Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

LOL! No podrace for me either.

Of course by the time they build this there will be Epi 7 sets they will incorporate I suppose. I bet they do a Jedi Temple as an educational area... well, I am over speculating of course. they would have long enough lines just building a Mos Eisley set with, let me say it again, a full size Millenium Falcon in docking bay 94! :p

I'd love if they did something like the space launch they have at Disneyworld. You get to be in an actual shuttle/fighter and press buttons at certain points and feel the ship move. :)
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I'd love if they did something like the space launch they have at Disneyworld. You get to be in an actual shuttle/fighter and press buttons at certain points and feel the ship move. :)
This needs to be done!:cool apply this concept to, wait for it.......The Falcon!!!:D:thumbsup
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

This needs to be done!:cool apply this concept to, wait for it.......The Falcon!!!:D:thumbsup

That would indeed be awesome but the problem with the Falcon is that there are too many bits in the cockpit that could break. Either they would do it and it wouldn't look anything like the Falcon except the window (which I wouldn't want) or they do a different ship with simpler controls.

Still though, Falcon would be AWESOME if they did it right...
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That would indeed be awesome but the problem with the Falcon is that there are too many bits in the cockpit that could break. Either they would do it and it wouldn't look anything like the Falcon except the window (which I wouldn't want) or they do a different ship with simpler controls.

Still though, Falcon would be AWESOME if they did it right...

too many people waiting in line for those two cockpit seats. they would end up desecrating the design of the Falcon to flow as many people in as possible ala the Back to the Future Delorean ride:

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Ya, although that would be fine for 95% of your visitors.

The Space ride was an enclosed pod (no shared screen with 10 other Deloreans) and four people per pod.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Ya, although that would be fine for 95% of your visitors.

The Space ride was an enclosed pod (no shared screen with 10 other Deloreans) and four people per pod.

that would work then.. since the falcon has four seats 2 front 2 rear. they could build multiple falcon cockpits to handle the flow.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

that would work then.. since the falcon has four seats 2 front 2 rear. they could build multiple falcon cockpits to handle the flow.


However the Falcon cockpit is about 5 times the size of these pods. You stood in them and strapped in that way.

Still, I'd LOVE to see it happen and I'm sure they would make something like that should there be a dedicated "Star Wars Land".

It would definitely be a destination my kids would love to visit. :)
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

With the variety of attractions a "Star Wars Land" could have, it could potentially outstrip Disney itself...
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Instead of the Pirates of the Caribbean we could have the Bounty Hunters of Tatooine! :lol

Who cares about those old pirates anyway...? :p And the Mos Eisley cantina would make a hell of a bar and grill!

Seriously, this could be huge. Whatever comes to pass I hope the folks on the west coast aren't the only ones to enjoy it; we'd have to have some Star Wars action at Disney World as well!
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

AHEM! Max Rebo band don't belong in the Cantina. They belong in Jabba's Palace. :lol

I need to get some of that Cantina band vibe... :lol

I could spend all day in Star Wars Land.

Blue milk for breakfast.

Lunch in Dex's Diner.

Then off for drinks in the cantina. How about a 3 band lineup featuring The Cantina Band, The Max Rebo Band, and finishing off with a performance of Yub Nub by the Ewoks.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That poster is interesting, except they made Leia look like a dignitary. I hope that they make her a Jedi. That's obviously the path they were setting her on in ROTJ and Luke tells her that she will learn to use the Force in time.

The thing is though, she *is* a dignitary... She's a princess, her foster father was their planet's representative on the galactic senate and a high ranking official at that, and she was one of the leaders of the Rebellion.

For those of you who haven't read the 'Thrawn trilogy' by Timothy Zahn, do yourselveves a favor and pick it up... If they incorporate even a tiny amount from those books into the movies they'll be great!
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Lol. Then let's continue! :)

37, 000 is a pretty small navy for a large country let alone a planet with (let's use Earth as a baseline) 8 billion people. If your entire planet had a navy that small then yes, you wouldn't be in the market for a SD.

My country (Canada) has a military of aprox. 115, 000. The population here is about 34.5 million. One would presume that a planet's military would primarily be in it's navy So say percentage wise it's 50%. That means for a Planet of 8 billion you would have or navy of approx. 13,800,000.

And that is based on a comparatively small military.

That's 37,000 for just the Star Destroyer's main crew, in order to take full advantage of it you'll need fighter pilots and their support crew, ground troops and their support personnel, transports with crew and support personnel. Then there would be all of the people who would be responsible for seeing to it that the Star Destroyer is maintained, keeping it fueled and supplied, making sure the crew gets paid, maintain their records to see to it that they get promoted on time or kicked out if they fail to meet standards, then there's the people that run the schools to train the crew when they first enlist. All told, that's a lot of people and probably amount to at least twice the number people actually onboard the SD itself. Remember, that for every one person out there in the field pulling the trigger there's several more behind him making sure that he gets clothed, fed, paid, housed, told where to go, what to expect, etc.

Another factor to consider is the actual number of people out of a given population actually serve in the military. Look at the US, what percentage of our population actually serves in the military? A pretty small percentage actually serve which is par for course for all volunteer militaries and countries like Japan have an even smaller percentage than most because of the stigma associated with serving in their military. So it's not really that unrealistic for a small planet to really not have the manpower for something as large as a Star Destroyer, esp. if it has other military branches to man and fund.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

All very sound points, but in my example there was only 0.35% of the population in the military and if you're on your own as a planet in a post Empire universe full of instability I'm sure that % would be higher for most independant planets. Let's say the SD requires 100,000 personel to make full use of it, it's still a drop in the hat of a military of almost 14 million if it's going to be your big deterrent.

Of course there are planets out there that wouldn't have the population or resources to make use of one of these but there would most certainly be plenty that could. :)
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

BTW, loving this debate!

It's rare on here that there's an actual civil discourse on something people disagree about but when it happens it's awesome. Thank you for that! :thumbsup
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

A pretty small percentage actually serve which is par for course for all volunteer militaries and countries like Japan have an even smaller percentage than most because of the stigma associated with serving in their military. /QUOTE]

Sorry for veering off topic a bit, and for intruding on your debate, but why is it considered a stigma to serve in the Japanese military...?
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