Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think that the OT characters should be in 7, 8, & 9 but not necessarily have to be in them and if they are they should be just supporting characters with maybe no more than 15 - 20 minutes worth of total screen time in any one of the 3 movies. The focus should definitely be on a new set of characters with characters like Luke to pass the torch, so to speak, and Han and Leia for a little bit of extra color.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Personally, I think the story of the OT characters is done. Luke trained new Jedi, Han and Leia raised a family (with Chewie's help), Leia was involved in the new government, and that was that. Everything was fine for many many years....until a new threat to the galaxy arose, and new heroes had to take up the mantle and fight it.
^According to the EU version of Star Wars.

As it is, these views of Star Wars, for all intents and purposes, do not necessarily reflect the views of GL/Lucasfilm and are therefore null and void vis-a-vis the sequels. The sequels are completely open to new characters and scenarios with or without the OT cast. I'm finding it hard to picture, though, that the original cast will not be a part of the sequels in some way. As extensions of the original trilogy, they will surely have to be, if just off camera to the right a bit.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

If the new films are going to be called 7, 8, and 9 then they will involve some of the OT cast (most likely in a small or supporting role.) If they are going to take place thousands of years after ROTJ then why not just call them something else? Why bother having the episode designations? That would indicate their link to the two existing trilogies.

I was fine with Jedi being the end of the story. They don't need to make a sequel trilogy. Hell they didn't even need to make a prequel trilogy. The story was all told in 4,5, and 6. It had a beginning, a middle, and an end. In fact if you boil it all down to the most basic concept, you didn't even need to make any sequels. Star Wars: A New Hope was a complete story.

The thing I think people miss is that there will be spin off movies that will involve different time periods and different characters. Lucas and Kennedy talk about it in the first couple video interviews after the news broke.
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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

New characters do some big adventure, and are presented medals at the end by Queen Leia, General Solo and Jedi Master Skywalker.

They're in it, it's at the end so everyone feels good and it's enough.
New characters do some big adventure, and are presented medals at the end by Queen Leia, General Solo and Jedi Master Skywalker.

They're in it, it's at the end so everyone feels good and it's enough.


I'm personally against the ST being an already written story. I want NEW Star Wars, I don't want to be able to expect what happens next like in the PT. I want those plot twists that made the ST so much superior.
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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

New characters do some big adventure, and are presented medals at the end by Queen Leia, General Solo and Jedi Master Skywalker.

They're in it, it's at the end so everyone feels good and it's enough.

Not a bad idea but I do have a slight problem with that, what would Leia be queen of exactly? True, she was a princess of Alderaan but since Alderaan no longer exists how could she be queen of it? Not that it really matters, I'm just saying that "present day" Leia couldn't/wouldn't be queen of anything. However, it would make a certain amount of sense for her to be Chancellor, maybe having succeeded Mon Mothma.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

New characters do some big adventure, and are presented medals at the end by Queen Leia, General Solo and Jedi Master Skywalker.

They're in it, it's at the end so everyone feels good and it's enough.

Seems about the right balance, yeah. A brief cameo, and that's it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

If the new films are going to be called 7, 8, and 9 then they will involve some of the OT cast (most likely in a small or supporting role.) If they are going to take place thousands of years after ROTJ then why not just call them something else? Why bother having the episode designations? That would indicate their link to the two existing trilogies.

Hence a "passing of the torch". Don't make it thousands of years after Jedi, maybe 80 years. Leia & Solo are dead, Luke is the old master that starts our story then dies.

Just like, for all intents & purposes, Obi-Wan is our only true link between the two existing trilogies aside from Yoda but he doesn't show up until half way through the second film. The droids don't count because they've been "rebooted".

Anakin & Vader don't count, he's a completely different character in the two trilogies.

