Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Post-release)

The only difference in 3PO I noticed was his voice (actually, it started with TPM). So much higher-pitched than the OT. Not sure why he just didn't do it the way he did in the OT. His voice hasn't changed that much since 1983.
Totally agree with this comment, his voice is a lot higher in these later films, not sure why!
Or maybe it's broken down and unflyable
Leia: "Luke, why did you stay away so long? We've needed you all this time!"
Luke: "Well gee, Leia, I was going to come back years ago, but the engine in my x-wing blew and I got stuck there.
That really made me lmfao , I can hear hamill in his cheesy voice , brilliant
If you can't dispute what I've been posting, and can only try in vain to troll-up a personal flame war, all I can say is, "Move along, move along."
I'm pretty sure gizmo WAS disputing what you've been saying....THAt is clear. What you ought to have said is "if you can't REFUTE what I've been saying.
Thanks for the grammar suggestion, but he didn't (and couldn't) dispute most of what I had been posting to that point.

I think the movie-going public have already done that.
The first weeks of release had a built-in audience of SW fanboy/fangirl easy-lays/repeat viewers, and kids demanding their parents take them to TFA. This has brought in a box office haul somewhat better than "The Phantom Menace" from 16 years ago (adjusted for inflation).

The critics couldn't put TFA down, since it is hugely entertaining, so its ratings are about the same as JJ's "Star Trek" from 2009. However, like JJ's Trek, devout and knowledgeable SW fans (like myself) immediately tore into TFA for what it really is: a direct recycling of the SW OT (which Lucas himself would never get away with) with a terrible, implausible story.

Ben is right. :thumbsup

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I tried to watch that video, then 5 minutes in he started repeating things he already said, then repeating them again. Then I saw it was going to be 20 minutes of recycling, and he still had not made the case of the title of the video,
so I gave up.
I tried to watch that video, then 5 minutes in he started repeating things he already said, then repeating them again. Then I saw it was going to be 20 minutes of recycling, and he still had not made the case of the title of the video,
so I gave up.
Around the five minute mark he summarizes why TFA is a story clone. Sorry you couldn't take any more of the precise analysis.
Thanks for the grammar suggestion, but he didn't (and couldn't) dispute most of what I had been posting to that point.

The first weeks of release had a built-in audience of SW fanboy/fangirl easy-lays/repeat viewers, and kids demanding their parents take them to TFA. This has brought in a box office haul somewhat better than "The Phantom Menace" from 16 years ago (adjusted for inflation).

The critics couldn't put TFA down, since it is hugely entertaining, so its ratings are about the same as JJ's "Star Trek" from 2009. However, like JJ's Trek, devout and knowledgeable SW fans (like myself) immediately tore into TFA for what it really is: a direct recycling of the SW OT (which Lucas himself would never get away with) with a terrible, implausible story.


I'm not interested in arguing with people who don't like the film. That's fine, I don't find the bulk of their arguments very compelling but that's my point of view. I will challenge your box office and critical review comment, though. That is categorically incorrect. My every metric if measuring box office receipts and percentage decline, the film is resonating with a very broad audience base well beyond the hardcore fans. You don't see second and now third week numbers like this without a general audience and and film that has clear longevity in theaters. It really is extraordinary and no amount of negative equivocating can alter that reality.
Those who knew the series from 1977 and felt something was lost after ANH and ESB are the ones for whom TFA was made - and the ones who enjoy it the most.

Those who can't look past the basic SW plot tropes are looking for something else in the series. There's really nothing I can say that will change their minds.
For me SW has been dead since 1980. TFA is what I've been waiting 35 years to see.
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Around the five minute mark he summarizes why TFA is a story clone. Sorry you couldn't take any more of the precise analysis.

I don't know about "precise", but he made the same points repeatedly, over and over (which anyone who saw the movie already knows), but the title of the youtube was "‪Why STAR WARS The Force Awakens is Worse than the Prequels‬". I was 8 or 9 minutes into that whiny rant and he still had not made that point so I gave up.
A co-worker without any prompting on my part remarked it was so much like the original he knew what was going to happen.
Thought it was just ok. He was a younger person too, not a jaded ol SOB like me.

If they had just had a little courage.

If if if.

My experience has been the exact opposite. The non-fans in my office and people I know through my triathlon training and racing almost universally love the film. More important, their kids and the wives love it as well. Even my wife wants to see it and she has never sat through any of the films just based on recommendations from her friends who aren't fans.
I will challenge your box office and critical review comment, though. That is categorically incorrect. My every metric if measuring box office receipts and percentage decline, the film is resonating with a very broad audience base well beyond the hardcore fans.

Here's what I posted:
The first weeks of release had a built-in audience of SW fanboy/fangirl easy-lays/repeat viewers, and kids demanding their parents take them to TFA. This has brought in a box office haul somewhat better than "The Phantom Menace" from 16 years ago (adjusted for inflation).

Here's the global box office of TFA as of two days ago: $1,161,085,429
Here's the global box office of "The Phantom Menace": $1,027,044,677
"The Phantom Menace" box office adjusted for inflation: $1,463,113,298

TFA actually isn't quite there yet (adjusted for inflation), but it will clearly surpass "The Phantom Menace" by the third weekend.

You don't see second and now third week numbers like this without a general audience and and film that has clear longevity in theaters. It really is extraordinary and no amount of negative equivocating can alter that reality.

I have no idea where you're getting third week numbers, since TFA has only been in release thirteen days, and TFA has no release competition beyond, "The Hateful Eight". "The Phantom Menace" was in release for a total of thirty-seven weeks, proving, "clear longevity in theaters." Nothing I posted was "categorically incorrect."

Here's the core issue: I was mistaken posting anything to this thread. I should have read a few pages before joining in, because this is clearly fanboy/fangirl central. Which is fine, do your thing, but it's not a discussion area I'm going to have any interest in. <OUT>
My experience has been the exact opposite. The non-fans in my office and people I know through my triathlon training and racing almost universally love the film. More important, their kids and the wives love it as well. Even my wife wants to see it and she has never sat through any of the films just based on recommendations from her friends who aren't fans.
Same here , we went to 12:02 viewing and my wife predicted she would be asleep within 20 minutes , not only did my daughter and her stay awake , they enjoyed it
The current box office data does not include China. Box Office Mojo has been doing a daily analysis comparing it to both Jurassic World and Avatar, it's very detailed. Right now based on the lack of China and current trending, TFA has a more then decent shot at pushing $3B.
I don't know about "precise", but he made the same points repeatedly, over and over (which anyone who saw the movie already knows), but the title of the youtube was "‪Why STAR WARS The Force Awakens is Worse than the Prequels‬". I was 8 or 9 minutes into that whiny rant and he still had not made that point so I gave up.
When someone can't just stop a YouTube video and move on, and needs to go online to post about their reasons for stopping that video, it's actually them that's *whiny ranting*.
Re: Star Wars TFA - How much they got paid **SPOILERS**

I would have preferred they had just left the OT characters out of this.

I guess I can concede that each person has their own feelings on this, but for example how would Kylo Ren's story arc have the gravitas it now does if he hadn't been seen to be struggling with killing his own Father?

At least in my opinion the OT actors did a marvelous job of making us believe that they have been these people for the past thirty years. It didn't feel like Harrison, Carrie, etc were just play acting for a lark.
One time in grade school I was acting up in class, but was insistent that my actions were justified. My teacher told me "Joshua, sometimes it's best to just quit when you're ahead". Now I won't name names (because I seem to attract admin attention when I do that), but there might be someone here that could follow the advice my teacher once gave me.
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