Spidey on a budget? Is it possible? HELP NEEDED!!!

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates over the past few months. I've decided to move away from the cloth costume idea as I want to build an armoured version instead (sort of like a cross between the Iron Spider and the Sinister Six suit).
It's still in the planning stages, but I should hopefully be starting a separate thread within the next month or so.

Kind regards, The14thDr
It's taken me almost a year, but I finally got round to making some sketches of my budget Spidey suit. It's a complete reboot compared with my original ideas, but I quite like the unique design and originality.

Kind regards, The14thDr :D
I've had the mask for this particular build for over a year now, and I've only just made the lenses. I wanted the mask to bridge the gap between the ASM1 and 2 suits, so I took the shape of the Amazing Spider-Man 2 lense frames and made them smaller (about the same size as the TASM eyes). I will also use the lenses from a pair of sunglasses to create the actual lenses themselves.

So far all I have are these foam frames, which I created from a cardboard template
I'll be gluing these onto the mask using PVA glue tomorrow.

Kind regards, The14thDr :D
If you need to go cheap I made a vigilante suit years ago using a red zentai mask and fishnets over top I then made a webshooter using a real watch removing everything except the glass and printing a picture which I stuck inside then just black jeans black top black jacket hat and sunglasses cost me about £4 as I raided my closet lol
If you need to go cheap I made a vigilante suit years ago using a red zentai mask and fishnets over top I then made a webshooter using a real watch removing everything except the glass and printing a picture which I stuck inside then just black jeans black top black jacket hat and sunglasses cost me about £4 as I raided my closet lol

Thanks for the inspiration. :) In my head I've created a third design which is completely different to the one I posted above. I want it to be a street-style Spidey (similar to the Vigilante but looking more like an actual Spider-Man suit). I'll post more photos soon.

PS. Will the frames stick to the spandex mask with just PVA glue or do I need to try something stronger?
To be honestly, i dont think you can get a accurate suit for free. But you can try tomake it by yourself by doing research and practice skills
You can check my post here how i created my prototype suit

You can also try making the suit by from a cheap spandex full body suit, if you want to make the suitas cheap as possible, then you should learn how to sew and how to make a pattern, it will save you alots money but it also needed alots skill to do that
To be honestly, i dont think you can get a accurate suit for free. But you can try tomake it by yourself by doing research and practice skills
You can check my post here how i created my prototype suit

You can also try making the suit by from a cheap spandex full body suit, if you want to make the suitas cheap as possible, then you should learn how to sew and how to make a pattern, it will save you alots money but it also needed alots skill to do that

I'm not really going for an accurate suit; more of a custom Vigilante/street-style Spidey. Peter Parker's first costume would have been quick, cheap and easy to create, so that's what I'm trying to achieve with this project.

Here's the new-and-improved sketch I promised you all:
I haven't drawn the front spider yet, as I'm still trying to decide which design to use (my main choices are the ASM1, ASM2, Raimi suit, or custom symbol - so basically I’m open to anything at the moment! :D). The top half of the costume is basically a blue jacket with red parts added to the top and the trousers will be a pair of blue joggers.

Kind regards, The14thDr [emoji3]
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I'm not really going for an accurate suit; more of a custom Vigilante/street-style Spidey. Peter Parker's first costume would have been quick, cheap and easy to create, so that's what I'm trying to achieve with this project.

Here's the new-and-improved sketch I promised you all:
View attachment 517791
I haven't drawn the front spider yet, as I'm still trying to decide which design to use (my main choices are the ASM1, ASM2, Raimi suit, or custom symbol). The top half of the costume is basically a blue jacket with red parts added to the top and the trousers will be a pair of blue joggers.

Kind regards, The14thDr :D

awesome , then you might wanna checkout evan jung on youtube , he does make costume like this
Would string work for the raised webbing? I'm thinking this would be neater than using puffy paint, and it won't crack when I move in the costume.
Would string work for the raised webbing? I'm thinking this would be neater than using puffy paint, and it won't crack when I move in the costume.

It depends on how thick your string is, the way you attach it to the costume, and how much mobility you get from it. But I really recommend you using Tulips slick black puffy paint because it stretches well with the fabric. I used the slick for both of my puffy'd suits and neither of them have cracked.
Thanks matthewdelacruz (big fan of your costume builds btw).

The string I'm planning on using is standard ball-of-string type string (I'm not 100% sure on the thickness -- 3mm or something like that)
The string would probably just be glued onto the costume.

I'll take a look at the Tulips puffy paint, and hopefully I'll have some progress photos of the costume soon.

Kind regards, The14thDr :D
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