Star Trek Beyond

before we go all Into Darkness and scream... LOOK AT THE TOMATO METER

perhaps you should read some of the reviews:

Yet to say that the movie fails to break new ground would be putting it mildly. It truly feels like an extended episode, without a single “Oh, wow!” trick up its sleeve, which may be why, until the eye-popping climax, it’s more earnest than exciting.

What’s more, if you had to find a theme in the “Fast and Furious” films — apart from their real theme, which is that speed and destruction rock — it would be this: A motley crew of multiculti ego-driven auto pilots works best when they make themselves into a team.

“Star Trek Beyond” might have been more accurately entitled “Star Trek Contained.” It’s got a very familiar, old-fangled, no-mystery structure, and that’s because it’s basically the “Star Trek” version of an interplanetary action film, with a plot that doesn’t take you to many new frontiers"

Star Trek Beyond,” for all the addictive intensity of its visual flourishes, is the most prosaic and, in many ways, the least adventurous of the Abrams-era “Star Trek” outings.

What is forgettable, perhaps, is everything else about the movie, which doesn’t so much advance the “Trek” cosmology as keep it running in place.

So yeah... it sounds exactly like the crap that many of us were afraid it was going to be.
you're not alone. i like the cast. their real life personalities maybe not so much, but as the characters they do a good job.

it's just....this movie series is weird.

It kind of respects what has come before, and that is old spock being there.
but it flies in the face of everything else.

An enterprise that has a different nacelle design.
An engine room that looks like a brewery.
a REAL Warp core design that only came around after we complained about the brewery, which was still there..
putting the former captain pike in a wheelchair and then killing him off.

what looks like a complete redesign of kronos and the klingon ships....
romulans that act more like mobsters...

it's weird. it's like JJ understands so little, and is listening to an advisor that knows trek with half an ear. he says 'uh huh. uh huh..uh huh...oh, klingon ships that move like x wings... uh huh.. uh huh...' and then goes about doing things his own way..

that's the vibe i get off this new series. i'll wait for the VOD.

Star wars seems tobe the only series left that says 'you don't go against what the fans want...' even if that means copying and pasting episode 4 again :).

You forgot about the Klingons that look nothing like Klingons.
The STID Klingons looked a bit different, but there have been several different types of foreheads across the various series, so I didn't think that these were that inconsistent. I kind of liked the piercings, in fact.

Now their outfits didn't look particularly Klingon, and the bat'leth looks different, but I'm reasonably OK with those. I'm less OK with the weird D4 ships, but I really like the helmets...
So it looks like the movie is getting good reviews all across the board. That's good and all, but there was one comment on that left me scratching my head.

"All of this adds up to an okay movie experience. Right up, that is, until the climactic battle which is resolved in one of the stupidest manners ever committed to film."

More so than Martha? Ok, screw spoilers, I need to know this now.

*looks up what actually happens during the final climactic battle*


There was actually a point in using Sabotage in the original teaser than simply to make the film come off as 'Rad'. It turns out that the swarm ships use this radio frequency to communicate with one another so the crew uses this song on their frequency to disrupt their communications. Ugh, ok. Same silly thing happened in Independence Day. Type a few words on a Mac (Yay!) laptop and the alien invaders are now vulnerable. Unfortunately, that's not where this stops. The swarm ships actually start to explode because the loud noises and shouting in the song is too much for the ships to handle. The day is literally saved by the freaking Beastie Boys.

I get it. I really do. You're bringing something that Kirk liked during his younger days back into this movie. On the other hand, this is just another case of, and I hate sounding like a broken record at this point, blatent indulgence. This feels like it was put in just to put a big fat smile on JJ Abrams' face.

