Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

They REALLY need to do another holiday special... to hold us off til episode 8...

Same deal, all the younger cast... all awkward... Betty White in place of a Bea Arthur type.

Mark Hammil can sing like he did on the Muppet Show...

Daisy Ridley can have some weird, cheap looking version of whatever lightsaber she has in Episode 7.


More Boba Fett
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Yeah, people paid to see it before Meet Joe Black because in 1998 lots of folks didn't have internet, and nobody had a connection fast enough to watch the trailer. Now it'll be everywhere within moments of its release (or before, such as Avengers 2). Putting it before a movie as an "event trailer" isn't a feasible stunt in this day and age as it was with TPM.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Since Disney owns ABC they could probably have it interrupt any programming and just play it through that and their Disney Channels. It will be a mass brainwash event of the year!

Wow.. I typed ABS earlier. My mind must have been in costuming... hahahah!
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I thought the Avengers trailer during AoS on ABC was just a gauge to see how the public would respond. Not saying they'd show it during S.H.I.E.L.D..

Just a thought, but is there going to be a mid-season break for REBELS? Maybe they'll re-air it on ABC like they did with the added Vader footage, except this time, they're adding the trailer.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I think this next week is the final Rebels episode for 2014. I just don't think that is a big enough audience, or even the core audience.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Sorry to derail this thread even further, but just wanted to say I have the same issue with Tolkien's books yet I love, love, loooooove the LOTR films. The Hobbit, not quite as much, but they're still good.
To be honest, I did try to watch the first Lord of the Rings movie when it came to cable/satellite TV just to see what all the fuss was about. I fell asleep about 30 minutes into it, woke up 90 minutes later, watched a few more minutes, then decided I'd rather have a root canal without the benefit of lidocaine than watch another minute.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Clearly the "bigger plans" are to show it during the Dancing with the Stars: Two Night Grand Finale!!!

Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher will perform the paso doble with John Williams leading the band.

I'd watch that...

Maybe Disney will pay Apple to slip it into everyone's iTunes like it was a U2 album.

Unlike the U2 Album, that old be welcome. ..

They will project it onto the moon.

NOW we're talking...

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