Stan Winston Studio contact help?


Master Member
I'm pretty sure some folks here have connections with - or at least have met - some of the artists at SWS.

I have a research question regarding a prop they built.

If anyone here is willing and able to relay a question, I'd be grateful.

Drop me a PM or email
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My wifes cousin is Shane Mahan, you don't get much higher than that :love

If you can get your answer she may be able to help.
I have to say that I find it sad that the studio name Stan Winston will no longer live on. While it could be said that if everyone would have parted ways and started anew, we then would have arrived at the same place. The fact remains that they rebranded the existing studio, and I find it does nothing to honor the memory of a great pioneer in this industry.

Most people know who Jim Henson and Walt Disney are, because the studios bear their legacy. In five to ten years a new generation of fans will watch a movie and go 'wow, great effects by studio X'. But how would they ever link that back to Stan and the pioneering work that made a lot of that 'wow' possible. I can't fathom not putting the word Muppet and Henson together, or Disney Animation. When George Lucas dies, you think they'll change "Lucasfilm" to "Legacy Films"? Of course not. That would be moronic. The name stays.
I am now at a loss to see how Stan's name beyond our memory will continue to live on. :cry

Goodbye Stan and thank you for everything!
Difficult to say. Has there been any public statements offered as to why they changed the name? Perhaps it was by request of the Winston family themselves...?
While very, very, sad, I fully understand why they did it and wish them the best in luck.

Shane and John will ALWAYS be tied to Stan as his pupils who have moved on.
I am really close with someone at Legacy what is the question? PM me and I will be happy to see if I can't get you the Answer.. I just realized how old this thread is, woops. Shane and me....jpg