Star Trek Props & Shuttle

Hey! Great to see those photos after our phone conversation!

You know I still have the shuttle interior miniature I built for Starship Exeter's Tressaurian Intersection episode...

It was our conversation that put it on the list of stuff to dig out. Those pages are 2 or 3 servers ago.

Done in PageMill even. Remember that one?
I know that this is side tracking a bit. But along the line of rescued TV and film props I have this to offer. This is the film used X wing from ANH. It is on long term loan to, and now I could be wrong here. To I believe the Colorado Air Force Acadamy in Colo Springs USA. It has been restored by a teem of many including some from my 501st Garrison. I just spent a few minutes finding a photo of it, and not the best mind you. Just was wanting to share that other full sized props have survied time.

It is back from Star Wars C4 and is displayed at the WOR in Colorado Springs. It has been singed by many of the cast members and prop makers.

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Sorry but that is not a screen used X-Wing.

It is one of nine commissioned by Lucasfilm years ago.

I set that thing up at Comic-Con for Lucasfilm as part of their big pavillion that year.
Well, then I stand corrected and I thank you. Sorry, but I have not seen the thing, just have read what others had wrote about it. I should know better I guess, but it is still cool IMO.