You can connect them without having the same characters. I don't mind the "Old guys giving the medal" thing but those characters, particularly Solo & Leia, belong in the rebellion. They're relatively uninteresting outside of it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

So many good concepts and ideas in this thread, it breaks my heart knowing that the final product will be absolutely nothing like them...
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I'm not really hearing anything THAT amazing or good. I want to see the stories that Lucas has thought up, but handled by other scriptwriters and other directors.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I want to see the stories he thought up that were the ones that made it through the "George, that's a REALLY bad idea" process.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

To be 7-9, there has to be a direct connection to the OT. Sorry, has to be.

The OT had plenty of direct connections to the PT: Anakin->Vader, Emperor (though he didnt' show til ROTJ), obi, yoda, Luke/Leia, tatooine, and i'm sure many more.

Jumping 500 years down the line and starting from scratch can still be Star Wars, but it can't be 7-9 because there's no connection.

A test to me at least is how much connection there will be between OT and ST. Luke being the new yoda, so to speak, isn't really enough connection in my book unless they focus on the rebuilding of the jedi. Even at that, it'd still be more off shoot. There needs to be more.

With a series comprised of episodes 1-9, it basically says it's 9 smaller stories making up one big story. 1-3, story of the father, 4-6 son, 7-9 grandson(s)/daughter(s)?

Taking 7-9 and having no connection would be utterly pointless. They just wouldn't belong in the set. It'd be like saying there were 5 Dirty Harry movies and the 5th was million dollar baby.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The thing I think people miss is that there will be spin off movies that will involve different time periods and different characters. Lucas and Kennedy talk about it in the first couple video interviews after the news broke.

This is the most interesting prospect to me, but also the most scary. It's exciting in that it goes right back to what Lucas had in mind before SW was even being shot - you create this gigantic universe, do a movie to set it in motion, then turn the thing over to whatever director wants a crack at telling a story in that universe, no connections needed to the what came before. You let it take on an entire life of its own. It's very '70s collaborative, commune, production-company-ey. That said, given the tight corporate control over this genre right now, and the amount of money on the table for new SW, I have trouble believing anything interesting would actually get greenlit. I get the feeling what we'd actually get is Boba Fett and any other character fans have shown the slightest interest in run right into the ground in generic actioners.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

You can connect them without having the same characters. I don't mind the "Old guys giving the medal" thing but those characters, particularly Solo & Leia, belong in the rebellion. They're relatively uninteresting outside of it.

How do you know that, nobody knows what happened after ROTJ (that is, of course, excluding the EU, as they will most likely have no bearing on the new trilogy)? They can be made to be interesting by the right writer.

Taking 7-9 and having no connection would be utterly pointless. They just wouldn't belong in the set. It'd be like saying there were 5 Dirty Harry movies and the 5th was million dollar baby.

LOL great analogy.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Star Wars, before it was subtitled 'a new hope' was centered around Luke Skywalker, his journey meeting Kenobi, Han Solo etc, destroying the Death Star and so on, Empire then followed Luke as he trained to be a jedi, discovered Vader was his father etc, Return Of The Jedi shows him become a jedi, defeat Vader and the Emperor and ta da, then came the prequels which wanted to tell the story of Anakin Skywalker from toddler to Sith nasty, so thats 6 films centered around the Skywalker family, the next 3 should follow suit
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yeah, I want, nay demand stories about Luke's grandkids. Looooooong, meandering, pointless stories where he tells us how cute they were at that Space Ballet recital that they wet themselves at, that otherwise don't go anywhere. Then he could break off into non-sequitor racist asides about those lazy Ithorians, finally nodding off for a few minutes at a time.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yeah, I want, nay demand stories about Luke's grandkids. Looooooong, meandering, pointless stories where he tells us how cute they were at that Space Ballet recital that they wet themselves at, that otherwise don't go anywhere. Then he could break off into non-sequitor racist asides about those lazy Ithorians, finally nodding off for a few minutes at a time.
:darnkids(y)thumbsup:lolThis should be on Robot Chicken
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