Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

A guy is bitching constantly on another message board about Lens flares, how this movie does NOT have the weathered/used look of the originals other than Jakku. The guy seems to want it all shot like exactly it like was a SW film in the early 80s. He was talking about how things look "Too new" and unused. Complaining about droids looking new, Starkiller Base looking too shiny, etc. ("Death Star had more scuffs on the floor").
well the death star got blowed D FRAK UP so it aint got no scuffs no more he got to deal with the new model death machine now .
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A guy is bitching constantly on another message board about Lens flares, how this movie does NOT have the weathered/used look of the originals other than Jakku. The guy seems to want it all shot like exactly it like was a SW film in the early 80s. He was talking about how things look "Too new" and unused. Complaining about droids looking new, Starkiller Base looking too shiny, etc. ("Death Star had more scuffs on the floor").

I wouldn't go as far as that guy, what I'm seeing I'm loving for the most part, but..

..The guy seems to want it all shot like exactly it like was a SW film in the early 80s..

OMG that would be awesome! I realised pretty early on though that type of film would never happen, but I'm hoping (dare I say expecting) enough of an OT-feel to make me happy. Cannot wait.
I always thought it'd be interesting if it was almost treated like a "period" film, done as if it had been made in the 80s, but I doubt the appeal of that would be broad enough to warrant. What I've seen of TFA so far is close enough in my book, while still keeping things modern for broader audiences.
Wipe transitions were included in Star Wars ANH because Lucas was going for a 40s/50s Serial look. Once the film became a mega gigunda hit, most of that stuff went by the wayside. This is now, that was then. We're not in Kansas anymore, we're in the land of Lens Flares!
lightsaber breaching tool 2.jpg

anyone see this new breaching tool ?

I came across it after reading an article about how they just proved Einstein's spooky action theory. the one about an unseen "force that binds molecule's together over any distance. we are learning about a force that binds us together and are starting to make first steps towards lightsaber like tools. I like it.
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View attachment 557265

anyone see this new breaching tool ?

I came across it after reading an article about how they just proved einstein's spooky action theory. The one about an unseen "force that binds molecule's together over any distance. We are learning about a force that binds us together and are starting to make first steps towards lightsaber like tools. I like it.

As I've said many times, star wars is a film style, as well as a story.

The wipes are just as much a part of it as John Williams score, the opening crawl and skywalkers
I very much agree. I find it odd when people argue against this. Even further, when it is said Star Wars should move away from this old style.
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