But what does it matter in the end, right? Fans of this new take will surely love it and many will probably enjoy the film overall that the ending won't even bother them. Who knows? They might actually execute it in such a way that I might even like it. That may still be a long shot, but it's better than bashing it like a blind hater.
The STID Klingons looked a bit different, but there have been several different types of foreheads across the various series, so I didn't think that these were that inconsistent. I kind of liked the piercings, in fact...
The piercings were the one thing I didn't like about the Klingons in STID. Too trendy, and it'll just look dated in 10 years. Hell, they probably would have had tribal facial tattoos as well if they hadn't already used that on the Romulans in the 2009 movie. :rolleyes
nope, didn't forget. i'm told i bitch too much and am too critical ;o)...

:lol in my opinion, you are rather tame... They obviously have not been to youtube and seen some of the lunatics out there. Those people bitch and complain about anything and everything, keyword: everything.

So now they're aping from Mars Attacks :behave

The title is finally complete! "Star Trek: Beyond Mars Attacks"


Remind me, who wrote this? And if this is better than what they originally had planned, what the hell did they have planned? :confused :wacko
:lol in my opinion, you are rather tame... They obviously have not been to youtube and seen some of the lunatics out there. Those people bitch and complain about anything and everything, keyword: everything.

apparently i run over baby deer and cats in the street for fun. all for constant critical ;o)

i was just thinking back in the day how people at least tried to put some effort into their movies. even stuff like Last Action Hero or suburban commando, while totally stupid and shlocky, are some of my favorites to revisit because it looked like people had fun working in that universe for one time only.

now adays, it seems like movies like star trek are made fluff. it only resembles what you know by name. and that's why people are so critical about it. but that doesn't seem to matter to anyone anymore.
apparently i run over baby deer and cats in the street for fun. all for constant critical ;o)

i was just thinking back in the day how people at least tried to put some effort into their movies. even stuff like Last Action Hero or suburban commando, while totally stupid and shlocky, are some of my favorites to revisit because it looked like people had fun working in that universe for one time only.

now adays, it seems like movies like star trek are made fluff. it only resembles what you know by name. and that's why people are so critical about it. but that doesn't seem to matter to anyone anymore.

I didn't get to see the Last Action Hero until 1999 or something, I loved it. It may not be in my top 50, and I haven't seen it in years but.... I have very fond memories of the film :)
OK, I read the spoiler above. If that's true, then they've lost their minds.

I'm not sure I believe it...or maybe it just works better in context, because it has been getting decent reviews.

In any case...I've done nothing but complain about JJTrek since the last movie and declare my plans to avoid this that we're down to it, I'm starting to think that I just don't have the conviction to keep to that. I like a lot of JJ's work...and even with it's flaws I did really enjoy TFA a lot. IS a star Trek's not like I haven't paid to see imperfect Trek before...I went opening day to Final Frontier...and Nemesis...

So in the end, now that we finally come to it...I think I'm probably going to go see this. I just have to get myself in the right frame of mind so that I can go in open minded about it.
Well, here's a TV Spot that spoils a major plot point involving Krall. Putting it under spoilers.

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So now they're aping from Mars Attacks :behave

Yeah! The dope musings of Mike D and the boys save the day!!

And don't forget: "You Gotta Fight! For Your Right! Ta Paaaarty!!"

Yes, indeed, "The right to party". Nothing has said this "thing of importance" in quite this way. "The right to party" is among the basic principles by which the Federation was founded and the most noble of causes that Kirk and crew do, indeed, fight for!!

Was not "The Rght to Party" the last words that a dying Spock gasped out to Admiral Kirk in "The Wrath Of Khan"??? (That and something about "the needs of the many" outweighing something...)

So pumped for pumped....
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I read a review that got down to brass tacks and it vindicated my thoughts on what kind of writer Pegg is and what was produced.
I read a review that got down to brass tacks and it vindicated my thoughts on what kind of writer Pegg is and what was produced.

but.. you can't do that unless you see it! (upgraded from the 'you can't do that until yo see the trailer crowd') (feigbusters crowd have been hearing for months ;o)..
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