Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Someone asked him who shot first, he said "I don't and I don't care." LOL!

You'd think people would know not to ask anything that geeky because in the past he pretty much makes the person who asked sound like an idiot. :lol Remember that press conference thing where someone asked "What would Indiana Jones say to Han Solo if they met?"
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Probably a better idea to ask him about Regarding Henry, or What Lies Beneath. Frankly, I love his performance in the latter (never saw him in the former). He played SO against type.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Probably a better idea to ask him about Regarding Henry, or What Lies Beneath. Frankly, I love his performance in the latter (never saw him in the former). He played SO against type.

Regarding Henry being written (and co-produced) by JJ Abrams of course.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

In my opinion they should stay away from the EU altogether. Why? Because not even fans of the EU can agree on keeping it canon. Example, I've seen complaints about Chewie coming back and that wipes out EU canon. Others say that's O.K. they didn't like that story anyway. Too many overlaps, too complicated, too much for the average fan to follow. If you haven't read all the books, played all the games you'd be lost. The majority of the fans have not done this. The films should play to the majority of the fans, and not require the fans to have read a paperback to understand what happened.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

In my opinion they should stay away from the EU altogether. Why? Because not even fans of the EU can agree on keeping it canon. Example, I've seen complaints about Chewie coming back and that wipes out EU canon. Others say that's O.K. they didn't like that story anyway. Too many overlaps, too complicated, too much for the average fan to follow. If you haven't read all the books, played all the games you'd be lost. The majority of the fans have not done this. The films should play to the majority of the fans, and not require the fans to have read a paperback to understand what happened.

I expect that's exactly the approach they'll take. They'll do the films as they see fit, and leave sorting out what's canon and what isn't to the guys at the "Holocron." If it's possible to preserve, they'll preserve it, but I think it's optimistic to assume that they'll preserve all that much of it, actually. The umpteen gajillion novels written since 1991 (and before!), the video games, the comics, etc., a LOT of that stuff is built on what came before. Not necessarily explicitly, but certainly implicitly. So, like, the Chewie thing, or the twins thing, or Mara Jade's existence or whathaveyou. You start pulling bits and pieces out here and there, and the whole thing begins to unravel.

No Mara Jade means a TON of the books either need massive rewrites, or can't be made to fit. Same goes for Jacen and Jaina Solo or Anakin Solo. Same goes for Chewie being alive. Other stuff like Mon Mothma being alive or dead in this era (and/or how she died) may be able to be massaged, but some of this stuff really seriously unravels all the work that was built on top of it. I think this is also a big part of why we haven't heard anything from Leland Chee and the other "Holocron" folks about any decisions on what is/isn't canon. That's probably all got to wait until at least Episode VII comes out, let alone the whole new trilogy. Until there's a final story, it's difficult to know what'll be overwritten/nuked, and what could maybe be kept.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

^^^ Exactly what I'm talking about.

Oh, and just let me say, I'm not against anything EU, I thinks it's great that those who are "into" it have a lot of material at their disposal to enjoy.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

^^^ Exactly what I'm talking about.

Oh, and just let me say, I'm not against anything EU, I thinks it's great that those who are "into" it have a lot of material at their disposal to enjoy.

Right, I mean, I can take or leave most of the EU. there are a few bits and bobs I enjoyed, but a lot of what I consumed was pretty lame. But hey, that's fine. Go ahead an enjoy it if you want. All I'm saying is prepare yourself for the possibility that it'll either be "Alternate universed" or that after something in the films contradicts it...that'll be it for the EU.

All that said, the more I think about it, the more I can't help but think that the notion of "There'll be a single continuity" is BS. I don't expect that. what I expect is...well, pretty much what existed before. It's all canon...until it isn't/gets contradicted by anything on the screen (television or films).
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

One thing about the EU I don't see many talking about,and you may want to shoot me for this,but really I've always thought that until we knew/had the story of Luke's dad in the clone wars we basically were just playing fan wank with anything that came after since it'd be kinda hard to write what comes after until we know how this started.

So until the first three parts were made I think it's easy to ignore most anything written,as much hate there is for it I'm still glad we got to see Anakin and Obi Wan in the clone wars so now we can have what happens after Anakin died and Luke,Leia,Han and all the others go forward after six.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Right, I mean, I can take or leave most of the EU. there are a few bits and bobs I enjoyed, but a lot of what I consumed was pretty lame. But hey, that's fine. Go ahead an enjoy it if you want. All I'm saying is prepare yourself for the possibility that it'll either be "Alternate universed" or that after something in the films contradicts it...that'll be it for the EU.

That's how I am. I hope they totally wipe the whole New Jedi Order (Vong invasion, Chewie's death, etc.) from the continuity. It sucked. There's other stuff that is really good that I hope they do keep (X-Wing novels, Zahn Trilogy, Republic Commando novels). I would like to see Mara survive in some form because they could keep her as just another Jedi since it's like 30 years later in the new movie. I'd like to see Jaina still be Han and Leia's daughter because she's cool. Other than that they can torch most of it. I would prefer that they'd keep things intact that didn't contradict the movies, which wouldn't be that hard.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yup. :)

Actually I think that's what it is - you can see the top part of the foot to the right, in the sand.
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