Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

It's better to steal (more like using) a winning formula, like was brilliantly done with the OT, than to create something new that doesn't stick.

What I like about the OT......what made me appreciate it more (after seeing a new hope, for the first time) , were the influences from other movies like, Flash Gordon, A space Oddyssee, ww2 movies, LoTR books etc.It was supposedly all there before Star Wars, but in different places.

What I think they should do with the New Star Wars movies, is to go back in time like they did with the OT and puzzel all the pieces together like that, with maybe influences of the better 80's SCi-Fi movies like (Aliens, Predator, Blade Runner, Tron and Japanese/Korean movies like The Host, Tetsuo).

Just stick to a winning existing formula, scramble the pieces of the puzzle around and start putting them together.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

It's better to steal (more like using) a winning formula, like was brilliantly done with the OT, than to create something new that doesn't stick.

What I like about the OT......what made me appreciate it more (after seeing a new hope, for the first time) , were the influences from other movies like, Flash Gordon, A space Oddyssee, ww2 movies, LoTR books etc.It was supposedly all there before Star Wars, but in different places.

What I think they should do with the New Star Wars movies, is to go back in time like they did with the OT and puzzel all the pieces together like that, with maybe influences of the better 80's SCi-Fi movies like (Aliens, Predator, Blade Runner, Tron and Japanese/Korean movies like The Host, Tetsuo).

Just stick to a winning existing formula, scramble the pieces of the puzzle around and start putting them together.
Quentin Tarantino already said he won't be directing it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I'm expecting Revenge of The Sith level quality out of this.

ROTS level quality? Are you speaking of the graphics or???? Not following the quality remark. It's just my opinion and I've tried so hard to like the prequels and ROTS was the best out of the 3 but it was still far from what it should have been. GL might as well made it a CGI movie, do voice overs and drag it out for another hour. It was ok, but not quality.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That's what I mean, I don't expect ep7 to be any better than OK.

Especially with Disney behind the helm producing it to within an inch of its life. Look at John Carter, Alice in Wonderland etc.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

ROTS level quality? Are you speaking of the graphics or???? Not following the quality remark. It's just my opinion and I've tried so hard to like the prequels and ROTS was the best out of the 3 but it was still far from what it should have been. GL might as well made it a CGI movie, do voice overs and drag it out for another hour. It was ok, but not quality.

same here with the prequels i even saw ep 1 in 3d which wasnt 3d at all,only thing it made me realise is how bad it really is
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

So, Yoda was trained when he was in his 200s and he has the gall to say that Luke is too old? Damn that frog.

Seems more likely he was trained and knighted a few centuries after the forming of the republic and the institutionalizing of the Jedi Order, binding themselves to the protection of the republic.

I'm probably misremembering the exact amount of time, the idea was just that you would have the adventures of a newly knighted Yoda in the Old Republic. Again, two hours of Yoda? I don't think I could sit through it.

Totally with you on Joe Johnston. He's been attached to a couple of fan favorite concepts, neither of which are particularly genious filmaking (and the less said about The Wolfman the better, though not his fault). Yes, the Rocketeer is nice, and does some cool vintage adventure things, but it's also kinda bland. Not....bad exactly, but not great either. Funny, since that was pretty much my reaction to Captain America - not bad exactly, but a little bland, by the numbers, and lacking in any character of its own. I guess if you've convinced yourself for years that you NEED to see Captain America on the big screen that you could believe it was awesome, but.....meh. Johnston is a great designer, and a perfectly...capable director. It seems like what he's missing is any willingness to take any chances that might give his directorial work some character. He'll, competently, do exactly what the studio tells him to do and nothing more...which given what we're talking about in this thread may just have scared me a little...this is exactly who Disney would want to helm this thing. Luckily I don't they're going to excercise their veto power, at least on the first outing.

And, yeeeeeah, the Force as a story device is completely neutered if it's as easy to do all that crazy poop with it as the PT shows us. Ironic how showing so much mad-Jedi skillz reduces the magic and power of it all.

Is anyone getting a vibe of John Carter mixed with Tron: Legacy and Pirates of The Caribbean for the new Star Wars?

