Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yeah, I want, nay demand stories about Luke's grandkids. Looooooong, meandering, pointless stories where he tells us how cute they were at that Space Ballet recital that they wet themselves at, that otherwise don't go anywhere. Then he could break off into non-sequitor racist asides about those lazy Ithorians, finally nodding off for a few minutes at a time.

No one's saying that they can't make movies 1000 years before or 1000 years after or same time, but other side of the galaxy, other galaxy, etc.

They can do every bit of it.

You just can't do that and say it's Episode 7, 8, or 9.

If they wanna say the 2015 flick is no longer E7, but a new story set elsewhere in location and/or time, i'm fine with that. You just can't have it be something not connected to the originals AND still call it E7.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

To be 7-9, there has to be a direct connection to the OT. Sorry, has to be.

The OT had plenty of direct connections to the PT: Anakin->Vader, Emperor (though he didnt' show til ROTJ), obi, yoda, Luke/Leia, tatooine, and i'm sure many more.

Jumping 500 years down the line and starting from scratch can still be Star Wars, but it can't be 7-9 because there's no connection.

A test to me at least is how much connection there will be between OT and ST. Luke being the new yoda, so to speak, isn't really enough connection in my book unless they focus on the rebuilding of the jedi. Even at that, it'd still be more off shoot. There needs to be more.

With a series comprised of episodes 1-9, it basically says it's 9 smaller stories making up one big story. 1-3, story of the father, 4-6 son, 7-9 grandson(s)/daughter(s)?

Taking 7-9 and having no connection would be utterly pointless. They just wouldn't belong in the set. It'd be like saying there were 5 Dirty Harry movies and the 5th was million dollar baby.

Granted I haven't read the entire thread but nobody has said to cut things off from the rest at all so your analogy is just ridiculous.

OF COURSE there will be a Skywalker in it. The PT is Anakin's story, the OT is Luke's story, the ST should be the story of Luke's descendants.

People have been saying that it shouldn't be Luke, Han, & Leia's story. That's all.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

How do you know that, nobody knows what happened after ROTJ (that is, of course, excluding the EU, as they will most likely have no bearing on the new trilogy)? They can be made to be interesting by the right writer.

Of course nobody knows what happens after ROTJ but think about how the characters have been presented to us thus far and in fact the only canon way they've been presented.

Leia: Leader of the Rebellion against the Empire. It's her ONLY goal in life, defeat the Empire. At the end of ROTJ she's accomplished her goal. Her story is over.

Han: Theif with a heart of gold. He goes from rotten scoundrel in ANH to P***y whipped pretty boy in ROTJ. That character has run his story.

HOWEVER, Luke is part of the greater story of the Skywalker legacy. That's why his story still has potential.

LOL great analogy.

Terrible analogy, read two posts up.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you.

No really... put the new Jedi temple on Dagobah. I wanna know what that underground temple structure is that let Luke chop off a vision-Vader and seeing his own head.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you.

No really... put the new Jedi temple on Dagobah. I wanna know what that underground temple structure is that let Luke chop off a vision-Vader and seeing his own head.

"Hey, he kinda looks like me!"

"yes....look like you he did, jump out and scare you, then reveal his face and blown your mind would be!!"
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Okay, I'll play...what's Makeb? It's some EU Sith temple of porn, isn't it? ******* you internet...

Yeah, the Dagobah angular walls in the 'cave' have fascinated me since the movie came out on VHS and I could pause and rewatch it. What's the story there? No, I don't want some EU garbage explanation. Why was it built that way to begin with?

And, Cboath, I apologize, I was just being cranky, absurd, and flippant -the idea struck me as funny. That wasn't an actual comment on the idea of a Skywalker-less 7,8, and 9. I guess it depends on which of Lucas' versions of the concept of the story you subscribe to. If you look at the '70's-80s Lucas, then I don't see a problem - it was about the Empire, how it came to power, and how it was defeated by technologically inferior rebels. Post '80s I'll grant you that Lucas kinda changed his mind and said it was all about Anakin. Episode 1, his starting point, showcases the beginning of the Sith putting their plan into effect (Anakin is pretty unimportant at this point). I think we NEED to have a continuation of the Sith to call it an episode in the existing line as a result.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII


Plus, personally, I don't want to watch my heroes grow old. I'd prefer to just say to myself "And they lived happily ever after," rather than confront their mortality.

Plus bonus points for this being the pattern for the Greek heroic cycle which forms the foundation of western mythology - the hero comes from extraordinary birth, does extraordinary things then gets unceremoniously dumped and/or killed when his story has server its purpose. The Greeks didn't need to know their heroes had amazing adventures right up until death - they had their adventures then faded away.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I thought what they did with The Avengers was pretty awesome, so who knows? We could very well see single films that set up story arcs and characters that later come together for a larger movie. We could also see one off films too. Hopefully Disney is smart about not just churning out content for the sake of having content and that the Star Wars material they release will have good stories with strong characters.
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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I thought what they did with The Avengers was pretty awesome, so who knows?

Yeeeah...Avengers is pretty much exactly what I don't want to see happen to SW. CA was...okay, Thor was pretty awful, Iron Man 1 squeaked by on DJs charisma alone, and 2 was completely terrible. Then they brought them all together in a film that contained 15% actual story and 85% fanwankery ("nuh-uh, Thor could TOTALLY beat up Iron Man!!!!"...who cares if we come up with a plausible reason why he does though). Give me characters I care about, doing something in a story I care about. Not a 'greatest hits' of half-baked notions fan boys thought would be cool.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yeeeah...Avengers is pretty much exactly what I don't want to see happen to SW. CA was...okay, Thor was pretty awful, Iron Man 1 squeaked by on DJs charisma alone, and 2 was completely terrible. Then they brought them all together in a film that contained 15% actual story and 85% fanwankery ("nuh-uh, Thor could TOTALLY beat up Iron Man!!!!"...who cares if we come up with a plausible reason why he does though). Give me characters I care about, doing something in a story I care about. Not a 'greatest hits' of half-baked notions fan boys thought would be cool.




Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I didn't mean to imply that The Avengers could ever be considered a very seriously great movie. It was very entertaining though. No spin off in a universe that large could really be as good as the main story. There is a reason why those characters have become so iconic. Secondary characters tend to only be secondary characters, and likely will never have the same impact that the main ones do.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Plus bonus points for this being the pattern for the Greek heroic cycle which forms the foundation of western mythology - the hero comes from extraordinary birth, does extraordinary things then gets unceremoniously dumped and/or killed when his story has server its purpose. The Greeks didn't need to know their heroes had amazing adventures right up until death - they had their adventures then faded away.
You've just expressed the perfect scenario for Luke Skywalker's cameo in Episode VII: A burn-out, sitting in the Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine, drunkenly telling stories of his Jedi adventures to nobody in particular while the other patrons either roll their eyes or simply ignore him. :lol
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yeah, but he's not dead...not yet. :D

This NEEDS to happen. Normally I hate this kind of obvious throwback stuff... But this could work...

If done right with a quirky lil smile like he knew he was quoting what Kenobi said to him at the start of his adventure. :)

Have a solo kid go looking for him, showing that Luke had hermitted himself off somewhere like Yoda did. (why I don't know? Lol!)
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