Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Post-release)

I think the reaction is, by and large, quite positive, but as many have already said, the film is not without its flaws. Those flaws will loom larger for some than for others, and that's ok. It's art. Whatever you think of its construction in an objective sense, your experience of it will still, ultimately, be subjective, so if it just wasn't doin' it for ya, that's totally legitimate.

Personally, as I've said before, whatever the flaws of TFA may be, I'm most excited at how it (potentially) opens up the Star Wars universe to some much more interesting storytelling. I'm looking forward to what comes next. I'm also tempted to buy this on bluray, even though I kind of want to hold out and see if (in a few years) we get a 12-disc mega-set with the archival OOT thrown in, in which case I'll feel kinda dumb buying the ST blurays a second time... (And no, I haven't bought any of them on blu-ray yet.)
The reason that the flaws loom larger for me than a lot of people is they are the same flaws that have bothered me in so many modern cookie cutter movies. I see so much star trek in these. Star trek and nostalgia.

So the reason I prefer the prequels is that at least their flaws come from an auteur. They are unique and there's very little that's cookie cutter about them. I can promise you that there will never be another trilogy like the prequels.

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My reaction tends to be just the opposite. Just because the "auteur" George Lucas committed the flaws doesn't diminish them in any way for me and I'd say any one movie of the PT was far more flawed than TFA. Even if I bought that the PT was so "unique" and not "cookie cutter", that doesn't save it in my book. For me, something can be unique and still suck. Beyond TFA following the age old, timeless "heroes journey" motif and being derivative of ANH, I don't see it as terribly cookie cutter at all. As far as nostalgia goes, as far as I'm concerned they just bothered to make TFA look and feel like it's in the same galaxy the OT occurred in, which is more than I can say about the PT. If that's nostalgia, that was absolutely the right way to go. The tech and general look and feel of the PT were almost totally off the mark for me.

On a tangent...

Just quietly reading comments here for many months before and now after the movie's release, I'm convinced a good many of the ones here that didn't like the movie at all had made up their minds long ago that they wouldn't. I specifically remember one member here actually complaining Han's outfit was "too brown" and lo and behold he later totally hated the movie. I saw another member saying the weapons didn't look right, despite the fact LFL followed the exact same ethos that went behind the weapons seen in the OT with few exceptions. Taking firearms (or models thereof) and "kitbashing" and building them up to look a little more otherworldly. The concept was the same and plausible enough considering the different environs and it being 30 years later. They wound up disliking the movie too. Some just didn't like JJ and I feel like regardless of what he had done, they wouldn't have liked whatever it was he had come up with. It doesn't matter. It's JJ and JJ Trek sux and he ruined ST and he would do the same with SW. Heck, I was actually disappointed when JJ was announced but I'd like to think I went in with an open mind and for the most part, I thought he delivered. Anyway, with the amount of nitpicking seen, yeah I think some minds were already made up.
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Many that loved the movie had made up their mind that they were going to love it before it was released. What's the difference.

I was excited at first, but the more details that came out before the release, I became less and less excited about it. For me, it was fortunate that I drastically lowered my expectations. To each their own. I don't really care if it upsets the majority of fans if I didn't care for it personally.
I can promise you that there will never be another trilogy like the prequels.

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Yeah, I'm ok with that. :)

My reaction tends to be just the opposite. Just because the "auteur" George Lucas committed the flaws doesn't diminish them in any way for me and I'd say any one movie of the PT was far more flawed than TFA. Even if I bought that the PT was so "unique" and not "cookie cutter", that doesn't save it in my book. For me, something can be unique and still suck. Beyond TFA following the age old, timeless "heroes journey" motif and being derivative of ANH, I don't see it as terribly cookie cutter at all. As far as nostalgia goes, as far as I'm concerned they just bothered to make TFA look and feel like it's in the same galaxy the OT occurred in, which is more than I can say about the PT. If that's nostalgia, that was absolutely the right way to go. The tech and general look and feel of the PT were almost totally off the mark for me.

And this is where I think we see the divide on objective evaluation and subjective, aesthetic evaluation. In an objective sense, I can respect the notion that Lucas tried to do certain things, regardless of whether he succeeded. (Although I find that my read of the PT is such that I question just how intentional the entire thing was as a coherent whole, as opposed to each individual film having a certain intentionality to it, but I guess that's a side matter.)

