Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I don't think that the Old Republic would translate well to a movie. It works for video games but there is a LONG track record of movies made from video games that are just horrible! Video game movies never translate well, and just because its SW, doesn't mean it will be the exception. That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing Exar Kun being brought to life (maybe in a series of animated movies), but personally I'd rather see the Heir to the Empire and Dark Empire stories (or elements of) brought to life on the big screen.

How about an animated movie for Shadows of the Empire?! Not like the Clone Wars cartoon which is becoming unwatchable to me, but more like something DC would put out like the Dark Knight Returns or Justice League movies?!
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I have zero interest in Old Republic stories. I tried the comics for a while, but gave up, as the era just doesn't appeal to me. The OT years is where it's at.

A lot of fans are tired of Jedi. A friend of mine is of that mindset, and loved the Rogue Squadron books until a main character started messing around with the Force. He (good naturedly) gave Mike Stackpole grief about that in person, "your books were great until you turned Corran Horn into a stinkin' Jedi", or somesuch. :)
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

There was also a comment from Lucas about an idea he had for a one-off film which would take place around 600 years before Anakin's story and feature the adventures of a newly knighted jedi named Yoda. Don't know if I could watch 2 hours of Yoda though...
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I've always thought the Force & Jedi stuff appeals more to the sci-fi/fantasy fanboys than the casual mainstream audience.

The OT had about as much Force & Jedi focus as the mainstream audience could stand IMHO. The PT was totally overboard with it.

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I've always thought the Force & Jedi stuff appeals more to the sci-fi/fantasy fanboys than the casual mainstream audience.

The OT had about as much Force & Jedi focus as the mainstream audience could stand IMHO. The PT was totally overboard with it.



Making the films so dependant on mysticism and prophecy (at least with no Han Solo character to take the **** out of it all) bogged down the films in the same dour, self-important, joyless weight as LotR. You're right, fantasy fans seem to like that soul-crushing weight, but the OT was principally fun, pulpy adventures, offset by some heavy bits which work pricesly BECAUSE the whole of the structure isn't PORTENTIOUS(!).
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I have zero interest in Old Republic stories. I tried the comics for a while, but gave up, as the era just doesn't appeal to me. The OT years is where it's at.

A lot of fans are tired of Jedi. A friend of mine is of that mindset, and loved the Rogue Squadron books until a main character started messing around with the Force. He (good naturedly) gave Mike Stackpole grief about that in person, "your books were great until you turned Corran Horn into a stinkin' Jedi", or somesuch. :)

Jay, Always with the truth. And I think he gave him a bit more grief than you lead on LOL!

I don't know what to expect from the new films, but I really hope it is more military oriented, than Jedi/Sith oriented. That was the direction ROTJ closed with, EU material not withstanding, and is the direction I would like to see things go.

And in terms of Old Republic, I played the mmo, and honestly the Agent Story line is the best of the bunch in terms of Empire stories. I never did finish smuggler so I cannot say, but it was also fun. You didnt have to rely on any mystic force at all. It was great and very adventurous.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

There is no Star Wars without the Force and the Jedi. It was/is the whole basis of the story. Take that away and you have Star Trek. So I very much doubt 7-9 will forgo that.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

There is no Star Wars without the Force and the Jedi. It was/is the whole basis of the story. Take that away and you have Star Trek. So I very much doubt 7-9 will forgo that.

We can have the Force and the Jedi, we just got to find a way to not make them act like complete idiotic zealots. I mean, cripes.

Obi-Wan: Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
Even though they preach this.
Yoda: Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.

This is why I love the original Knights of the Old Republic game. Not only can your character be one of those "Light Side, Dark Side, what's the bloody difference?" kind of person, but KOTOR also has Jolee Bindo, my #1 favorite Jedi in all of Star Wars. This is a guy who gets it. He believes in the Jedi order, but he doesn't follow it's closed mindedness like treating attachment like a disease that needs to be purged. How many Jedi do you know that actually talk like this?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The new movies will have to have the Jedi involved in some way. These movies will directly following the previous six so they have to follow the story to conclusion and show Luke has rebuilt the Jedi Order. I think they can do something without Jedi as well, but Jedi have to be in it. Then if they do other movies they can explore other characters.

We can have the Force and the Jedi, we just got to find a way to not make them act like complete idiotic zealots. I mean, cripes.

Obi-Wan: Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
Even though they preach this.
Yoda: Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.

I think that was done on purpose to show that the Jedi have lost their way. They're preaching things that they don't follow. Yoda even makes a comment about a lot of the Jedi becoming selfish and full of themselves or something those lines.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Just putting this out there, what if the new films were 30 or so years post ROTJ. The Sith have been secretly putting the pieces back together as have the Jedi. As with actual real world life, history repeats itself. All new characters.

Just sayin.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Just having Jedi in the movie isn't enough. Attack of the Clones had a huge battle with a ton of lightsabers..... problem was I didn't know who 99% of them were. The story has to develop the characters and make me care about what's happening to them.
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