Star Destroyer #3

That head on shot is just unreal, you nailed that profile, even in plain plexi, it looks stunning, and very faithful to the studio mini.

Plywood frames done. Hull panels attached with screws only for now. Have yet to cut the docking bays from the bottom, as well as the mounting access areas. As of now it mounts from the rear, though I am thinking to have mounting from the starboard side like the filming model, and bottom too. The stand under the forward section is just there to keep it from rolling. Nothing is attached to the hull yet, and I have to come up with a mechanism to prevent rolling.

According to Lorne Peterson, the "U" channels and rims on the edges of the brim trench were made of brass. I can get the brass for the rims, but does anyone have an idea where the "U" shaped channels can be found?



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MAN, that looks good! I was drooling at what you brought to the show, and this progress is just amazing to see...
Lol, think i got the wrong end of that question, but, ill try again, the U channel looks bonded around the outer hull edge, actually situated over the edge of the plexi.
Then the other brass rim is applied over that?

Lol, think i got the wrong end of that question, but, ill try again, the U channel looks bonded around the outer hull edge, actually situated over the edge of the plexi.
Then the other brass rim is applied over that?


If we understood Lorne correctly (Charles and I asked about this), both the U channel and rim are brass. Being brass, the rim is soldered (it would have to be silver soldered) to the U channel, then fit over the plexi edge. The rim is brass because it is sturdier than thin plastic, avoided a waving, warped looking edge.
MAN, that looks good! I was drooling at what you brought to the show, and this progress is just amazing to see...

Thanks, Jason! I want to thank you and the guys again for inviting me to add it to your display there. Having Lorne see it was one of the highlights of my artistic career! He was one of my childhood heroes ever since I saw The Making of Star Wars on TV in 1978 (or as Lorne called it, The 'Faking of' The Making of Star Wars). Since then I was more a fan of the ILM guys than the movie.
Holy moly Rick. This thing just dropped my jaw with awe. Looking seriously fresh Rick. The personal touches give it that slightly fresh look rather than the studio model offers from any angle. Almost studio accurate yet original though equal. Should stop staring at my parts & start building :wacko Keep up the good work.
Thanks, guys. Below is a photo that I didn't intend to take, but when I set it upright to make room to do other things I thought it would make a good addition to the progress pics. This shows how big it is. It is a lot bigger than my first 2 destroyer models, as this one is more than a foot longer.

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Here I have the bulk of the trench detailing done. Still have to do a little sanding of resin here and there. My 8Rad parts also need the extra greeblies, though I can glue them on later, once I figure out what they are, that is.

I was both happy and sad that I found the PERFECT brass U channels. They fit the plexi edge like they were made for each other. Unfortunately, the hobby store I found them at are discontinuing ordering them, and I only have enough to complete one edge. At least I know they are out there to find more!

Next I am going to concentrate on mounting from the bottom and side. For now it is mounted from the rear where the middle engine will be. The stand is strong enough to hold it, but it is a long and heavy model, and balance becomes an issue.



My 8Rad parts also need the extra greeblies, though I can glue them on later, once I figure out what they are, that is.

Off the top of my head, you need the Airfix Saturn V, the Nichimo 1/35 jagdtiger, a MG-34 from any of a number of kits with 1/35 soldiers in them...

...and, IIRC, the SD has the entire 8-Rad assembly that was cut down for either side of the Y-Wing, so you'd need landing gear from a 1/24 fighter, but I forget which one. Messer, maybe.

I'm no doubt missing a few...
Off the top of my head, you need the Airfix Saturn V, the Nichimo 1/35 jagdtiger, a MG-34 from any of a number of kits with 1/35 soldiers in them...

...and, IIRC, the SD has the entire 8-Rad assembly that was cut down for either side of the Y-Wing, so you'd need landing gear from a 1/24 fighter, but I forget which one. Messer, maybe.

I'm no doubt missing a few...

Thanks for the info! I'll look for these.
Wow, you are moving fast! Looking great! :) You're inspiring me to get some work done on one of these over the summer. . .
Rick, if i still have it in my stash, i can send you some of the channel. Can you tell me the size you have used please, im sure i bought a pack of it from EMA a LOOOOONNNG time ago.

Well i found 9 lengths of 1/8 brass U channel, but i think that may be too small?


Lee, I really appreciate the offer. The channels I bought weren't marked. I brought a scrap piece of plexi with me and tried to find channels that fit. I don't have access to them now to measure, but the plexi I'm using is 3/32" thick. The opening on my channels fit the 3/32" plexi like it was meant to (perfectly). Is the 1/8" channel measuring the outside? If so, it might be what I need.

Into work now Rick but im sure 1/8 equates to the overall width, so it could be the stuff, 3/32 sounds about right for the internal? Im terrible with imperial lol.
Ill get home in the AM and check, and if so, ill fire it over in the mail.
