Interest Star Trek The Next Generation - 'Hotel Royale' Novel

Id be interested in option one...or option 2 if that is all that's available...this looks amazing!!

*sorry double post! im just that interested lol*
May 21, 2021 EDIT: No updates yet. I hope to continue with this project over the summer.
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How do i get included on the interest list?
I don't really do interest lists anymore. It's a lot easier for me to keep track of everything by just listing it as a pre-order through Etsy or eBay. My other previous (Morley Pack & Trek Boxing Poster) runs are probably going to extend into mid-late June before I can continue with the books.

May 23 EDIT: One other run that I had to put on hold for about a year (and was ahead of this one) is finally able to move forward again. There will be a little bit longer of a wait for these because of that. But this will give me more time to make sure the final version of the book is as good as it can possibly be.
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This is an original copy of the prop. The photo was taken on the set of a sitcom in 2020.

I was able to verify that the 'Hotel Royale' text on the back cover does match what is visible in a few screencaps from the episode.

The back cover summary paragraph is also not entirely accurate to the final version of events as seen in the episode, but almost certainly was not changed for the screen used book, since there is no way that the small text would be visible on screen.

I have updated the cover art to more closely match this version, since it is very likely to be identical to the original.

Interest thread for a possible limited run of the novel 'Hotel Royale' by Todd Matthews, from the season 2 episode 'The Royale': "A badly written book, filled with endless cliché and shallow characters." In the episode's script Data reviewed it: "The writing is elementary, the plotting predictable, the characters one-dimensional."

This is the best screencap of the book in the episode. The cover image is a 1988 photo of Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, and I have found the same actual photo that was used for the cover.

View attachment 834830

There was a copy of the Hotel Royale prop book auctioned by Heritage, but it's not the correct version. It was a later copy used for set dressing and isn't accurate.

Currently no info on possible pricing. It would depend upon the cost of obtaining the cover art in addition to the printing/binding costs.

There will be 2 different versions available.

I won't be keeping track of the options on the list here, and you don't have to choose/request the version that you want now, because I'll have them posted for sale separately on Etsy as they become available.

Option 1: Inside of book contains fully relevant content and a complete story which matches the description in the episode. Approx. $40
I'm working to make this one more realistic, but since I'm no professional writer, I make no guarantee that it will be coherent, logical, or entertaining.

Option 2: Prop version only, with relevant content only on the first and last few pages and page 244. The rest will be a single chapter of plot-relevant filler that repeats over and over again. Approx. $25.



1. RobI
2. Mpops89
3. Anakin Starkiller
4. Aldo The Apache
5. phasersonthrill
6. Jintosh
7. trekker670
8. E Williams
9. norbauer (x5)
10. ProfKSergeev
11. peter1701
12. Eric Ardros
13. MGC
14. Kokanee
15. riker12
16. MattMunson
17. eaviii
18. Rajman1138
19. vitacura
20. JamesHook
21. Dakota
22. mrwax
23. JoeG (x2)
24. jcroscigno
25. raif79
I would be interested
I was just randomly thinking about this again, and now I see your updated first post. Fingers crossed for 2023!
I was just randomly thinking about this again, and now I see your updated first post. Fingers crossed for 2023!
Yes. It's long overdue, and I finally have the other projects out of the way. I asked Earl Hays Press about the cover recently, since that photo of what appears to be an original prop was posted online last year. They are checking to see if they still have the artwork available. Even if they don't, I still have that really good replica of the cover art that Roland helped me to complete, and I can send that to them.
Hi!! I'm super late to the game but would LOVE to get a 2 copies of the prop you made! Is it still available?