Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I've read somewhere recently that he hasn't had kind things to say about Star Wars. At least not about the revisionist state of SW. I can understand why he'd be miffed...

If that's true PLEASE hire him.

A thousand times over.

If Star Wars is going to be taken in a new direction, the first thing that needs to go is the presence of the Yes Men.

Hire someone that has a deep-founded respect and love of the original movies and is not satisfied with the current state of the franchise.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

A thousand times over.

If Star Wars is going to be taken in a new direction, the first thing that needs to go is the presence of the Yes Men.

Hire someone that has a deep-founded respect and love of the original movies and is not satisfied with the current state of the franchise.

^Yup to all that. There's room for improvement over a broad spectrum of things in the SW production universe, not the least of which includes the "yes men" and, to an even greater degree, the writing, directing, acting,...:lol
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Hire an up and coming director. Not an established director who everybody knows. What made the original star wars so great was that GL only had two movies out at that time. He was so full of vision and excitement for the idea. They need to hire somebody who isn't well know, but promising, and a huge fan of star wars.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I meant it in a positive way, instead of another Prequel-like trilogy, why not listen more to what most of us want, an OT-style trilogy, back to 1983 , back to the "Used-Universe".

The New Trilogy ( you could call it this and put the prequels in Pandora's box), should be a mix between OT quality an EU quality, why is it so hard to get back to the OT type of thinking and stick to a winning formula, Lucas never should have wanted to reinvent the wheel with the PT.

The OT looked like the used universe because the empire spent 20 years squeezing the money and tech out of everyone so all you could use 20 years later was scrap. Mos Espa still looked that way in the PT.

The PT was the galaxy full of money and luxury and the fat cats getting richer and enjoying things - even the jedi - which allowed the evil to come in under cover and take over.

The ST would probalby be closer to PT as they'd have 30 years behind them to get the tech and money flowing again. Just look at our tech 30 years ago. Circle 1982. A smartphone is literally about 100x more powerful (probably more) than a workstation was then. Depends on where you're at, too. There would likely still be junky areas, but there'd be a lot back up to pre-empire status 30 years later.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

You are already asking too much

^I don't think that's asking too much. Expecting, maybe, but not asking. :)

Though, with GL at least somewhat out of the picture, the dynamics going into this are a bit different. I don't know anything about Kathleen Kennedy but in the interviews I've seen of her so far with GL, she's been a little self deprecating so I don't think she'll see her vision of SW as the be all and end all. She'll definitely consult with George and, hopefully, others as well. We can at least pretend like this is the way it'll pan out! :lol
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

just think its been done to death now and the last 3 were awful and im a huge sw fan its had its time now just leave it

So negative!

The majority of us who grew up with Star Wars are really looking forward to a genuine sequel! The prequels were bound by what subsequently happens in 4, 5 and 6, (not to mention too many other problems), but now we have a TRUE sequel......with a set of decent writers and a daring director, we could be in for something pretty special.

If you've all but given up on Star Wars, why frequent the thread?

BTW, Merry Christmas!

Re: Star Wars Episode VII


someone had to do it! :p
Happy X-Mas y'all!

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I'm strangely optimistic that they might actually do the Star Wars name justice. Who knows? They could just bury it even further than the Prequels did, but they may surprise us and deliver.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

J.J. Abrams Turned Down Star Wars: Episode VII | Superhero Hype

Speaking to Empire magazine, Abrams said he will be sticking to the "Star Trek" franchise. "I guess the franchises could go up against each other, but I'm not thinking that far ahead! I'm a huge fan of Star Wars, Empire and Jedi, and the idea of the world continuing is exciting and will be amazing. Kathy Kennedy is a friend and there are no smarter producers. It's in great hands."

He added that "there were the very early conversations and I quickly said that because of my loyalty to Star Trek, and also just being a fan, I wouldn't even want to be involved in the next version of those things. I declined any involvement very early on. I'd rather be in the audience not knowing what was coming, rather than being involved in the minutiae of making them."
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Also interesting to note that he says he's a fan of "Star Wars, Empire, and Jedi." I also find it ironic that he's "loyal" to Star Trek. I'd bet he's just kicking himself he couldn't hold out three more years.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I still say go way back to the Old Republic days. So much material to be used, so many stories you could do and you could even throw a hint here and there to pay homage to GL Star Wars without it being so involved in the same old Anakin story line etc.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I still say go way back to the Old Republic days. So much material to be used, so many stories you could do and you could even throw a hint here and there to pay homage to GL Star Wars without it being so involved in the same old Anakin story line etc.

I'd rather have a Star Wars story that leaves the "lost the will to live" crap behind rather than lead up to it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I would hope that they look at all of the source material that exists in books and comic books that take place after the fall of the Empire and use it along with new ideas to create something new but also a little familiar with the story. Sort of like the Walking Dead show is similar to the comic books, but is also very different. I would like to see different factions of Imperials fighting it out for control of the Empire while dealing with the Rebelion taking power on Corruscant, the emergence of the Jedi order, the introduction of Grand Admiral Thrawn and some other elements like the Black Sun crime syndicate and the Bounty Hunters Guild. There is a rich wealth of source material to look at for continuing storylines after Jedi, so my hope is that whoever is tasked with writing this thing that they do consider that material and not just try to gloss over it like the writers of that God awful Wolverine movie.

As for doing movies about the Old Republic, while there is also a great wealth of source material for the Old Republic, I don't think most movie goers would care for movies about that time period after how well the prequels went. Those movies still don't sit well with some SW fans and I have heard from non-SW fans that never saw episode 3 because of how bad they thought the first two were. Asking for people to be excited about more SW movies that take place even father back than the prequels might be asking too much. Moving forward seems the right direction not going backwards. Just no re-boots!

Over all I'm "interested" to see what Disney comes up with. Hopefully it will be good or at least good enough for SW fans to embrace as part of the Galaxy that GL created.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I just want people who are real fans of the original Star Wars to be involved with the next movies. I want people who "get it" and understand what made the originals great.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

As for doing movies about the Old Republic, while there is also a great wealth of source material for the Old Republic, I don't think most movie goers would care for movies about that time period after how well the prequels went.

They're talking about 4,000 years before ANH like in the Knights of the Old Republic game (aka the fourth best SW movie).
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