SPIDERTEEN911's Definitive Spider-Man Suit! SOLD TO chaosprince PIC HEAVY!

Re: (WIP) "This is so NOT spandex!" SPIDERTEEN911's Definitive Spider-Man Suit!

Thanks for all the encouraging comments guiizz! lol Anyway, started more work on the shoes today, merged some cheap tennis shoes and converse for a unique look, did a first layer of red spray paint, take a look! ;)

Re: (WIP) "This is so NOT spandex!" SPIDERTEEN911's Definitive Spider-Man Suit!

Finished my shoes today! 3 layers of red and gloss. Glued some rubber washers on the soles as well to give sort of that "asics" feel to it :D Also, TJack's spare frame came in today! Went ahead and glued everything together (much more carefully xD). Take a look!

Re: (WIP) "This is so NOT spandex!" SPIDERTEEN911's Definitive Spider-Man Suit!

Soo... been a LONG time lol Sad to say I had to abandon this project for several different reasons; never got a hold of a seamstress, ran out of money/resources, and personal stuff that came up that caused some bad scheduling to finish it. I've recently sold it to a fellow RPF member chaosprince, who plans to actually finish it up himself, so he might post a few updates on this thread. It was fun while it lasted, but glad someone else will be enjoying it. I may (in the future) re-work this design a bit differently and 'perfect' it, as much as I could with better ideas I have in store for it, but until then, excelsior my friends! :D
Re: (WIP) "This is so NOT spandex!" SPIDERTEEN911's Definitive Spider-Man Suit!

Soo... been a LONG time lol Sad to say I had to abandon this project for several different reasons; never got a hold of a seamstress, ran out of money/resources, and personal stuff that came up that caused some bad scheduling to finish it. I've recently sold it to a fellow RPF member chaosprince, who plans to actually finish it up himself, so he might post a few updates on this thread. It was fun while it lasted, but glad someone else will be enjoying it. I may (in the future) re-work this design a bit differently and 'perfect' it, as much as I could with better ideas I have in store for it, but until then, excelsior my friends! :D
Firstly, the work you've done so far is above and beyond what most people go through to make a suit.
I've been researching for quite a while now and am going to do my best to complete this suit and stay true to your hybrid ASM2/Comic vision.

I'll be getting it sewn up ASAP, then I will be professionally detailing it with some airbrushing and a touch up on the puff paint. I've purchased Markpoon's web shooters and will be incorporating them into the suit as well.

I'll also be using TJack's new ASM2 Face shell and lense/frame once he completes his first couple sets of them.

I am hoping to be done with everything by March 1st.

I will be providing pictures and some video as well.

I am going to be using it March 7-9 for Sacramento Comic-con and will be shaking hands with Stan Lee while in the suit. I hope for you guys that I will be able to channel the inner-Peter Parker and get some great shots for everyone still following this project.

Thanks for giving me the chance to finish this thing, I'll do my best to not disappoint.

Re: (WIP) "This is so NOT spandex!" SPIDERTEEN911's Definitive Spider-Man Suit!

Sounds great, chief! I know you'll do a GREAT job on it! :D
Re: (WIP) "This is so NOT spandex!" SPIDERTEEN911's Definitive Spider-Man Suit!

For the shoes, I've decided to take a page from Lunaman's build and create the, "Insert sandwich".
Lunaman's shoe style:

This process makes the end product look closer to the comic book amazing/ultimate spider man look.
Since this print and the eyes are akin to the comic style I'll honor the HYBRID style by using Lunaman's shoe build.
This actually leads to a stronger build as well, since I will be adding a top sole into the actual suit and then the bottom sole will be near invisible.
This will lead to the classic comic style look added to an amazing spiderman 2 style build.
I'm really excited to get to work on this build.
I'll be providing pictures once materials start coming in and updates on the suit as well.

Re: (WIP) "This is so NOT spandex!" SPIDERTEEN911's Definitive Spider-Man Suit!


