Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Post-release)

As soon as I heard "Skyguy" I knew I was going to hate CW,

I think TFA is going to have the opposite journey as the PT. In that, the more people watched the PT, the more it fell into plot holes, failed writing, and felt less and less like the Star Wars we were promised. The more people watch TFA, and with the coming releases I think people will come to enjoy TFA more and more. We've already seen statements supporting that from numerous people here. TFA will find it's spot in the Star Wars universe as a very solid movie and addition (excluding the Rathtars bit) when the full trilogy is out available to everyone.
I've seen ESB about a hundred times and I have yet to see Han fighting Boba Fett.

He shoots at Vader, and punches Lando, but Fett, they didn't even talk, never mind fight.

I was going to say, the two are never even in the same scene until AFTER han is a block of carbonite. Fett was not Han's villain. Not sure he even had one, but if he did it'd be jabba - and they never fought directly either. :)


As to the style of TFA - i think that what it borrows from ANH/ESB could very well be intenional in the story line itself.

As the old saying goes, those who don't learn from their history are doomed to repeat it. The good guys won - then preceded to take the empire lightly by signing a treaty and basically disarming themsevles - apparently with absolutely no oversight of the former empire to make sure they weren't building up arms. All that smacks of the WWI/WWII stuff we all know about from our own history. The jedi are (seemingly) forgotten by all but a couple on each side, etc...

Clearly the galaxy didn't learn the first time around. Hopefully a good portion of this is addressed in E8...
Honestly? I think I would rather have more animated shows like the clone wars than anything.

Imagine if that group of people were given free reigns to the the post-jedi era

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Insofar as I think that long-form, episodic storytelling is arguably more enjoyable than a condensed, 2-2.5hr movie, I agree. That said, while I enjoy the Clone Wars cartoon (mostly beginning with the end of Season 1), it definitely had its uneven/weak aspects.

Well I thought season 1 of Rebels was okay, not great, but the second season was awful. I eventually just quit watching.

I've really enjoyed Rebels. I find that it has the "feel" of the first film, or at least gets as close to that as you can get. I think they could stand to develop things more, but we'll see where it goes. It's fun right now, though, and i've been really enjoying how it sort of incorporates the world-building elements from the EU (if not the plot points).
Other than that incident where Fett nearly takes Han captive in The Star Wars Holiday Special, after pretending to be his friend, they had no interaction at all until Han is freed from carbonite and about to be sacrificed to the Sarlaac. Unless he was that bounty hunder on Oord Mantell that Han refers to in ESB, but we still have no canon history of what that actually entailed.

Personally I liked the Star Wars comic book storyline where Fett was a woman, and jilted ex/partner of Han's from smuggling. That was far more interesting than his actual portrayed screen history.
Really? I loved that show. It was a great framework to tell a lot of different types of stories.

I'm 90% positive that they cancelled it because it wasn't family friendly. And watching rebels really hits that home

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I loved CW as well. They canceled it because it was $$$$$.
There's been a lot of speculation about Williams' score and how the music might tie the new and old trilogies and their characters. I think the Snoke/Plagueis thing has already been covered in this thread, but here's a new one...

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As soon as I heard "Skyguy" I knew I was going to hate CW,

I think TFA is going to have the opposite journey as the PT. In that, the more people watched the PT, the more it fell into plot holes, failed writing, and felt less and less like the Star Wars we were promised. The more people watch TFA, and with the coming releases I think people will come to enjoy TFA more and more. We've already seen statements supporting that from numerous people here. TFA will find it's spot in the Star Wars universe as a very solid movie and addition (excluding the Rathtars bit) when the full trilogy is out available to everyone.
They dropped the sky guy stuff immediately. And ashoka grew to become one of the best characters in the galaxy. She's up there with obi wan, luke, anakin, and leia .

I firmly believe that she was much more important to anakin's "fall" than anything to do with padme

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Don't think that's it, but I do believe disney is a part of it.

Lucas, for example, didn't care about the hollywood establishment or pursuing the awards. I want to say I read something that said they (LFL) opted not to pursue an acting nomination for McDiarmid in ROTS (whether anyone personally agrees is irrelevant) and basically said 'if it happens it happens'. Meanwhile, pretty much every other studio is working the system to get their people recognized. Disney will participate in the system, i have no doubt. I don't believe they'll resort to 'you owe us' or inimidation factors to do it though.Perhaps that wasn't what was meant, but like I said, I think they'll definitely work the system. I don't think a nomination will make much difference at the box office, but a win, that, i think will definitely pad the box office for them - hence their motivation.

Would not surprise me if Disney did use intimidation ! they used in on a theatre chain that QT had reserved for the opening of the hateful 8 on Christmas over a year ago because they were still set. Up to show 70 mm and Disney told them to break there contract with QT over that one location for that one showtime or they would pull star wars from the entire chain of 30 or so theatre's ! QT is sueing them now because they did as Disney told them and he had to retrofit a theater for his premiere.
I've really enjoyed Rebels. I find that it has the "feel" of the first film, or at least gets as close to that as you can get. I think they could stand to develop things more, but we'll see where it goes. It's fun right now, though, and i've been really enjoying how it sort of incorporates the world-building elements from the EU (if not the plot points).

I think the thing I liked most with Rebels is the mining from old concept art. It was neat to see that stuff pop up but season 2 quickly became a snoozefest for me.
Brilliant , that's the one thing I thought was missing on skellig Michael , Luke's old x-wing .....his classic ride , maybe repainted nestled in among the dry stone walls
That's something I was wondering was he stuck there ? That is why he could not be found his shipped crashed or broke or he got abandoned there somehow unable to leave . I like that better than him just hiding out while everyone else battled on .
There's been a lot of
speculation about Williams' score and how the music might tie the new and old trilogies and their characters. I think the Snoke/Plagueis thing has already been covered in this thread, but here's a new one...
Or another force baby like anakin who freaked her mother out when she startes manifesting powers ! With that video in mind I repeat what I said pages ago about the music used when palpatin disscuses plagus with anakin in the theater to snokes cadence they are very similar as well
Opps I did not see you mention the smoke theme thing I jusdt watched the bid sorry.
Ahh every time I put snoke it auto corrects me!!!!! Argh and leaves jusdt like it is a word lol
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To those who are unforgiving of the plot similarities between TFA and ANH:

By the same standard why isn't anybody critical of Fury Road for being just as derivative of The Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome? Max is the reluctant savior of a bunch of people he encounters in the wasteland and is the only one who can protect them from an evil gang.

In The Road Warrior Max falls in with the great northern tribe. In Thunderdome it’s those Blue Lagoon kids. In Fury Road it’s the brides. Max starts by hating those people and ends up being their reluctant savior.

Lord Humungous = Aunty Entity = Immortal Joe.


Gyro Captain=Jedediah=Nux ... heck, they even used the same actor for the Gyro Captain and Jedediah

All three movies feature a "promised land" (north coast = "civilization" = "Green Place") where the people want to go and inevitably end up at Bartertown/Joe's Citadel.

All three movies have the exact same climax featuring a large rig of some sort pursued by smaller vehicles.

In fact even less happens in larger arc of these films than in SW. Max begins and ends in the exact same situation and lives the same story over and over again in each movie.

And yet Fury Road is universally praised... that's because, like TFA, it's one of those films whose virtues are in the execution and the journey. TFA has special meaning for those who have known and loved Star Wars and felt something was lost after 1977 or 1980.
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