No, for the simple reason that pre-production won't even start until this spring, and apart from Arndt, none of the principal players has been hired yet. We've literally got NOTHING to make any judgements on apart from Disney saying "Hey, we just bought the rest of your childhood and we're going to make more SW movies.". It always amazes me how far in advance fans make up our minds on these kinds of projects, but jeesus if this isn't a new degree we're seeing. How could you be getting a John Carter vibe, a Tron vibe, an Attack of the Killer Tomatoes vibe, a Song of the South vibe, or any other vibe at this point in the game? Even the cauldron this thing is gestating in is totally different from those examples - in each of those you had a rabid fanbase demanding SOMEONE make the movie. No one was demanding more SW, I think we'd all accepted it was done as far as feautres went.

same here with the prequels i even saw ep 1 in 3d which wasnt 3d at all,only thing it made me realise is how bad it really is

Eh, I still liked the post-3D in TPM, even if the movie isn't great. Subtle, primarily giving some depth to the screen rather than forcing crap in my face, and applied so much better than I've seen in - no 'pop-up book effect with sharply defined layers (aherm...looking at you, Alice In Wonderland). If I get this level of subtlety in the rest of the films conversions, I'll be a happy guy.
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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

same here with the prequels i even saw ep 1 in 3d which wasnt 3d at all,only thing it made me realise is how bad it really is

It's hard to want to like something so badly, like I loved Star Wars when I was a kid, and you say to yourself, well it's only Ep. 1, its ok, it's an ok start, then they just keep smashing the hell out of what you loved as a kid.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

How could you be getting a John Carter vibe, a Tron vibe, an Attack of the Killer Tomatoes vibe, a Song of the South vibe, or any other vibe at this point in the game? Even the cauldron this thing is gestating in is totally different from those examples - in each of those you had a rabid fanbase demanding SOMEONE make the movie. No one was demanding more SW, I think we'd all accepted it was done as far as feautres went.

None of this thread is anything more than the sum total of the last thirty-plus years of us fanboys (and girls?) dreaming about what we would like to have seen and, in the case of any detractors, having tempered it all with the reality of the disappointment of the prequels and GL's further-disappointing speeches about how it was all over and done with, and our trying to rationalize what we were told/expected out of the saga in the beginning and what we ultimately wound up with. It was inevitable that the cosmic announcement of more Star Wars would have this kind of fallout and rampant, if unsubstantiated, forecasts.

I'm with you, though, in that we have absolutely nothing to go on, but the above paragraph explains, I think, why so many are going through those machinations! :lol
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I agree that it is really too early in the game to really even make an accurate prediction about if the films will be any good or not. But considering that there will be new talent to helm the stories, there is at least the chance they may be good. My expectations are so low from after the last trilogy, that even if they are decent, it will still be fun to see new star wars feature films in a theater. Nothing is ever going to recapture the magic of the originals. It was just as much about timing as it was the story, thus the reason why I'm all for the preservation of the films as they were originally released. They say just as much about the time they were released as they do about the timeless struggle between good and evil.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

My expectations are so low from after the last trilogy, that even if they are decent, it will still be fun to see new star wars feature films in a theater.

Yeah, I think these definitely have a better starting off point than the prequels. Expectations were set impossibly high.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Another factor that works in it's favor is that it will feature characters who I actually care about. (At least having Luke Leia and Han involved in some capacity.)
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Aside from the writing that peole are sure to throw out there, it was hard to get into any of the new characters seeing as it was pretty safe to assume anyone not named obi/ani/r2d2/c3p0/emperor was most likely dead come pt3.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Aside from the writing that peole are sure to throw out there, it was hard to get into any of the new characters seeing as it was pretty safe to assume anyone not named obi/ani/r2d2/c3p0/emperor was most likely dead come pt3.
Well, that shouldn't be a problem with a skilled writer. War movies have done that for years and years. The characters in the PT were simply not made interesting enough to follow or care about - that's not the fault of the characters really, but the writer and the director. + several characters could easily have been merged for a more coherent narrative, adding to the viewers interest in caring more about the character.

Though Maul was very one-dimensional - basically just a fighting machine - he could have returned and grown and made things more personal considering his defeat on Naboo. Making things personal is a cliche, sure, but it works, especially with a then conflict between master and apprentice about what's most important and with Sidious having to put his foot down to exert authority. You could still have Dooku as the Jedi who saw truth in Sidious' ways and turned sides and dealt with the diplomacy. Add in a little power struggle.

Jango Fett was basically nothing more than Boba Fett - but removing the mystery by showing his face. He's a crappy bounty hunter on a mission and hires another bounty hunter who sends a droid to drop a load of centipedes into the targets room. So much easier just removing three links in that chain and have Jango sniping, but hitting a decoy and then eventually fleeing the system after being chased by Jedi.

But yeah. The problem with the PT wasn't that we "knew" parts of the story or who survived. Otherwise all book adaptions would never be good movies... and that's proven wrong constantly. Stories we already know CAN and DO become great movies were we care about the characters - even those we know will die.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Way too much opining and doomsday predictions based on ZERO information in this thread, even by internet forum standards. Impressive. :facepalm
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Way too much opining and doomsday predictions based on ZERO information in this thread, even by internet forum standards. Impressive. :facepalm

Yeah, let's at least wait until they've announced the director and cast. Then, even if we don't know how, at least we'll know who's going to disappoint us.

I still don't get everyone who continues to poo-poo the PT. The high point of the saga? No, but the worst conintues to be ROTJ.
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