Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

OK.... except it is in no way a REBOOT, since it follows after the established events in the story so far AND includes ORIGINAL CAST MEMBERS reprising their roles.:rolleyes

Let it die already. :facepalm
It just feels like the they are pushing that you don't really need to have seen the other movies, that all will be explained again, etc. The reboot/sequel is enjoying a lot of popularity currently.
Maybe we'll get super lucky and Daisy will be cast as Lara in the new Tomb Raider movie :)
Dammit... I just set myself up for disappointment again, didn't I?

I'm betting i would be totally OK if that were to happen. Seriously. :D

--The Daisey Ridley thing... not the disappointment thing LOL.
It just feels like the they are pushing that you don't really need to have seen the other movies, that all will be explained again, etc. The reboot/sequel is enjoying a lot of popularity currently.

Maybe... but i really don't think that's accurate. I seriously doubt they are going to explain six previous movies worth of backstory for all involved returning characters in the space of 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Not to mention I reckon it'd be pretty difficult to find a significant number of moviegoers who will see this movie who have NO previous experience with Star Wars that would outnumber those who have. The only possible demographic i could think of is younger children, but then if you're planning to take your 6 year old to see this, I'm pretty sure you can let them bone-up at home on Star Wars lore, since all of the previous films are literally everywhere.

This isn't a movie being made after some long forgotten film or series... Star Wars is so ingrained in our culture that I really doubt there's much of a danger of having a significant number of viewers scratching their heads wondering who Leia, Han and Luke are, or who this Darth Vader was, etc...

There won't be explanations for those kinds of things in this movie because there doesn't need to be because we all know the story already.... and the few who don't can prolly think for themselves enough to say "I guess I'd better watch some of Star Wars before I go out and see the seventh installment of the story."
The thing about Star Wars was that it appealed to all back in 77,....the Prequels & all that backstory made it nerdy......The sequels/Disney is trying to claw that back


I agree.. and I believe they will succeed in making Star Wars appeal to all again... and that cannot be a bad thing. :thumbsup
Even if George had made all twelve movies he originally envisioned, even if we'd gotten six Prequel films following on to the original core saga From the Adventures of Obi-Wan Kenobi, even if they later came to be viewed in episode order... When we get to Star Wars, we still only have the opening crawl and a few comments from characters to establish what came before. You don't have to sit the audience down for half an hour of exposition before the story gets going, and I don't think they're going to here. And the recurrence of common themes/elements in new settings is part of the whole point of the operatic theme of Star Wars. But those are all just the trappings. What matters most is the characters and their arcs -- how they respond to the setting, grow, and surmount the obstacles in their paths. And I am seeing a lot of hints of that very thing.

I am continually impressed with BB-8. I just would not have thought it'd been possible to so convincingly bring him to life in the "real world".
I am continually impressed with BB-8. I just would not have thought it'd been possible to so convincingly bring him to life in the "real world".

you and me both, hearing he was a practical effect i never would have believed. seeing him roll out on stage at c7 my mind almost blew up
Same here. My jaw dropped when I saw him roll out. Iirc, the BB-8s they used in TFA were mostly puppets of some manner but I hope they use the full "no strings attached" RC version for Ep. 8.
Same here. My jaw dropped when I saw him roll out. Iirc, the BB-8s they used in TFA were mostly puppets of some manner but I hope they use the full "no strings attached" RC version for Ep. 8.

It was an "all of the above" approach for the film, but they used the RC no-strings-attached unit as much as possible!
I noticed the head of the remote control BB-8 follows the ball almost to the ground before popping back up again. I'm sure they used the "puppet" version because that doesn't give it as much of the "wow!" factor as an always upright head. Not knocking the RC droid, because it is quite the feat of engineering.
The RC was made just for C7 and they didn't even know if it would work until the show started.
In videos of the show you can see them push it out on stage.
The RC was made just for C7 and they didn't even know if it would work until the show started.
In videos of the show you can see them push it out on stage.

That was the sphero-based one?

"But for the latest sequel in the long-running saga, JJ Abrams chose not to use this method, but to create a robot from scratch that is remotely controlled by an operator and can perform specific commands.

"We talked originally about how to best have BB8 in the film and there were a lot of discussions about how having a CG BB8 would be so much easier for shooting, but we also knew it would better for the film, for the actors, for the sets, for the look of it if it were performed, and Neal Scanlan and his unbelievable team built and puppeteered it for the movie," Abrams said during a Q&A session at the Star Wars Celebration fan convention in Anaheim, California on 16 April.

Just to be clear, by puppeteering, Abrams means that there was a crew remotely controlling the robot off-camera, but it is fully-functioning robot, rather than a puppet with wires being physically moved to create realistic action."
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