But aesthetically, I far prefer TFA in terms of the look and feel of it. To me, it feels more like the OT than the PT does, and ultimately that's what I wanted. The PT feels like it almost came from another universe, and I think a lot of that has to do with the art design choices in the PT.

On a tangent...

Just quietly reading comments here for many months before and now after the movie's release, I'm convinced a good many of the ones here that didn't like the movie at all had made up their minds long ago that they wouldn't. I specifically remember one member here actually complaining Han's outfit was "too brown" and lo and behold he later totally hated the movie. I saw another member saying the weapons didn't look right, despite the fact LFL followed the exact same ethos that went behind the weapons seen in the OT with few exceptions. Taking firearms (or models thereof) and "kitbashing" and building them up to look a little more otherworldly. The concept was the same and plausible enough considering the different environs and it being 30 years later. They wound up disliking the movie too. Some just didn't like JJ and I feel like regardless of what he had done, they wouldn't have liked whatever it was he had come up with. It doesn't matter. It's JJ and JJ Trek sux and he ruined ST and he would do the same with SW. Heck, I was actually disappointed when JJ was announced but I'd like to think I went in with an open mind and for the most part, I thought he delivered. Anyway, with the amount of nitpicking seen, yeah I think some minds were already made up.

Many that loved the movie had made up their mind that they were going to love it before it was released. What's the difference.

I was excited at first, but the more details that came out before the release, I became less and less excited about it. For me, it was fortunate that I drastically lowered my expectations. To each their own. I don't really care if it upsets the majority of fans if I didn't care for it personally.

See, this is a big part of why I avoided virtually all pre-release info. It afforded me the opportunity to go in cold and just view the film as the film. I know some folks really enjoy the pre-release hype game and speculation, but at least for me, I've found that it eliminates the pre-conceived notion issues and allows me to just walk in, sit down, and say "Ok, movie. Do your thing" and judge it accordingly.
Solo4114 And I'm the reciprocal. I love the spoilers and it in a sense prepared me for both the good and the bad before I sit to see the film. I have months to reconcile story elements in my head and make the film going experience, at least for me, far more pleasurable and relaxing. I have left all my angst far behind.
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@Solo4114 And I'm the reciprocal. I love the spoilers and it in a sense prepared me for both the good and the bad before I sit to see the film. I have months to reconcile story elements in my head and make the film going experience, at least for me, far more pleasurable and relaxing. I have left all my angst far behind.

I agree, Bryan, I like to know what to expect. I also like to know some things beforehand so I can watch for them. Many people have said they had to see the film several times to "get" it all. I didn't have that problem. Also, I never form expectations ahead of time, that, almost always, will be not met. I think most people that had a problem with the film had huge expectations that they needed to have met, that they were so disappointed. They just had to have the movie be exactly what they wanted. Their hated or just dislike of the movie is a form of tantrum. they expect if they scream loud enough the film will change.
I spoiled myself about Han's death. That helped a bunch. Other than that, I'm glad I didn't know anything going in. But hey, different strokes for different folks, right?
I spoiled myself about Han's death. That helped a bunch. Other than that, I'm glad I didn't know anything going in. But hey, different strokes for different folks, right?

Really, that was the only one of real import. Kylo being a Solo was a distant second and beyond that, we still don't know a lot of the story elements even post release! Who is Rey? Who is Snoke? Knowing how the story would unfold was interesting to know but beyond that the film retained a lot of secrets.
Really, that was the only one of real import. Kylo being a Solo was a distant second and beyond that, we still don't know a lot of the story elements even post release! Who is Rey? Who is Snoke? Knowing how the story would unfold was interesting to know but beyond that the film retained a lot of secrets.

Right, and I figured that out just by searching for it after release (and before I'd seen the film).
Right, and I figured that out just by searching for it after release (and before I'd seen the film).

Actually, also the Luke only being in the last scene. I read posts from people here who were going to hate the film if Luke wasn't all over it, swinging his lightsaber. I tried to gently talk them off the cliff as best I could to manage their expectations better but they would have none of it!
For Star wars, I prefer to go in completely blind. Growing up, my parents would actually tell me specifically where my Christmas presents were hidden, knowing that I liked surprises and would make sure to steer clear of them so as not to spoil it for myself. I like being surprised.

