Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

I've noticed and been nervous about the episode number as well, but so long as it's in the crawl, I'm good. If it's not even in the crawl and they're getting rid of it altogether, I'll be very upset. It would just be one more concession made to loud (if I may make a political analogy) conservative fanboys (and girls, of course) at the expense of us drowned out liberal fanboys (and girls, of course) who actually grew up on and/or liked what we were getting with the prequels and beyond. We didn't see ANH for the first time when it was simply called Star Wars and didn't have an episode in the number. Our first experience with the OT on the big screen wasn't in their original forms, but the special editions (or, in some cases, didn't get to see them in theaters at all). So I don't understand why we're being shoved to the side in favor of the original generation. Why can't they just accept and embrace everything that's come before and just take it in whatever direction they choose. That way you don't alienate anybody on either side and continue ever onwards (apparently) in peace and harmony. Until the next derisive installment in the franchise, of course. Oi, I hope that day doesn't come anytime soon.

Gee, I just went through that whole rant without even knowing yet whether or not the movie will prove it necessary. Oh well, it's out there now.
I've noticed and been nervous about the episode number as well, but so long as it's in the crawl, I'm good. If it's not even in the crawl and they're getting rid of it altogether, I'll be very upset. It would just be one more concession made to loud (if I may make a political analogy) conservative fanboys (and girls, of course) at the expense of us drowned out liberal fanboys (and girls, of course) who actually grew up on and/or liked what we were getting with the prequels and beyond. We didn't see ANH for the first time when it was simply called Star Wars and didn't have an episode in the number. Our first experience with the OT on the big screen wasn't in their original forms, but the special editions (or, in some cases, didn't get to see them in theaters at all). So I don't understand why we're being shoved to the side in favor of the original generation. Why can't they just accept and embrace everything that's come before and just take it in whatever direction they choose. That way you don't alienate anybody on either side and continue ever onwards (apparently) in peace and harmony. Until the next derisive installment in the franchise, of course. Oi, I hope that day doesn't come anytime soon.

Gee, I just went through that whole rant without even knowing yet whether or not the movie will prove it necessary. Oh well, it's out there now.

No way they're leaving out the episode number.


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Guys . . . . really?

Let me clarify a few things here:

The sky is blue.
The SW villain has a red lightsaber.
Donald Trump has a huge ego.
John Williams is the first choice for SW soundtracks.
The govt will want tax money from us again next year.

And TFA will begin with an episode number & opening text.
On the merchandising, has anyone noticed the distinct lack of the words Episode VII on everything? Its all Star Wars The Force Awakens, but no mention of the episode no.

Even the posters are devoid of the numerals.
That's because The Force Awakens is actually Episode IX. They'll film Episode VIII, but leave it in the can until the real Episode VII is finished, then they'll charge you $50 to see all three movies back-to-back. :D
Grevious had blue/green lightsabers because he was a jedi killer who collected lightsabers as trophies

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This is from one of the Omaze emails, not actually in the movie, but I thought it was neat.

Here was the email:

Hi Christopher,

The last time anybody saw me in a Stormtrooper outfit was when we rescued the princess on the Death Star.

But since this is your last chance to win a trip to the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I thought I’d go incognito again to help spread the word.

Check it out. Or if you’re on your phone, watch it here.

Let’s recap: for ten bucks or more, YOU could win not one, but four tickets to the red carpet premiere, hang with the cast, and support multiple causes with every entry.

Contribute before tomorrow at midnight and I hope to see you soon.



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