Star Wars quick family portrait


Well-Known Member
After getting a great deal of work done Cyberman's Yoda this past Thanksgiving weekend, I thought I'd take a few quick pics of what I have done so far of my lifesize collection:



Pardon the crappy digital camera pics (I guess I spend way too much on props and less on other items :lol) but it looks better in person. Seeing them all together is a humbling experience! :thumbsup

But here's a rundown on what I need to replace on my "family members"


-new leather suit (in the works)
-new chestbox
-new gloves
-extend mannequin arms a bit
-rebulk arms and legs (as soon as I get the new suit)

2. Stormtrooper

-replace the belt (I have a canvas belt...just need to add it)
-add the other abdomen buttons
-some other minor work
-work on mannequin arm positions

3. Yoda

-add finger nails
-add hair
-new tunic (I sure hope Vaderdarth does his run)
-age robe more
-work on flute

Much thanks to various prop replica makers over the past year and half that I've been doing this!

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you should have the stormtrooper pointing his gun at yoda, like its a ransom video sent to the jedi, LOL.

really though, awesome setup!
"Surrounded by the Darkside, I am" :lol

I'll probably take some pictures with a better camera after I'm done with Yoda, Vader and the TK and put him back in the scenario.

Thanks for all the kind words guys!

Curious how you did Yoda's body. I have all the elements you have. Just need to get off my duff and build a body for him. Any tips?

Actually that would be Vaderdarth and myself.... few people remember me on the RPF, but no problem....
Curious how you did Yoda's body. I have all the elements you have. Just need to get off my duff and build a body for him. Any tips?


PVC pipes, coat hanger wire and epoxy does wonders. :love

Honestly, I had alot of help and advice from my dad on the torso and my mom helped sew up his sleeves on his robe (so I guess you can say it's a family project:lol). In the beginning, I got so frustrated that I almost threw the unfinished kit on the Junkyard here, until they helped me out. I'll try and show some pics of how I got him standing up on the stand.

Right now, I'm punching in his hair, just like with the paint job, trying to match the ESB Yoda. I can't wait til Vaderdarth & Hermes
starts up his robe and tunic set. I'm definately replacing the tunic (the one I have is a turd) but maybe the robe...dunno yet.

Plus, I have Guntahkela's necklace set coming soon. I swear, this site is invaluable when it comes to part runs. :)

All these good comments are really motivating. I can't wait to take better full on pics of him. Thanks again guys!

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