STAR WARS Rebels new animated series!

But I like what Dave F said in the Rebels Recon about the filler episodes not being throw away episodes and how they'll tie in to S3...

That's what I have been saying all along although I never knew when the connections would be made.

So excited for S3. Seeing a rebel alliance looking more like what we know from EpIV. Seeing the new looks for our rebels. Really hoping we get Ezra aged a bit more.
That's what I have been saying all along although I never knew when the connections would be made.

So excited for S3. Seeing a rebel alliance looking more like what we know from EpIV. Seeing the new looks for our rebels. Really hoping we get Ezra aged a bit more.

Agree, although I was hoping to see a more de-centralized/splintered Rebel Alliance with different factions with different ideas on what to do and how to do things. Still, it's been great seeing the nascent Rebel Alliance form and struggle to stay ahead of the Empire and trying to get supplies and ships.
Dave talks about being able to do something that the fans have been wanting to see and discussing it at celebration.

I bounced around a few thoughts about events and characters like Obi Wan, Solo, but ultimately I believe they are going to have a story with Boba Fett.

I re-watched the Rebel Recon. Still trying to think of what Dave might be talking about. Made it sound more like an event than an appearance although maybe the event might include a character. Like may...

Lando: "Someone must've told them about my little maneuver at the Battle of Taanab."

I think the anything with Solo and Fett might be off limits as not to interfere with the stand alone movies.

I know they also talked about more stories having to do with the Death Star's construction and what happened at Geonosis maybe something to do with that which will link with Rogue One but not conflict with it. Ugg.. it's killing me... come on Star Wars Celebration!!!
Agree, although I was hoping to see a more de-centralized/splintered Rebel Alliance with different factions with different ideas on what to do and how to do things. Still, it's been great seeing the nascent Rebel Alliance form and struggle to stay ahead of the Empire and trying to get supplies and ships.

I think you can still have that. Bring in new groups would be important episodes. I think a lot of what it was referring to is looks. So I am hoping to see some X-Wings and uniforms more in line with the movies. Also even characters like Dodonna, Rieekan, Derlin and maybe some of the future Red Squadron pilots.
Minor disappointments "Heli-sabers" as many have mentioned, but what an overall great season ender! It left me wanting more. Love how Maul was both truthful about the Sith, and yet manipulative with Ezra.
What is the significance (if any) that Ventress was the voice of the holocron????

Also, do we think they will tie this superweapon into the death star?
Old guy needs young guy to unlock a vault.. Where have I seen that before?

oh yeah..


The Disney circle is now complete.
They're not going to have Ezra fall to the Dark Side, at least as not the final resolution of his character. That's just not the show they are making.
They're not going to have Ezra fall to the Dark Side, at least as not the final resolution of his character. That's just not the show they are making.

I would never have thought so. This show is way to light for that. But they keep teasing us with these beats of him going down a path, whether he knows it or not.
With the exception of the helicopter lightsabers (SO LAME), what a great episode and ending!

someone must have been playing tmnt games and stole mikes signature move.
it was goofy in the game, it was goofy here ;o)

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They're not going to have Ezra fall to the Dark Side, at least as not the final resolution of his character. That's just not the show they are making.

this was the only episode that felt like it could have been a clone wars show with serious threat and danger.

the rest of the series was way too light hearted and simple. it'd be nice it if t was like this a little more.

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Old guy needs young guy to unlock a vault.. Where have I seen that before?

oh yeah..

The Disney circle is now complete.

I also take it everyone noticed the meeting of ezra and old master mirrored yoda and luke? ;o)
Also, do we think they will tie this superweapon into the death star?

Maybe I'm mistaken, but wasn't there an episode in S2 where they teased that the Empire was building something massive in orbit? I got the impression the Death Star was already under construction during these events. Plus the B-Wing prototype secret weapon was also a teaser for the Death Star superlaser.
That was Geonosis. The rebels don't know what happen there only that something happened. They will be doing future stories about it. Most likely it will feed into Rogue One. There is also the unfinished clone war episodes you can watch at star about the empire obtaining really large kyber crystals for a super weapon. They mention in the trivia section of this episode also found at
Also, do we think they will tie this superweapon into the death star?

Possibly but if I'm not mistaken, going by the timeline the Death Star should already be in the planning stages if not already under construction. If that is the case then this Sith super weapon wouldn't have any effect on the Death Star, stories of it might have influenced Palpatine but that's about it.
I'm wondering if the Sith temple weapon will function as a McGuffin for the Ezra-Kanan-Maul love triangle next season, rather than tie into the Death Star. Or they could ignore it entirely and just focus on the holocron. I kinda like it when they don't explain everything about the Jedi, Sith, and the Force, maintain that level of mystery. Screw the midi-chlorians! :lol
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