Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Post-release)

Yeah, I'm still not a believer in being (majorly) spoiled. I'd still rather experience the movie as it comes at me, good or bad. That said, while not overtly spoiled, I did have some strong suspicions going into TFA. I strongly suspected Han would die, I strongly suspected Kylo Ren was related to at least one of the Big 3 and I strongly suspected Luke would not be in the movie much. I will say even I was surprised that he was only in for about 30 seconds and had no dialogue at all though.
For me though there is two much being shown in the trailers and tv spot, they are meant to be a hint , a nod , Jurassic World they SHOWED US THE NEW BREED OF DINOSAUR, and the trailer gave us the whole story beats from front to back. New batman vs superman again a lot of scenes and the enemy doomsday (hopefully this is a red herring).

star wars was no different ,way too much of the story , and by that I mean no scene that wasn't in the trailer, therefore absolutely no surprises , what made it worse was the toy companies released ALL the toys associated with it .....they announced that they had only released a third of the vehicles and characters, I was thinking wow if they are holding back there is going to be some great new ship designs, not only were all the ships released, there was characters and speeders that were not even in the final cut .....ridiculous.

what studios need to remember is that people's imaginations ,for fans of these films at least ,is very vibrant, and you can see on threads where people come up with great stories from the trailers and history of the characters , in a lot of cases these turn out better than the executed story.

we will wait for rouge one, this could potentially be better because it's stand alone and there are fewer income /outcome expectations.
I didn't recall seeing any spoilers in the TFA trailers. They didn't show us Poe's capture or that BB8 belonged to him, Finn & Poe teaming up, Rey being captured then escaping, Han's death, the fight between Kylo against Finn (hinted but not outright shown), and certainly not between him and Rey. Now reading all of the spoilers and potential spoilers in this, and the other, thread and seeing the trailer might have led to you filling the blanks and thinking the trailer spoiled things but I don't honestly feel that there were any real spoilers in the TFA trailers.
Yeah, but sometimes trailers showcase moments that are AWESOME moments, which would hit much better if you were seeing them for only the first time.

Classic example: Darth Maul igniting the second half of his sabrestaff. Whatever I may say about the PT, that is quite possibly one of the coolest moments in ANY of the Star Wars films. But it was spoiled in the trailer. And, for me at least, that led me to think that the entire movie would be that cool. Instead...well, you know.
Han's death really should have been easy to see coming even without the spoilers. Anyone who thought Harrison Ford was going to sign in for a trilogy of films clearly doesn't follow Harrison Ford. And his enthusiasm in promoting the film should have really sealed the deal. He got a great part and a fitting end, so long and thanks for all the fish!
A few days ago I talked to a good friend who is an avid star wars collector and hardcore OT fan who also liked the PT. He hates remakes or reboots of any kind but loves old movie classics.

Well, he LOVED TFA. He is IMO part of a large, conservative demographic of 40+ people. I wouldn´t have thought that he´d even like the movie.
Han's death really should have been easy to see coming even without the spoilers. Anyone who thought Harrison Ford was going to sign in for a trilogy of films clearly doesn't follow Harrison Ford. And his enthusiasm in promoting the film should have really sealed the deal. He got a great part and a fitting end, so long and thanks for all the fish!
I absolutely agree, I saw his death for the same reason, no way we're we going to see an enthusiastic Harrison ford at another round of promotion .
But even that was very badly telegraphed within the film, Han separating from chewie , then him following out was like a giant black and yellow ejector handle hanging over the whole in the ground .
Aww, how cute. Look at little Ben...

Han's death really should have been easy to see coming even without the spoilers. Anyone who thought Harrison Ford was going to sign in for a trilogy of films clearly doesn't follow Harrison Ford. And his enthusiasm in promoting the film should have really sealed the deal. He got a great part and a fitting end, so long and thanks for all the fish!

Not really the point. As I said with Christmas presents: if I'd wanted to know it would've been super easy to just peek. Same with spoilers... Yes it would've been easy to deduce... Many of you clearly DID deduce it. But anyone who thinks the fact that it can be deduced somehow justifies ruining it for people who are actively trying NOT to look ahead... Is just being a ******.

The fact that I could figure it out actually makes it worse. Because it means we're actually making an effort to NOT look ahead... Which is derailed for no better reason than because someone wants to show off their super leet Scooby Doo deduction skills.

If course I CAN figure it out. Looking at what was released before hand, a monkey could figure it out. The point is that many find it more enjoyable to have it reveal itself in the context if the story itself.
Not really the point. As I said with Christmas presents: if I'd wanted to know it would've been super easy to just peek. Same with spoilers... Yes it would've been easy to deduce... Many of you clearly DID deduce it. But anyone who thinks the fact that it can be deduced somehow justifies ruining it for people who are actively trying NOT to look ahead... Is just being a ******.

The fact that I could figure it out actually makes it worse. Because it means we're actually making an effort to NOT look ahead... Which is derailed for no better reason than because someone wants to show off their super leet Scooby Doo deduction skills.

If course I CAN figure it out. Looking at what was released before hand, a monkey could figure it out. The point is that many find it more enjoyable to have it reveal itself in the context if the story itself.

But how would they have hid that? Not have Harrison do any press? He's the biggest name in the film.
I stayed away from all spoilers. I even stopped watching any ads.

Then I went on facebook before heading to the movie and saw the biggest spoiler ever

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Come on! No you didn't! LOL!!!!
I actually felt sick.

The thing was, I didn't even know the dude who posted it.

But a friend of mine who did know the guy yelled at him and THAT was posted on my newsfeed.

Seriously. This was the night the movie premiered.

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I actually felt sick.

The thing was, I didn't even know the dude who posted it.

But a friend of mine who did know the guy yelled at him and THAT was posted on my newsfeed.

Seriously. This was the night the movie premiered.

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Good grief. Sorry about that but it's one of the other reasons I just let myself be spoiled as you can make it to the one yard line and then fumble and it was all for naught. Instead, for almost 24 months I was able to enjoy this movie as it came together, so thats the better value proposition for me. :)
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