Star Trek "Best of Both Worlds" in theaters April 25th

About an hour's drive for me, but I emailed my local theater. Seeing it on the big screen would be pretty cool. Thanks for the info!
I went to the last two theatrical showings that coincided with the releases of the previous blu-ray releases. I hope to go to this one as well.
How would they look on the big screen? They were shot for TV, before HD. I just can't imagine they would be that clear in the theatre.

The live action and practical effects were all shot on film, which CBS and other studios have been gathering and re-editing every single episode to present it in HD. You see, Originally after the episodes were shot on film, they were transferred to standard definition tape for ease of editing and effects incorporating. Even using the upscaled transfers of the original tape edited material, it still didn't pass as "BluRay" quality.
Which is probably why they re-did the effects, so they could justify another $90.00 out of each Trek fan again!

What the devil? The only effects they re-did are the ones that weren't practical like phasers and those weird energy anomalies. Any practical effect shot that is CGI was in the BluRay was done because the elements were missing or because the effect itself had a glaring flaw to it that wasn't able to match the artist's/film maker's intent (i.e. The Captain's Yacht is NOT the main phaser bank).

And I'm sorry, but the quality of TNG in High Definition is light years better than DVD, since those discs were using VHS as it's main video source and not the film/digital source that a lot of movies and high end TV shows were using. So I would argue that we're upgrading from VHS quality DVDs to BluRay quality, not DVD quality to BluRay quality. I find the price of the BluRays to be very reasonable.
The thing is, TOS IMHO still holds up as a great show. TNG seems like anpther show from the 80's. The first three season of TNG are my favorite.

By the sixth season when all they did was stay on board the ship and have all the peril come to them, (Since the actors were now being paid to much and they could not afford loaction shots) I lost my drive for it.

When it went off the air, I didn't really care. But I still love the first three seasons! Love the props, including the dustbuster phaser and that big clunky tricorder. I remember the sense of awe when Riker first tapped his communicator and how cool it was! They brought back the sense of awe and wonder that was Trek, but around the fourth season it began to wane for me.

The smileys don't really convey this well anymore but... :unsure:facepalm

TNG got really awesome in season 4 and beyond. Always on the ship? Me thinks TNG needs a rewatch from you...
I'm hoping for a much lengthier view of the spaceship "graveyard". All those wrecked starfleet vessels blew my mind when I first saw them. But, I'm sure we'll only get the few seconds of digital clarity and I'll probably end up dizzy as I try to spot all of them.
The thing is, TOS IMHO still holds up as a great show. TNG seems like anpther show from the 80's.

So that's it? Your ignorant arguments about The Next Generation being in HD is nothing more than a stab at TNG for not being as good as the original series in general? This is not a TOS vs TNG debate. This is about TNG getting some recognition again, and for a very good reason. TNG being in High Definition should, for all intents and purposes, never have happened. You don't see this sort of thing happen often because the product we got for the original broadcast was supposed to be the end all, be all of TNG. Even Rick Berman openly regrets not doing TNG in a film format to better preserve the quality.

TOS had it's HD run when it had the remastered episodes, the theatrical showing of "The Menagerie" in theaters, and the wonderful BluRay sets that were released after the death of HD-DVD. This is simply TNG's turn, and the results have been wonderful.
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