Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Post-release)

Has there been anything written or said about the other guy who played Chewie? I'm sure Peter Mayhew was in the shots for close ups and stuff, but the guy can barely walk. No way he was doing all that running around and climbing ladders and such.
Has there been anything written or said about the other guy who played Chewie? I'm sure Peter Mayhew was in the shots for close ups and stuff, but the guy can barely walk. No way he was doing all that running around and climbing ladders and such.
YOU MEAN TO TELL ME CHEWIES NOT A REAL WOOKIE ! what is happening in this world , first snoke is not plagus and now this
I can't take it :cry
That's something I was wondering was he stuck there ? That is why he could not be found his shipped crashed or broke or he got abandoned there somehow unable to leave . I like that better than him just hiding out while everyone else battled on .
Well the only reason I can think that the x-wing isn't there is that he had R2-D2 drop him off, then take the ship back and go on standby , and this happened before anyone goes to hell in a hand basket ,
now this reasoning matches the idea that no one knew where the falcon was until she was fired Luke wouldn't want the x-wing near him while in hiding

But that brings up the Luke in hiding thing, which doesn't match his character at the end of ROTJ as he faced his fears and confronted his evil dad and boss .......
As mentioned before maybe he's protecting the location not hiding , in that case FUN TIMES ahead

im still figuring out how anyone stole the falcon, if you've read the novel it explains a very elaborate any theft devise that allows you to take off but immediately returns the the ship to the port you took off from if Han Solo or chewie haven't been identified .
There's been a lot of speculation about Williams' score and how the music might tie the new and old trilogies and their characters. I think the Snoke/Plagueis thing has already been covered in this thread, but here's a new one...
That is fantastic , I also hear some of padmes theme in Ray's scavenger theme, could be the fragility of her situation rather than a hint at her lineage, interesting
It's this guy. He's the second Penn State alum to play the official Chewbacca for Lucasfilm!

The Wook

Once I have it on bluray I'll have to see what steps they might have taken to have him walk like Peter, with that inward-bent leg and all.

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Oh, here we go, some great detail on deleted scenes including the interaction between Leia and Rey I mentioned.

It might not be fair based on a few paragraphs, but man, it sure seems the novelization is rather overwritten.
To those who are unforgiving of the plot similarities between TFA and ANH:

By the same standard why isn't anybody critical of Fury Road for being just as derivative of The Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome? Max is the reluctant savior of a bunch of people he encounters in the wasteland and is the only one who can protect them from an evil gang.

In The Road Warrior Max falls in with the great northern tribe. In Thunderdome it’s those Blue Lagoon kids. In Fury Road it’s the brides. Max starts by hating those people and ends up being their reluctant savior.

Lord Humungous = Aunty Entity = Immortal Joe.


Gyro Captain=Jedediah=Nux ... heck, they even used the same actor for the Gyro Captain and Jedediah

All three movies feature a "promised land" (north coast = "civilization" = "Green Place") where the people want to go and inevitably end up at Bartertown/Joe's Citadel.

All three movies have the exact same climax featuring a large rig of some sort pursued by smaller vehicles.

In fact even less happens in larger arc of these films than in SW. Max begins and ends in the exact same situation and lives the same story over and over again in each movie.

And yet Fury Road is universally praised... that's because, like TFA, it's one of those films whose virtues are in the execution and the journey. TFA has special meaning for those who have known and loved Star Wars and felt something was lost after 1977 or 1980.

Exactly and I love both of them for it. ;).

I also think TFA was made that way on purpose for many reasons.

Re: Star Wars TFA - How much they got paid **SPOILERS**

Not buying that, plus I was talking about how much money it would make.

Seriously? A part of me thinks it would have been BETTER without him.
I was totally on board with Rey and Finn from the git-go.
Didn't need Han even a little bit.
Imagine the film without Han or Leia...
Same film, just shorter. Neither of them were necessary.

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There was another guy, Ian Whyte who also stood in for Chewie? He was seen on one of The Force for Change videos.

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I though Ian Whyte as seen on one of the making of TFA vids, stood in for Chewie. Maybe there was more than one stand in?

Once I have it on bluray I'll have to see what steps they might have taken to have him walk like Peter, with that inward-bent leg and all.

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It might not be fair based on a few paragraphs, but man, it sure seems the novelization is rather overwritten.

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What happened to Ian Whyte???

It's this guy. He's the second Penn State alum to play the official Chewbacca for Lucasfilm!

The Wook

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What about Ian Whyte? He Chewie's 2nd double for Mayhew? As said here and show in making of vids TFA

It's this guy. He's the second Penn State alum to play the official Chewbacca for Lucasfilm!

The Wook
Captain Phasma's Fate:

To those who are unforgiving of the plot similarities between TFA and ANH:

By the same standard why isn't anybody critical of Fury Road for being just as derivative of The Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome? Max is the reluctant savior of a bunch of people he encounters in the wasteland and is the only one who can protect them from an evil gang.

In The Road Warrior Max falls in with the great northern tribe. In Thunderdome it’s those Blue Lagoon kids. In Fury Road it’s the brides. Max starts by hating those people and ends up being their reluctant savior.

Lord Humungous = Aunty Entity = Immortal Joe.


Gyro Captain=Jedediah=Nux ... heck, they even used the same actor for the Gyro Captain and Jedediah

All three movies feature a "promised land" (north coast = "civilization" = "Green Place") where the people want to go and inevitably end up at Bartertown/Joe's Citadel.

