Star Wars Live-Action Update


Master Member
It's still alive:

From the article above:

"It’s [a] lot more talky. It’s more of what I would call a soap opera with a bunch of personal dramas in it. It’s not really based on action-adventure films from the ’30s – it’s actually more based on film noir movies from the ’40s!”

The time period we are expecting for the series plops the action right after the first Death Star was torpedoed and during the time when the Jedi were being hunted and eliminated by Darth Vader and the Emperor. Obviously, we are all hoping that the series, whenever it sees the light of day, will be great. I’ll take a leap of faith here and say that George knows there’s a lot on the line here for him, reputation wise. Cross your fingers.
I’ll take a leap of faith here and say that George knows there’s a lot on the line here for him, reputation wise. Cross your fingers.


Like he gives a ****.

And that article is wrong about the time period.
Im guessing theyd be hunting Jedi till the end of RotJ. Yoda is still around, Luke is becoming a Jedi. THeyre sorta hunting him ... and so on.

Who ever said there arent any others around to be looked for.
Jedi are "all but extinct" in ANH (Vader himself is "all that's left of that religion"! :eek)

So how many Jedi can there possibly be kicking around, before in ESB suddenly Luke and Yoda are the last ones (well plus Leia if you want... :rolleyes)

Still, setting a series in the "post ANH" gap would be great, since it's the "familiar Star Wars universe" that we are used to. And our heroes (and villains) would still be "out there" somewhere, even if off screen.

And in the last episode they find Earth, right? :lol

Then again I changed my mind, the TV series means endless fodder for more Plinkett reviews.

This could be the best thing ever! :lol
He said previously that he plans on filming 100 episodes, and THEN shopping them around to a network. Not that George needs money, but a series set in the "shabby-and-dirty" ANH era seems like it would be cheaper to produce than one set in the "new-and-shiny" prequel trilogy era from a set design standpoint...

After the Empire took over, trade and supply routes got squeezed, and ships and things fell into disrepair and new technology didn't make its way into the hands of the masses (which is how you explain seemingly newer-looking technology in the prequel movies which were supposed to be older, and more primitive-looking things in the original trilogy. ;)
I like the post-ANH timeline as well; seems like that era would be ripe for good story-arcs.

While I don't have high hopes for the show (assuming it even comes to fruition) I will give it a chance. When the Clone Wars series was announced I had no intentions of tuning in, yet I decided to give it a chance and ended up really enjoying it. Hopefully the live-action show will be good as well.
I would chalk it up to shoddy reporting by the site. They have repeatedly stated that the timeline that they are looking at would be in the 18 year gap between ROTS and ANH.
I would really love to see just how Boba Fett got his reputation of being the "most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy".

I also wonder, since we are still hunting Jedi...if by chance despite what Lucas has said that maybe, just maybe we will see some of Vader in action?
I also wonder, since we are still hunting Jedi...if by chance despite what Lucas has said that maybe, just maybe we will see some of Vader in action?

Probably not. Only because that would mean he'd be giving the fans what they really originally wanted to see in the prequels. :p

once again, I feel I gotta push for an adaptation of the stackpole xwing novels and comics.

the thing I think stood out in the prequels for me is that the main characters had 'super powers' that you couldn't totally relate too. Lukes force powers aside, the OT was all about normal people fighting together against an evil empire.

also, the PT was totally lacking in space battles apart from the big one at the beginning of EPIII. EPI was weak, fighting clones in EPII was okay-ish.

rogue squadron serves that up in spades. space battles, normal characters, varied combat.

bring it on
Probably not. Only because that would mean he'd be giving the fans what they really originally wanted to see in the prequels. :p


Gino, I could only HOPE that if we see post-ANH Vader, they will AT LEAST give you a call to help with the "propr" costume! I get the feleling we would see the ROTS costume instead, however. To Lucas - there IS no difference among the various movie costumes; at least, there is not SUPPOSED to be, in his mind.
Gino, I could only HOPE that if we see post-ANH Vader, they will AT LEAST give you a call to help with the "propr" costume! I get the feleling we would see the ROTS costume instead, however. To Lucas - there IS no difference among the various movie costumes; at least, there is not SUPPOSED to be, in his mind.

I appreciate that. And of course I would jump at the chance.
But I think you hit the nail on the head.

I love Deadwood, but... ain't Star Wars.

Yeah, the lightsaber scenes SUCKED in deadwood! :lol

If they do a post ANH and use the ROTS Vader... :sick

I think Lucas is showing that he is starting to see... that what the fans have in their minds is closer to what SHOULD BE than what he now invisions for the franchise... meaning look at the clone wars... TRUE they are adding onto alot of the artwork and framework of the PT but from a closer to what the fanbase wants to see kinda angle... (mandolorians! WOOT! LOL!)

And lucas is just executive producer of the CW. I'm hoping that the live action show will be done by a GROUP of people that "get it" more than Lucas does!