republic must not return. Change will be difficult, but it's needed if the Jedi are going to survive.
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