All three movies have the exact same climax featuring a large rig of some sort pursued by smaller vehicles.

In fact even less happens in larger arc of these films than in SW. Max begins and ends in the exact same situation and lives the same story over and over again in each movie.

And yet Fury Road is universally praised... that's because, like TFA, it's one of those films whose virtues are in the execution and the journey. TFA has special meaning for those who have known and loved Star Wars and felt something was lost after 1977 or 1980.
There is a huge difference between the two. Mad max is a fairy tale with no real continuity between the films. In a sense, they are all reboots.

Star wars is the most watched serialized franchise of all time. Everything that is canon is a chapter of an ongoing story.

Not only that, but fury road was a 15 year labor of love. It was an unlikely surprise. It was the movie that George miller always wanted to do but couldn't.

The force awakens was not that.

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Re: Star Wars TFA - How much they got paid **SPOILERS**

Seriously? A part of me thinks it would have been BETTER without him.
I was totally on board with Rey and Finn from the git-go.
Didn't need Han even a little bit.
Imagine the film without Han or Leia...
Same film, just shorter. Neither of them were necessary.

I would have preferred they had just left the OT characters out of this.
Re: Star Wars TFA - How much they got paid **SPOILERS**

Don't know. All I know is he's not credited in the film. The Penn State guy is. Which suggests Ian wasn't actually used in the film.
Maybe he was just a stand-in.

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It was so obvious it was not Peter. I don't think he even attempted to mimic his unique stance or gait. Terrible.

Chewie's look at Rey when she's taking the pilot seat toward the end really felt like the old Chewie. Had to be Peter for that reason, and even more so because he was sitting down. ;)
Brilliant , that's the one thing I thought was missing on skellig Michael , Luke's old x-wing .....his classic ride , maybe repainted nestled in among the dry stone walls
Or maybe it's broken down and unflyable
Leia: "Luke, why did you stay away so long? We've needed you all this time!"
Luke: "Well gee, Leia, I was going to come back years ago, but the engine in my x-wing blew and I got stuck there.
Re: Star Wars TFA - How much they got paid **SPOILERS**

Were talking about something that can't really be helped here with Chewbacca, Mayhew can't run around. I still felt he was Chewie, but I didn't try to nitpick it, of course it's been 30 years, not everything is the same in that time.

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I think most people say hell no to that opinion. I am glad to see the old cast back.
A few thoughts after my second viewing today.

I found myself mentally viewing the events of TFA through my ANH lens. The similarities are overwhelming when you actively look for them. I also saw many more visual throwbacks. My favorite is the small Death Star power center interior (the part they shot in the interior of the DS at the end of Jedi) cleverly shown in a scene with Rey. JJ did a masterful job weaving the small visual homages to the Original saga as well as the big chunks of course.

I was checking off the plot pieces in my head like this...
Important plans in a droid. CHECK
Droid lost in a desert CHECK
Bored orphan teen in the desert CHECK
Booking transport in a cantina CHECK
Etc etc etc

...then I stopped. stopped because I think I began to see the rhythm that JJ was going for. The weight of the fan base is firmly on his back and he knows it. In order to take the mantle and create a bridge I think he saw his only choice was a sort of reboot sequel. JJ is an amazing mimic and that's exactly why I think he was right for the job. Let's be honest, we all want some more of the same ole ANH because the "same" was amazing and we loved it. Now that he gave us a ride in the original saga and we ate it up perhaps we are ready for the next movie to begin to evolve into something more.If you are like me and think ESB was the best of them then the best is yet to come. Maybe JJ has given us just what we wanted and didn't want to admit we wanted.
i for one left the theater with a new hope. :)
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Re: Star Wars TFA - How much they got paid **SPOILERS**

Chewie's look at Rey when she's taking the pilot seat toward the end really felt like the old Chewie. Had to be Peter for that reason, and even more so because he was sitting down. ;)

Ooof, I am not a fan of that look he gave her. It was very un-Chewie-esque, IMO. But I'm glad you liked it.

However, I do agree, Treadwell, that was likely Peter, given he was seated.

The Wook
There is a huge difference between the two. Mad max is a fairy tale with no real continuity between the films. In a sense, they are all reboots.
Miller never said they were reboots. That's why people constantly discuss the temporal relationship between the films. Miller's response is that he simply doesn't care about continuity and just likes to tell stories with the character.
It just so happens that it's he same story every time.
My take is that each movie is the depiction of events by a non-objective observer/narrator. In The Road Warrior it's clearly the adult Feral Kid. In Fury Road it might be Max himself.
In any case they were never described as reboots.
And, even if they were, you'd think someone would complain that it's still the same darn story since the 1980's - fairy-tale or not.
My only point is that there is value in the execution.

Let me add - when I saw Thunderdome I thought it was complete garbage. I still don't like it. In the 1980's I hated it because it was the same story as The Road Warrior. I'd probably be more forgiving if it was as tightly edited and crafted as The Road Warrior. At the time people accepted that the events occur after The Road Warrior and Thunderdome was just a continuation of Max's story.

When Fury Road was announced I was guarded about my enthusiasm. When I heard the basic plot I was all prepared to hate it, too. I even posted criticism about the recycled plot. But, when it was released, I watched it and enjoyed it thoroughly despite all the continuity problems and the recycled story. It was more like The Road Warrior than Thunderdome and that nostalgia and superb action carried me through the film's flaws. It's not unlike my regard for TFA in that sense. The whole notion that each film is just myth portrayed is only a recent justification for the continuity problems in the series.
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