I've received the suit from SpiderTeen and I've gotta say that I'm impressed with the puff paint job, I may not need to even do a touch up on it!
Pics of how they survived through the mail (very nicely):
(Some of them had puff paint stuck to a couple other lines which came away no problem after a gentle tug.)
When I send it off to get sewn tomorrow morning I'm going to fold them up with wax sheets to forego any future "sticking".






Seamstress says I'm first on the list to get sewn up so I should have some good updates this week and next week.

Re: (WIP) "This is so NOT spandex!" SPIDERTEEN911's Definitive Spider-Man Suit!

Shoes come in this week, along with some materials for the webshooters. I'll be doing as much work on the shoes as I can without having the finished suit to work on.
For the webshooters, I am going to use a combination of wristbands, some adhesive, rare earth magnets and marcpoon's webshooter build (which light up very sexily). For a more industrial look (as the ASM2 costume leans toward) I'm going to leave the webshooters unpainted. Though if they are too "shiny and new" I'll be getting them, and the suit, lightly airbrushed for a bit more detail
Pictures to come as I make more progress.
Re: (WIP) "This is so NOT spandex!" SPIDERTEEN911's Definitive Spider-Man Suit!

I'm sorry to say the frames did not quite make the trip as well as the suit did.
I'll try and fix them up for my display suit though, and just use the new lenses and frames coming from TJack on this build.

Everything will work itself out.


It turns out the size 12 shoes you sent me fit my brother perfectly and he'll be using them for his future Scarlet Spider suit or (as he says, but idk how he would) as a base for an iron man boot to build around for good traction.
Either way, the Pseudo-Asics have now found a home with a future build.
My feet are size 8-8.5 haha, so those things were Aircraft carriers to my model airplane feet.

Next update will most likely be the web shooters and the customization I'll be doing for them to be part of my suit.
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Re: (WIP) "This is so NOT spandex!" SPIDERTEEN911's Definitive Spider-Man Suit!

Suit has been shipped off.

The tuxedo shoes I'm using came in today as well as some great looking materials I'm using.
Re: (WIP) "This is so NOT spandex!" SPIDERTEEN911's Definitive Spider-Man Suit!

The shoes came in and they are the perfect size:

I'll be cutting off that heel sometime this weekend and then separating the bottom sole from the top.
The bottom sole will be glue on the outside of the suit; the suit material being sandwiched between that and the top shoe insert which will be inside the actual suit.
I'm going to trim that tongue down a bit too, since it will show a bit through the suit, which I do not want to happen.

Here's a picture of the sole's grip, which is very comic book-like, very happy with it:

For the ID (when I'm "maskless") I picked up an id holder and a lanyard, since I'm not sure what I'll do yet.

I might just order to SUPER THIN rare earth magnets and then glue them, one to the back of the card holder, and one to an elastic seamless chest strap.
That would look cool too.
If I get lazy, the lanyard will do; but let's hope I can keep the motivation level higher than that haha

Final update for today is that my wristbands came in this morning:

(FYI, that's the extra one on the floor, not an excess of the strap)
Other side:

I will be E-6000 gluing a rare earth magnet to each wrist once I get my web shooters in; no real point to doing that now.
This will ensure a seamless, movie-like, effect, making the web shooters seem as though they are connected to the suit (instead of through the suit.

I'll try and update again next Monday if I get more materials in. If not? Probably Wednesday or Thursday.

Wish me luck, everything is coming together relatively well so far.

- - - Updated - - -

Side Note:
If the straps end up looking a bit too bulky, I'll be making some generic elastic wrist bands or something more form fitting.
Re: (WIP) "This is so NOT spandex!" SPIDERTEEN911's Definitive Spider-Man Suit!

Minor Update:
I'm getting a U-Zip entry for the suit, like they have in the actual film.
I'm also getting my mask sewn attached but with a zipper to hideaway for eating/drinking water.
The stitching will be double reinforced at the stretch points and will have surging done on the other parts (something like that, I'm lacking in the lingo).
I've also been working on my witty banter, I want to be able to make lame jokes (not as frequently as Deadpool would, but just enough to get a giggle).
Lastly I've sent in all of my measurements for the suit and I have full confidence that the suit will come out fitting me perfectly.
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