Unfortunately, other people seem to be unable to allow that.

I knew Han was in this one because he was in the trailer...which I DID avoid, but no one could shut the hell up about it for like three weeks, so learning that he was in it was absolutely unavoidable.

Other people spoiled Hans death for me. AND Luke being in it at the end...for no better reason than that some people like being mean.

To each his own...some definitely prefer to be spoiled. But for me it's much more impactfull if it's a Wash dying...that was like a gut I do still feel a little cheated that I was robbed of that experience with Han...a character who has been my favorite since childhood...I felt only annoyance that the spoiler was real.

I guess bottom line is: some of you like to speculate and look things up ahead of time. More power to you, I hope all of your predictions come true, and more than that: I hope you at least get the pleasure of an I-told-you-so in these after-release threads. But for God's sake keep it to yourselves before-hand.

(For the record: no one on this forum spoiled it. People here are usually very good at keeping info confined to places where it will only be seen by those who want it. It's pretty much...all of the rest of the internet who suck).
Actually, also the Luke only being in the last scene. I read posts from people here who were going to hate the film if Luke wasn't all over it, swinging his lightsaber. I tried to gently talk them off the cliff as best I could to manage their expectations better but they would have none of it!

Yeah, I didn't really care about that part. I think I saw it as I went looking for whether Han dies, but I didn't care one way or the other. I was a little surprised to find out that he had literally no lines, but I'm sure Mark Hamill was chuckling all the way to the bank. Probably in his Joker voice, too! At least, I hope that's how he sounded...

For Star wars, I prefer to go in completely blind. Growing up, my parents would actually tell me specifically where my Christmas presents were hidden, knowing that I liked surprises and would make sure to steer clear of them so as not to spoil it for myself. I like being surprised.

Unfortunately, other people seem to be unable to allow that.

I knew Han was in this one because he was in the trailer...which I DID avoid, but no one could shut the hell up about it for like three weeks, so learning that he was in it was absolutely unavoidable.

Other people spoiled Hans death for me. AND Luke being in it at the end...for no better reason than that some people like being mean.

First, I agree on the Christmas presents thing. My wife, however, is entirely different, and I have to SERIOUSLY hide her stuff. I don't think she'd go searching for it, but she wants to know NOW, rather than waiting for a surprise.

Second, people who spoil just to be mean suck.

To each his own...some definitely prefer to be spoiled. But for me it's much more impactfull if it's a Wash dying...that was like a gut I do still feel a little cheated that I was robbed of that experience with Han...a character who has been my favorite since childhood...I felt only annoyance that the spoiler was real.

I guess bottom line is: some of you like to speculate and look things up ahead of time. More power to you, I hope all of your predictions come true, and more than that: I hope you at least get the pleasure of an I-told-you-so in these after-release threads. But for God's sake keep it to yourselves before-hand.

(For the record: no one on this forum spoiled it. People here are usually very good at keeping info confined to places where it will only be seen by those who want it. It's pretty much...all of the rest of the internet who suck).

Actually, for me at least, it was Wash's death that made me go looking for whether Han dies. Han's my favorite character, too (I know. Shocking, right?), and Wash was my favorite on Firefly. When Wash died in the film, it completely took me out of the film. I was absolutely locked in up until that, completely absorbed by the experience of the film, right up until that moment. After he died, I spent the rest of the film going "Wait, what? He died?! WTF?! THIS IS BULL****!!!" in my mind. So, rather than let Han's death distract me, I wanted to be prepared for it.

But otherwise, I wanted to go in cold. I'm glad I did, too. I've actually been doing this since The Phantom Menace came out. That was the last Star Wars movie where I got super into the hype, and I can't help but think that it probably contributed to my disappointment. Not that the film wasn't disappointing in its own right, but that my disappointment was magnified by what the film turned out not to be that the pre-release hype had led me to expect it'd be. So, I haven't watched a Star Wars trailer since, nor have I followed the development beyond casting and unavoidable glimpses of costumes here and there.
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