Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Well, since that new Stormtrooper helmet surfaced, I had to ask the question...sorry if I kinda hijacked the discussion :rolleyes
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Considering that Rebels is canon I'd say that it's official that, judging by the clip posted in the Rbels thread, Stormtroopers aren't clone, at least not all of them. The Stormies from Rebels all had different voices and none of them sounded like a clone, not a NZ accent to be heard amongst any of them.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Not anymore. If Dave says they are conscripts then that's what they are.

I doubt that. You can change or add certain things, but you still have to stick with what Lucas established as the rules of the SW universe. Otherwise lets say all Stormtroopers are hermaphroditic Gungans... Oh and Luke and Leia are not siblings now in Episode VII because JJ said so. Hey some guy in charge of it said so, so that overrules whatever Lucas came up with.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I doubt that. You can change or add certain things, but you still have to stick with what Lucas established as the rules of the SW universe. Otherwise lets say all Stormtroopers are hermaphroditic Gungans... Oh and Luke and Leia are not siblings now in Episode VII because JJ said so. Hey some guy in charge of it said so, so that overrules whatever Lucas came up with.

Good grief, Jason. Of course he wouldn't do any of those things as they actually appear in the film. No where on screen are Stormtroopers referred to as being clones. They will not be clones in Rebels, which precedes the OT. That's canon. You do the math. :)
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The Jango/stormtrooper head bump thing implies that at least some of the stormtroopers are still clones by the time of the OT. If Filoni chooses to contradict that, well, whatever. Maybe, just by coincidence, all the troopers depicted in Rebels that happen to not to be clones.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

You guys can't be serious about the friggin' head bump thing as evidence of being clones, are you? Really?

I suspect George was saying that tongue-in-cheek.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The Jango/stormtrooper head bump thing implies that at least some of the stormtroopers are still clones by the time of the OT.

??????? It does?! Isn't more likely a flub and a little joke left in the film as opposed to sone far reaching plot point. What's the weather like in crazy town? ;)
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I have to agree - I think the head bump is an obvious nod to ANH and meant to reflect that Stormtroopers are clones. I take Lucas canon over Filoni canon.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I can see it being an homage. If it's supposed to indicate that there's a biological imperative to bump your head, that's effing stupid. Not that I would put effing stupid past Lucas.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think it was a GL nod to his own quirkiness in passing over scenes that could have legitimately been redone in a Special Edition as opposed to the ones that should have been completely left alone. :/
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

When Jango was being interviewed for a clone template he probably emphasised the ruthless assassin, great tracking skills, and demphasised his lousy shooting skills and general clumsiness.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I take Lucas canon over Filoni canon.

Which is certainly your prerogative, but GL is no longer at LucasFilm and the STAR WARS story likely has more content in front of us then behind us and that canon is being crafted while we navel gaze in this thread by Dave Filloni, JJ Abrams, and K.K.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Which is certainly your prerogative, but GL is no longer at LucasFilm and the STAR WARS story likely has more content in front of us then behind us and that canon is being crafted while we navel gaze in this thread by Dave Filloni, JJ Abrams, and K.K.
It's still GL's story - they're using his notes and his stories - if it's Lucas' intention that (some of) the Stormtroopers were clones at the time, then they still should be. Retconning it so Filoni can do his thing is just weak sauce.

Unless I see it onscreen, I have to go with what's seen. I don't care about the television show(s) - they craft stuff for that and retcon stuff to fit around it (and almost always contradict it later anyway as the movies have precedence). Lucas surely indicated that at least some of the Troopers in ANH had lineage with Jango.
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